TAGAROT 'Veleda's Prophecy' INDEPENDENT For those not tuned into folkloric history, Veleda was a prophetic priestess of the Germanic 'Bructeri' tribe and serves as the foundation for the title of Tagarot's debut EP. 'Veleda's Prophecy' glimmers with sheer class, emphatic folk music beats and metal crunchiness, not only does it get your feet tapping it demands you to get up and dance. Letting this rip loud across the Alps would cause an imminent landslide under the sheer power delivered, through the use of traditional folk instruments alongside the basics of metal music (as expected in Folk Metal) Tagarot have developed their own sound which might as well be labelled "Alpine Folk Metal". Full of promise, it won't be too long before Tagarot build up a loyal fan base across Austria and Central Europe. The downside is that vocalist Carina Linder has left the band, so whomever takes the reigns must have the aptitude and power to succeed such a decent vocalist. Download This: "Samant" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Eluveitie, Heidevolk, Punch 'N' Judy [8] RHYS STEVENSON SLOANWALL 'Dawn Of Light' INDEPENDENT 'Dawn Of Light' in short is a really decent Southern Metal release, the premier EP by Croatian newbies Sloanwall broods in groove-chugging riffs, a slow and smooth atmosphere and tons of blues. The funny thing is Southern Metal is such a weird metal genre that it ought to be ostracized from planet metal for being weirder than weird, despite this somewhat crazy suggestion Sloanwall certainly would not care that much as their EP is so juicy, fruit has suddenly gone out of fashion. So whilst your slowly and soothingly sipping Jack Daniels, or Jim Beam's, whip on Sloanwall's EP 'Dawn Of Light' and let the chill time commence. The music is so laid back and rocking at the same time, you would think you were in the deep southern states of America, as for the band well they are doing something right, that is for sure. Download This: "Raw Law" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Black Label Society, Hellyeah, Alabama Thunderpussy [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON PODER VIVO 'Poder Vivo' INDEPENDENT Unsurprisingly yet another interesting export has made its way out of Argentina and onto the world of metal, ok for those who are not well equipped to handle different languages or cannot understand Spanish then switch off, but for those willing to experience something different then check out Poder Vivo's self-titled EP. Brazen in glory. This EP carries all the hallmarks you would expect from a Heavy / Power Metal band: harmonic keys, bouncy drums, stratospheric vocals, erotic riffs and ballsy bass, in fact 'Poder Vivo' is already a short-listed contender for 'Argentinian Metal release of the year' and 2016 is only one month old. Perfect music to have sex to, 'Poder Vivo' is an adventure full of erotic sounds and sensations, let it in and roam your mind because after all it will be the best 30 odd minutes in your life. Download This: "Misterio Ancestral" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, 3 Inches of Blood, Battle Beast [8] RHYS STEVENSON DEZAZTRE NATURAL 'Auto - Exterminio' INDEPENDENT Get your neck some insurance because you will need it after listening to the sensational second album by Chilean thrashers Dezaztre Natural. 'Auto - Exterminio' is a slab of unrelenting and uncompromising Thrash Metal that is designed to reap your soul and claim your body at the sheer force of the music. It is fast, it is brutal and it is so damn sexy that your girlfriend has suddenly been relegated, or perhaps this could serve up as some rather heavy-pounding sex (use your imagination and let yourself go). 'Auto - Exterminio' will certainly appertain to the Spanish-speaking world and Thrash addicts alike, whether this enables them to tap into the wider metal domain worldwide remains another question, but given the sheer velocity and strength demonstrated here, there is no reason why they can't cause a buzz globally. Download This: "Hidrodeath" - Click here to listen For fans of: Slayer, Coprofago, Pentagram Chile [9] RHYS STEVENSON VULTURES TO CARRION 'Welcome Home' INDEPENDENT Metalcore? From Venezuela? You read that right, Venezuelan Metalcore. Emerging out of the dimmed streets of Caracas is quintet Vultures To Carrion with their debut EP 'Welcome Home'. Whilst sadly it is nothing news and flits between being interesting and just another Metalcore EP, it does offer an element of uniqueness that needs nurturing and refining. But as an effort it certainly deserves a nod, 'Welcome Home' can be acknowledged as having grit, sweat and blood and enough brutality to crush your head inside-out. Forgot the emo-tinged Metalcore sound that seems to bleeding the genre dry, Vultures To Carrion are of the old-guard and thus should be given some respect. It'll take some time before they break out of South America, but when they do Venezuelan Metalcore will have stamped it's authority on the world. Download This: "This Is My Statement" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Hatebreed, After The Burial, The Black Dahlia Murder [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON SHE MUST BURN 'She Must Burn' ARTERY REC. If not one of the most exciting EP's of 2016, certainly a dark accompaniment to the Valentines Day activities, full of emotion, melody, aggression and blissful atmospherics. 'She Must Burn' is a mixing pot of Metalcore, Black Metal, Symphonic Metal and Gothic Metal, we call their music "Atmospheric Dark Metal" (or maybe Symphonic Blackcore) as it glimmers with erotic keyboard elements, unrelenting drums, horrific vocals (afraid, be very afraid) and riffs so ice-cold, they would freeze hell over. Whoever let this band out from the deepest depths of hell are pure geniuses, as She Must Burn are set to become the latest and coldest export out of London city since The Defiled. Tapping into each members minds and constructing lyrics around and about the emotions felt, this EP is more than just music, it's a personal statement. Collectively these personal statements lead to one solid vocal scream, the scream of here comes the apocalyptic musical storm. You have been warned. Download This: "Possessed" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Motionless In White, Bleeding Through, Cradle of Filth, early Abigail Williams 'She Must Burn' EP is out now via Artery Recordings. [9] RHYS STEVENSON BURIAL DUST 'Oshubho Ahobaan' INDEPENDENT Bestial Black Metal horde Burial Dust summon the darkest demons to aid them in creating unholy sermons of epic destruction. Hailing from the ever improving Bangladeshi Metal scene comes Burial Dust, a filthy musical collective of three metal musicians of whom bestow occultist blasphemy upon those who dare indulge in this trio's music. Raw in its production and menacing in its sound, the premier EP by Burial Dust 'Oshubho Ahobaan' (Ominous Call), will certainly get the Asian Extreme Metal followers pouring all over it, sure it's unlikely to attract considerable attention from the European faithful but this EP will certainly win some love over from the far corners of Asia. By encasing the Black Metal skeletal structure in fleshy Eastern vibes, Burial Dust herald the age of pure bestial Black Metal from the dim-lit streets of downtown Dhaka. Download This: "Where Is Your Rahmaa" - Click here to listen For fans of: Beherit, Mayhem, Von [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON GIRUGAMESH '-chimera-' GAN SHIN Japanese Metal certainly has cemented itself as it's own recognized genre, there are no musical boundaries and visual aesthetics have no limits. So when the Japanese quartet Girugamesh dropped their latest effort '-Chimera-' there was no reservations at how good it was going to be. Defying the rules and guidelines of Metalcore, Alternative and Nu Metal collectively, the Chiba boys make no mistake in delivering what could be perceived as 'Japanese Metal release of the year'. Brutally erotic riffs lead the charge on this insanely heavy beast-of-an-album whilst the trademark Visual Kei vocals provide the aggression and whilst this is happening, the drums provide such solidarity it can be compared to a wall made of diamonds. Loathe them or hate them, Girugamesh are on the road to becoming veterans of Japanese Metal and with this effort, it is evidently clear they aren't quite done yet. Download This: "Chimera" - Click here to listen For Fans of: D'espairsRay, Crossfaith, Deluhi '-Chimera-' is now out via Gan Shin Records [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON ROTTING CHRIST 'Rituals' SEASON OF MIST Having stood the test of time, Hellenic Black Metal pioneers Rotting Christ unleash the latest installment in their highly illustrious career. In relation to historical events and contrasting against how long metal has been around, it is pretty fair to say that Rotting Christ have done in metal what the Ancient Greeks done during the early forms in civilization and that is? Create a lasting legacy. As dark as Greece's history, Rotting Christ know a lot about success having played over 1,200 shows, released 12 albums and ultimately are still standing strong after 27 years activity. The ultimate question is who would follow Rotting Christ's footsteps from the Greek Metal scene? 'Rituals' is definitely not the last album from these musical geniuses, there is so much life still their emphatic sounds, songwriting and deliverance. 'Rituals' is a strong contender for 'Greek Metal release of the year'. Simply emphatically epic. Download This: "In Nomine Dei Nostri" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Samael, Satyricon, Melechesh 'Rituals' is out today via Season Of Mist [8] RHYS STEVENSON ASGRAUW
'Krater' HIDDEN MARLY PRODS. If you love your Black Metal raw and so unpolished that it makes your ears bleed, then you will love the latest effort by Dutch underground Black Metal horde Asgrauw. Singing exclusively in their native Dutch language, Asgrauw revel in fuzz-laden atmospherics that are so chilling, soothing yet riveting. Granted it hasn't broken new ground and probably won't get much attention outside of the Benelux if not a few countries worldwide, it does however serve well as a truly authentic and enriched warring release. 'Krater' pays homage to not only volcanoes (as depicted by the artwork) but also the beauty of Black Metal, that you don't need to play at epic speed to achieve an epic sound. As for Asgrauw they march on into the unknown, but are assured that they are a beacon of light in the underground Dutch Metal scene. Download This: "Krater" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Urgehal [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON
AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED 'Arc' RELAPSE Starting a chain of four EP's linked together, Grindcore veterans Agoraphobic Nosebleed waste no time in setting the musical express in motion. 'Arc' emblazons the very sound that the American quartet set out to create, master and guide into leaving a lasting legacy. Featuring three tracks of extremely hard hitting vocals, thick bass elements and sensational drum programming, this is one EP that will tickle the sense of those who like their music tantalizingly brutal and uncompromising. With each EP in this four-piece series representing each member of the band, you would not want to guess who came up with this soul-destroying epic, place your bets at the door and prepare your brain for mass, imminent carnage. Agoraphobic Nosebleed once again deliver what they do best, decently engineered music. Download This: "Deathbed" For Fans of: Pig Destroyer, Anal Cunt, Jesus of Nazareth 'Arc' is out 22nd January via Relapse Records [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON WOLFHORDE 'Towards The Gate Of North' INVERSE Fifteen years it took for Finnish Pagan Metallers Wolfhorde to drop their debut album and despite all their best efforts it sounds as generic as they come, albeit it is rather decent. 'Towards The Gate Of North' delves into the over-explored Viking mythology and corresponding world and realistically speaking reconstitutes what has already been done. Sure it's bouncy and energetic elements colliding with much slower and deep sounds give the atmosphere electric dynamics, it just does not cast itself off as a groundbreaking or completely exciting release. Authentic to it's creators, this release features traditional instruments native to Finland that otherwise would seem unnatural when singing about Vikings (lets face it were Vikings in Finland?). Other than that the album is one for those fans of Pagan / Folk Metal, just raise those horns and drink from them simultaneously. Download This: "Death-Long Due" For Fans of: Eluveitie, Korpiklaani, Arkona 'Towards The Gate Of North' is out 22nd January via Inverse Records [7] RHYS STEVENSON INFERNAL TENEBRA 'As Nations Fall' MASSACRE Infernal Tenebra are without a shadow of doubt the finest metal band to ever emerge out of the Croatian Metal scene. Unleashing their fourth masterpiece 'As Nations Fall', the quartet hold nothing back when it comes to creating music that not will only enthrall those who endeavor to listen to it, but ultimately crush their soul to minuscule pieces. Unrelenting Death / Thrash Metal roams throughout the album's veins and pumps it with endless energy, gritty vocals, thumping bass and emphatically ascending and descending atmospherics. Put it like this, Infernal Tenebra are going places and if you are not willing to follow them and or check out their beautiful masterpiece called 'As Nations Fall', then you might as well stop listening to metal music right now! Download This: "Legally Insane" For Fans of: Persefone, Opeth, Be'lakor 'As Nations Fall' is out 22nd January via Massacre Records [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON LIKE ANIMALS 'Feral' INDEPENDENT Get your groove on and hit the dance floor, Like Animals' latest offering 'Feral' dishes out some rather tasty riffs, crunchy bass, thumping drums and harmonic vocals, coming together to deliver a sound that would quench anyone's thirst for something unique. Math Rock clashes with Melodic Metal on their EP which in turn sends out sounds so gracefully heavy that it would take you days to recover from this epic music onslaught. Whilst they might not be as mathematically creative as perhaps their Mathcore counterparts, their timed groovy riffs set par for the course and essentially could push the band into the uniquely created genre called 'Funked-up Math Rock. Seriously there is not one second where you will get bored as the band always seem to drag out the unexpected on each song, now that is really 'Feral' for you. Download This: "The Lion's Share" For Fans of: Psyopus, 'Math Rock' 'Feral' is out 22nd January via an Independent release [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON ONE MORNING LEFT 'Metalcore Superstars' IMMINENCE It is apparent that the 'electronicore' or Electronic Hardcore Music movement has gained momentum over the last decade or so and with One Morning Left delivering a thousand-voltage-loaded third album, this barrage will never end anytime soon. 'Metalcore Superstars' is the latest cyber-assault by Finnish Trojan armada One Morning Left and whilst some metal fans may turn their nose up at the suggestion of the band being 'scene' or 'emo' influenced, open-minded metalheads may well cum in their pants or shit on their thong. Metal needs to evolve and this latest development certainly will become a staple evolving sound as it drags in and rolls up the wide array of electronic music styles. Granted it's unlikely bands like One Morning Left would dabble in club music but it's certainly not out of anyone's reach. Focusing back on the album, 'Metalcore Superstars' has already nominated itself as an automatic contender for 'Finnish Metal release of the year'. Download This: "¡Derailed!" For Fans of: Eskimo Callboy, I See Stars, The Browning 'Metalcore Superstars' is out 22nd January via Imminence Records [9] RHYS STEVENSON ECLIPSE 'Clandestine Resurrection' INDEPENDENT Eclipse are one of India's hidden metal gems having remained steadfast and head-strong for over a decade in the North-East, where metal music appears to be very few and far between. Dragging together the very essential elements of Heavy Metal and throwing in some Power Metal sounds, Eclipse deal justice to their elongated wait for a debut album to surface. 'Clandestine Resurrection' is a well-crafted release that will quench the thirst of those who revel in enjoying classic Heavy Metal; even with a twist. Granted it's nothing new but for the Indian Metal scene it is rather refreshing, with this effort you could imagine some record labels knocking at this band's door but sadly it might become a short-lived career, who knows? Majestic, elegant and unforgettably electric, 'Clandestine Resurrection' is a treasure to behold. Download This: "Rise Of The Dead" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, Iron Maiden, Freedom Call [8] RHYS STEVENSON SOREM 'Legion Ov Tengger Land' WIZARD Black Metal has always enjoyed thriving success in the Far East, the latest addition to the underground cult movement is bestial trio Sorem hailing from Indonesia. 'Legion Ov Tengger Land' is their debut album and it comes laden with sickening, cursing and abrasive music that is designed to plague your soul with dark and disturbing thoughts. To think that Thrash Metal dominates the scene gives bands like Sorem the ultimate chance to make a name for themselves, maybe not so internationally nor nationally but certainly locally. Thick and raw Black Metal is the sermon-bearer on this one and for those brave enough to sell their soul to the horde known as Sorem, you will be richly rewarded as 'Legion Ov Tengger Land' is a true testament to the ever defiant Indonesian Metal scene. Download This: "Sorem" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Emperor, Impiety, Immortal [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON GIRLZEROTH 'Kingdom Warrior' PLATD The debut album by Death Metal horde Girlzeroth leaves sadly a lot to be desired, falling short of being dubbed 'uninspiring Grindcore with Death Metal influence', 'Kingdom Warrior' is an album that certainly is capable of creating a division among those who listen to it let alone their homogeneous Indonesian Metal scene. Despite its lack of ability to convince, the album does however deliver a decent smacking of tight riffs, unrecognizable vocals, brutal drumming and sensational speed, all in all coming together to create a sound that so many other bands in said style produce. For the seasoned underground Death Metal lover this might just be the cherry on the cake, but for the general metalhead it may well allow them to ask questions about the integrity of the album. Download This: "Samaruk Gantend" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Cannibal Corpse, Deathbound, 'Underground Death Metal' [7] RHYS STEVENSON PADRA 'Hezartooye Tanafor' INDEPENDENT Hailing from Iran, Padra are not only unique in that they sing solely in the Farsi language, but also because they are sure to become another successful Iranian music export. Their debut album 'Hezartooye Tanafor' exhibits sections of both old-school and modern Thrash Metal, that when combined as a whole really make the album worth listening to. For those who want crunchy riffs tarnished with attitude, joined alongside by blistering drums and ballsy vocals, Padra may well just be that band who would fulfill that criteria. From the start to the very finish, 'Hezartooye Tanafor' is a truly remarkable album to behold and is sure to propel Padra out of the Iranian Metal scene and into the wider international scene if not the Middle East. Download This: "Shabe Mordegane Zende" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Gama Bomb, Evile, Acrassicauda [8] RHYS STEVENSON GEIST OF TRINITY
'Chains' INDEPENDENT Wallowing in Japan's heavily burgeoning metal scene is Melodic Death / Metalcore outfit Geist Of Trinity, who have emerged out of the shadows to drop their debut album 'Chains' and boy does this album rock the socks off you. With as much versatility across the album as a ninja army high on meth, the bar is set for other bands in the said sub-genre to match this emphatic effort. Blasting drums provide the spine of this release for the crushing riffs and volatile vocals to rest upon and form the flesh and tendons, of which are pulled and tightened by this musical group. Sure it too nine years for this album to emerge out of this highly successful metal nation, but it is evident the wait was well and truly worth it. They might not explode massively on the international circuit, but with 'Chains' leading their path to success they will become a sharp sounding beacon from the far flung nation of Japan. Download This: "Violent Demise" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Scar Symmetry, Mnemic, The Dead Lay Waiting [8] RHYS STEVENSON BLACKDRAWN 'Blackdrawn' BD MUSIC Now you might well have thought that because of Greece's demoralizing and brutal economic downfall that the quality of metal would deplete as a result; not to mention quality of gear and services available, well, you would be mistaken. Enter Blackdrawn, the new kids on the block who come armed with their rather unforgiving blend of mystical keyboard elements, technical groove riffery, blazing drums and not to mention vocals so gritty they would embed in your soul for eternity. Eloquently expressed, the self-debut album by this Greek unit lashes together the aforementioned Groove / Tech combination with elements of Nordic Melodic Death Metal, conjuring up what could be accepted as part of the 'new wave of Modern Metal'. Already set to perform as support to Arch Enemy in November, Blackdrawn are the Greek Metal band you never saw coming. Simply magical. Download This: "What I Am" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Soilwork, In Flames, DevilDriver [9.5] RHYS STEVENSON STORM 'Storm's A Brewin' ' TIN IDOL PRODS. Granted the USA has a gargantuan range of metal bands stretching across from the Atlantic to Pacific West, but ever thought of Hawaiian Metal? Well emerging from the secluded island archipegalo is the female-fronted Gothic Metal band Storm with their infectious debut album 'Storm's A Brewin' '. Borrowing properties from the Doom Metal and Symphonic Metal styles, this quintet certainly have ambition on their mind as proven with this effort, despite lacking something that would make this album extra special; no idea what it is, but it's lacking something, Storm certainly are looking the real deal when it comes down to initiative and original-thinking throughout constructing these hallowing and spine-chilling songs. With this album, Storm are leading the Hawaiian Metal scene to greater recognition. Download This: "Angel Eyes" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, Paradise Lost [8] RHYS STEVENSON ORDO CAPER 'Promo 2015' ONLY DEATH'S REAL. Costa Rica in recent years has been enjoying a flourishing of metal bands emerging from the pits of the underground to more continental and international recognition. The latest to make this move is Death Metal duo Ordo Caper of whose 2015 promo exhibits more of the old-school Death Metal style, rather than the polished-off kind you find all too common these days. What also makes this release all the more interesting is one of the songs 'Igbodu', simply because trying to google what it means and not getting anywhere demands more curiosity to be given. The only immediate downside to this promo (and what can you expect?) is that at times the vocals override the music too much, the drums fade too much and thus you're left quite unsure of what to make of the promo holistically. Download This: "Red Moon Ritual" - Get the promo from the band via their Facebook here For Fans of: Morbid Angel, Old-School Death Metal [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON ARES 'Divine Creation' SLEASZY RIDER We've already ascertained that the Japanese Metal scene is built upon breaking the rules, saying no to taboo issues in context with metal music itself, and supporting that notion with their second album 'Divine Creation', is the trio Ares. This is not Melodic Death Metal as you know it, there is much more going on to even demand it's own genre from which can be called 'Modern Apocalyptic Metal'. Seriously there are elements of Symphonic Metal, Power Metal and Metalcore that all combine together to create a sound that is sensationally mind-blowing, one that inevitably demanded a record label deal and one that will catapult Ares higher in the Asian, if not the Japanese Metal scene. Granted the production might well have helped, despite it possibly being naff, sometimes the bad things are actually ironically good. Keep this band in your line of sight, they are sure to make waves. Download This: "New Created Sky" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Fleshgod Apocalypse, Arch Enemy, Demonic Resurrection, 'Modern Metal' [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON DRAUGÛL 'Chronicles Untold' PESTTANZ KLANGSCHMIEDE Be honest it's always fascinating when a solo project or a band focuses on singing about topics totally unrelated to where they are from. So when Sweden-based project Draugûl divulges in Nordic mythology and Tolkien-related subjects, immediately the thought of Swedish musicians comes to mind, except that this project has its roots in Malta. Geographical differences aside, Draugûl revels in the Epic Viking Metal style and broods it well with the third full-length album 'Chronicles Untold', but it's stuff we've heard before in other forms and as a result the project probably cannot escape being compared to similar bard-like bands. Putting that notion aside, 'Chronicles Untold' does what it intends to do and does so gracefully, there is no doubt it will capture the attention of Folk Metal addicts, but for the broader metal-listener it might fall short of anything interesting. In short, the album is decent but definitely not groundbreaking nor incomparable. Buy the album here: Draugûl - Chronicles Untold For Fans of: Windir, Watain, Faun [7] RHYS STEVENSON AGE OF DUST 'Messenger In A Soulless World' INDEPENDENT As far as Operatic Metal goes, this is a new chapter in the genre and without a doubt the small-but-strong Catalan Metal scene. Unleashing their majestic and energetic masterpiece 'Messenger In A Soulless World', is trio Age Of Dust. Drawing the beauty, elegance and dramatics from musical scores like 'The Phantom of the Opera', Age of Dust are positioning themselves as Spain's answer to Sweden's long-running Therion. With 50 minutes of pure lively 'beauty and the beast' serenades rampaging throughout, you would be silly to knock off 'Messenger In A Soulless World' as just another Symphonic Metal album. High hopes are expected of this group and there next outings will be closely watched with interest, what with a choir providing background substance this could develop into something rather interesting to say the least. Download This: "No Shade Of Grey" - click here to listen For Fans of: Therion, Epica, Lacuna Coil [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON LUCIFERUM PENIS '15 Years of Silence and Rituals' SALUTE For a band who has been going 15 years, you'd have thought that by now their sound would have been refined, matured and tolerable. Unfortunately Luciferum Penis have not followed that pattern, instead what you are faced with when listening to their monumental '15 Years of Silence and Rituals' compilation, is in short a waste of air. There is very little redeemable quality on this release and despite it's obvious kvlt status, it fails to capture any real imagination and lacks that convincing element. However for those who associate themselves with the more extreme, underground variant of Black Metal, this is an absolute diamond. But for the all-round metal listener, yeah, this doesn't hold interest on all of the songs, in fact the best one of the lot is 'Tenebris Irae' and to think that this one of the few acceptable songs on the compilation says something about the entire release right? Download This: "Tenebris Irae" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Satanic Warmaster, Behexen, Horna [5.5] RHYS STEVENSON LOST IN PAIN 'Plague Inc.' NOISEWORKS If you seek classic Heavy Metal from the Benelux region, then look no further than Luxembourg's Lost In Pain. This quartet deliver a glorious splattering of Modern Heavy Metal with Old-School influences floating around in the background. Their second album 'Plague Inc.' builds upon their successful self-titled debut album and shows that they are a match for anyone, however they choose to build upon this effort will ultimately determine on whether they keep their feng shui intact. With the eccentricity of the riffs, power behind the drums, gritty vocals and unbelievably electric atmosphere, Lost In Pain's 'Plague Inc.' is a solid contender for Luxembourg Metal release of the year, they certainly would do well in the UK that's for sure. Download This: "Gone" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Steel Panther, Iron Maiden, Sister Sin [8] RHYS STEVENSON SIROLL! 'Més llenya' BLOOD FIRE DEATH Now you probably would not have imagined Metallic Hardcore having a musical relationship with the Spanish language right? Well Siroll! have done exactly that and make their next sermon 'Més llenya' more brutal than being gored at The Running of the Bulls. But please refrain from using the term Spanishcore because one it sounds slightly silly and two it makes the band seem seclusive just because they're singing in their native tongue. 'Més llenya' comes loaded with riffs after juicy riffs, menacing vocals and drums so agile, Lionel Messi has been made redundant. If there was to be a cheeky tongue-in-cheek track it would be '902' because lets face it, it starts off with a phone ringing, it's random, weird and perhaps should not have been, or should it? You decide. Download This: "902" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Hatebreed, Converge, All Pigs Must Die [7] RHYS STEVENSON CEREBRAL ABSCESS
'Promo 2015' PUTRESCENCE Low-fi recording, gritty, ballsy and downright dirty is what springs to mind when indulging in the the 2015 promo by Russian Brutal Death horde Cerebral Abscess. You can imagine it, extremely guttural sounds, noises, you get the idea. That is just the vocals, the guitars are so thick they seem almost non-apparent and the drums are so low it is as if they were in a recording studio the size of a football pitch. Despite this, the track called 'Exterpation Of The Brain' does have its merits in that it stays true to the designated genre, it just does not warrant any re-listening. It falls short of being called music but does not fall short of being noise, it just falls on it's knees and has very few qualities worth noting. Bit of luck this is a promotional demo right? Download the promo here For Fans of: Brutal Death Metal, Russian Gore Metal, 'noise?' [5] RHYS STEVENSON INFLIKTED 'Inflikted' WORMHOLEDEATH Since the 1980's Thrash Metal has evolved into many various strains, some establishing a greater presence than others, but one strain that appears to be making a resurgent comeback is the Old-School Thrash Metal style, that is the sound that is rather raw, comes with that DIY attitude and features a slight whiff of Punk. Entering this domain is Swedish trio Inflikted with their self-titled album, featuring an hours worth of pure old-school Thrash Metal, that's enough to cause anyone whiplash sixfold, unless of course your drunk on Kopparberg and then what would happen next would certainly make good use as banter amongst the local Swedish police station. Party all night to this riff-a-thon of an album, take note as Inflikted have placed themselves in good stead as the latest promising Stockholm export. Download This: "Tyger" - Click To Listen. For Fans of: Kreator, Tankard, Destruction [8] RHYS STEVENSON NOCTEM 'Exilium' ART GATES If there is one scene in Europe that generally gets overlooked it is Spain, sure with the likes of Avulsed, Dark Moor and Mägo de Oz amongst a few others leading the way for fellow countrymen like Noctem to follow, it still needs to be fully excavated and with their latest effort 'Exilium' now under Prosthetic Records' wing in terms of selling it in Australia and the USA, Noctem are really on highway 666. Blitzing drums drive this monstrosity to the frontier of insanity, whilst the riffs do the deeds of masticating your brain to a pulp and the vocals simply obliterate what is left you. Make no mistake about this, Noctem's 'Exilium' is not for the faint of heart and certainly not for anyone who dislikes Extreme Metal, in fact this album is far more extreme than a ghost chili-laden paella... explosive. Download This: "The Rising Horns" - Click to listen For Fans of: Behemoth, Gorguts, Watain [9] RHYS STEVENSON ASA-NOIR 'Fall Of The Idols' WORMHOLEDEATH Asa-noir are a tricky band to pigeonhole into a specific metal style, even if their lyric topics cover the works of Edgar Allen Poe & H.P. Lovecraft, this does not nowhere near help. In fact you may just as well call it 'Mythical Melodic Metal', as there features a lot of fantasy, darkness and obscure aspects, whilst the music itself adds an element of mysticism and magical feelings to the production of their long-awaited debut album 'Fall Of The Idols'. Marking their 10th anniversary in style, 'Fall Of The Idols' may have come too late to make the band's career groundbreaking, but it certainly is a welcomed sound to the dynamics of the Finnish metal scene. Keyboard elements lace the chunky riffs and powerful vocals together with an almost adventurous atmosphere. Fans of the Avant-Garde and Experimental Metal movements may indulge in this alongside the Melodic Death and Symphonic Metal lovers. Download This: "Hawthorns For The Jotunn's Harlot" - click to listen For Fans of: Shade Empire, Waltari, Fleshgod Apocalypse, The Devin Townsend Project [8] RHYS STEVENSON ANGERMAN 'No Tears For The Devil' WORMHOLEDEATH Angerman are possibly the best rock act to come out of Norway since A-ha stormed the charts with hits such as 'Take On Me' and 'The Living Daylights'. In fact it could be argued that they are bringing back to the front what we've all been missing: proper grunge-laden rock 'n' roll, their premier album 'No Tears For The Devil' spits out Jack Daniels and blown-out amps at every passing second, and with the attitude of Alice In Chains deeply grounded within the epicenter of the release, the periphereal sounds of Machine Head and Guns 'N' Roses can work their magic. With vocals that could easily wipe smiles off peoples faces, riffs so sharp that they are capable of cutting deep into your soul, and the fieriness of a hog-roasted drumkit boiling your brains dry, Angerman are running riot and are leaving a blazing trail behind them. Download This: "Ritual" - click to listen For Fans of: Machine Head, Alice In Chains, Guns 'N' Roses, Tool [9] RHYS STEVENSON IMMINENCE 'I' WE ARE TRIUMPHANT For those who are not familiar with the 'T-Symmetry' theory, Imminence musically have represented it. By wielding together the aggression and sound of an established band, with the beauty and desire to become the flag-bearer of Swedish Metalcore, Imminence have managed to conjure up a release that is guaranteed to send shock-waves across the globe, resulting in the Metalcore powerhouses of the USA, Australia and the UK sitting down, shutting up and paying homage to their Swedish brothers. By injecting a Post-Metal and Technical Hardcore approach to their already well-acknowledged Metalcore skeletal infrastructure, Imminence's 'I' automatically qualifies as more complex than an Ikea store, more towering than Zlatan Ibrahimovic and more powerful than a SAAB Gripen breaking the sound barrier. Make no mistake, this is a groundbreaking release and firmly places itself as a candidate for Swedish Metal album of the year. Download This: "86" - click to listen For Fans of: Periphery, Architects, Miss May I [9] RHYS STEVENSON CLANDESTINED 'Angel Despair' BUSDEATH It's probably been said before, but even so it will be said again. The Japanese metal scene gets highly overlooked, especially when you have bruisers such as Clandestined sending shockwaves across the Far East. Unleashing hell in the form of their fourth outing, the quartet take no prisoners when exercising their raw and gritty mix of pure Thrash Metal and Death Metal elements. You know, this would be a good soundtrack to a sake drinking game, just trying to mosh afterwards might not be such a good idea. Staying put in the classic 80's Thrash Metal era, Clandestined have once again delivered a fantastic release, so for once stop prying eyes on Babymetal and listen to True Japanese Metal, man this is some cranial-crushing stuff. Download This: "Angel Despair" - click to listen For Fans of: Slayer, Machine Head, Kreator [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON NEAR RUIN 'No End' If not executed right, Melodic Metalcore can turn out to become so watered down, it would make the ALS ice bucket challenge replace the monsoon season. What Near Ruin have done here is avoided that trap, and as a result conjured up a sound that lashes together the spikiness of Metallic Hardcore with dollops and dollops of melody.... oh and the occasional trickling of technical and post-hardcore elements. Their debut album 'No End' is sure catch the eye of not just the Metalcore addicts, but the labels as well as it has everything you would wish for from a Melodic Metalcore outfit. The salient point is that Near Ruin deliver a rally of face-punching, straight-to-the-point music, with plenty of oomph, power and none of that 'omg we r a metalcore band, we are so br000tal' poser attitude. Watch with interest, Near Ruin are going places. Download This: "Apostles & Heretics" - click here to listen For Fans of: Killswitch Engage, Miss May I, No Consequence [8] RHYS STEVENSON DOOMSDAY PROPHET 'Our Predetermined Fate' SALUTE To think that sole musician Satanic Tony plays in seven other bands and projects alongside Doomsday Prophet, as well as running his own label Salute Records, it is pretty safe to say that he is a busy guy. Doomsday Prophet is his Funeral Doom Metal child and has just released the debut album 'Our Predetermined Fate'. What we have here is the expected thick and slow guitar playing associated with the Doom Metal signature and the funeral influence playing upon the atmosphere and lyrics as a whole. Unlike most Doom Metal albums, this one does not feature any really lengthy tracks and thus positions itself in a different league, added to the fact the level of raw audacity adds to the already depressing feeling experience when indulging in this release, it's thick, it's bitter, it's Swedish, it's underground Funeral Doom Metal at it's very best. This could do well as a soundtrack to films like Psycho and The Shining. Download This: "Not Our Freedom, Where Is My Freedom" - Click to listen For Fans of: Funeral Doom Metal (any band) [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON WINTERCOLD 'We All Are Dead' SALUTE 2013 bore witness to another one of Satanic Tony's releases, this time via his Gothic / Doom Metal project Wintercold. The EP 'We All Are Dead' keeps that unique sound that has been developed alive and as a result has dealt justice once again. Make no mistake about it, 'We All Are Dead' is a decent enough release that does not over-complicate anything, not even the artwork. With the DIY production sound clearly evident, this release will appeal to the fans of true underground metal, as well as the Gothic / Doom Metal army. Limited to only 200 copies, this release is worthy of being in your collection and should be considered as a rare release, as for the music, well only you can be the judge of that. Download This: "We Are Robots" - Click to listen For Fans of: Gothic Doom Metal (any band) [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON RAINOVER
"Transcending The Blue & Drifting Into Rebirth" WORMHOLEDEATH Alongside the likes of Italy and Finland, Spain definitely has a huge love affair for Gothic Metal. The latest edition to the Spanish circuit being Rainover with their debut album "Transcending The Blue & Drifting Into Rebirth", from start to finish this quintet conjures up an elegant and appealing sonata of angelic vocals, powerful atmospherics, mind-blowing riffs and an overall release that may well position itself as a contender for Spanish Metal album of the year. Far from crying itself out as a release you would blast out all over the Spanish resorts like Benidorm, it certainly carries the warrant to start a party, getting down, getting wasted and having a good time, just go easy on the piña coladas and paella. Download This: "Rain Over My Tears" - Click to listen For Fans of: Tarja-era Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Leaves' Eyes [8] RHYS STEVENSON ALFORNA 'Awake' 2013 bore another good metal release in the form of 'Awake' by Austrian Groove Thrashers Alforna. Now what is rather interesting about this release, is that they switch between singing in Austrian-German and English, pinching a bit of both worlds whilst delivering a rather eclectic sound, eclectic in that the Groove elements would make any listener sway from side to side or as far as the fan girls go, wave their arms in the air side to side. Contrasted against the Thrash Metal side because this side offers no ways of resilience, nor does it deliver that convincing blow to ignite anything spectacular; often riffs are too repetitive even for a Thrash Metal release and coupled with the Groove metal sound, at times it just did not cut it. Download This: "Seed" For Fans of: Groove Metal and Thrash Metal. [7] RHYS STEVENSON INFECTION 'Acrotomophile Mutilator' Peruvian Death Metal warlords Infection mark their seminal return with their second slab of gut-rotten vocals and blood-soaked masochistic music. 'Acrotomophile Mutilator' stakes its claim as the band's second studio album and what comes with it is a futile onslaught of gore-Death Metal. From the start to the very end, there is an unrelenting barrage of blast-beats, guttural vocals and barbed-wire riffs, all layering over each other to exert a sound that is certified to make anyone poop themselves. We're not sure what they get up to in Peru, but one thing is for certain, Infection are staking their claim as one of South America's most hidden-treasures. This is not the end, not by a long shot. Infection aim to spread the disease. For Fans of: Suffocation, Cattle Decapitation, Cannibal Corpse. 'Acrotomophile Mutilator' is out 1st July [8] RHYS STEVENSON ARBOR 'The Plutonian Shore' Arbor's music is definitely classed as 'for exquisite taste only', that is you would have to have tolerance towards a mix of Atmospheric metal and Post-Black Metal. If you have over an hour to spare and you enjoy that style of metal then this album is really for you. Interestingly enough, unlike some Atmospheric-based albums, 'The Plutonian Shore' really digs deep and explodes in a radiant wave of sensational music. Funnily enough this would be best to listen to at either bonfire night or Halloween because of it's darkened sincerity and utmost bitterness riding on each song, sure it is an exquisite taste, but fans of Gothic Metal and Death Metal might actually dig this. Download This: "Only The Wind Calls Back" For Fans of: Arcane Grail, Alcest, Falloch [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON VELIGORE 'Veligore' It is generally evident what separates an American Black Metal album from an European Black Metal album, as New York's Veligore have demonstrated on their debut self-titled album. The American's want to go for more power and speed whereas the latter aim for atmospheric sounds, yet whilst the album may well deliver their own form of atmosphere, it does at times leave something to be desired in that it simply does not reach the standards expected. Despite this the guitars are raw as ever, the vocals spitting venom at a sickening level and the drums guide this beast through the mazes of darkness. If you want Immortal style Black Metal, stick yourself in the Nordics, but if you want something that sizzles like Averse Sefira, then look no further than Veligore. Download This: "Endless Night" For Fans of: Averse Sefira, Wolves in the Throne Room, Kult Ov Azazel [7] RHYS STEVENSON WORKHORSE 'Fire Before All' You have to admire those bands who mold Death Metal and Thrash Metal together, because the outcomes can either be more of this or less of that, as for California's bruisers Workhorse their sound predominantly rests between the two. Their 2012 premier album 'Fire Before All' employs strictly Death Metal vocals and Thrash Metal music and yet whilst this may sound general to any standard metal listener, they certainly have put their effort into this album, ironically realizing their band name as exactly what they are, a Workhorse. With riveting riffs wallowing in the background, smothered by the blitzing drums and raucous vocals, this is an album that delivers a powerful punch and whilst may be short-lived, it forms the basis for them to build upon. Download This: "For Which We Stand" For Fans of: Megadeth, Gojira, Pantera [7] RHYS STEVENSON VENGEFUL GHOUL 'Timeless Warfare' Like whiskey, some things must be left to mature in order to enjoy to the fullest. Such a band who has managed to do this is Turkey's Vengeful Ghoul, whose debut album 'Timeless Warfare' comes 10 years after the band's inception. Is that Dio wallowing in the background? Was Iced Earth fiddling about in the recording studio? Because that is exactly the sound you will expect from hearing this leviathan-of-an-album. From the start to the finish, 'Timeless Warfare' immerses the listener in a vibrant array of Thrash Metal speed, Power Metal-esque vocals and evident Heavy Metal melodies, summing up as a release that may well just turn heads in the Middle East region, let alone Europe. Vengeful Ghoul are flying the flag high for the Turkish Metal scene. Download This: "Search For Apeiron" For Fans of: Iced Earth, Dio, Metallica, Iron Maiden [9] RHYS STEVENSON DEAFLOCK 'Courage To Expose All' Japan has a metal scene that rarely gets a look in by the Western world, such a shame when you have bands like Deaflock making as much noise as Rammstein make fire displays. 2013 bore witness to this band's latest album 'Courage To Expose All' being dropped and it comes 5 years after the band's debut release 'Reality Of False Pasts'. Now what makes this release rather interesting is the style of Thrash Metal they've opted for, it's not like Slayer but not unlike Metallica, but rather wafting in Evile and Gama Bomb territory. Mid-paced riffs set the pace for the album and whilst the drums deliver on time, the feeling of something is missing does seem to set in, not sure what it could be and pretty sure Deaflock don't know either... yet. Download This: "Only One" For Fans of: Metallica, Gama Bomb, Dublin Death Patrol [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON FANTHRASH 'Apocalypse Cyanide' Perhaps Fanthrash were bored, or perhaps they thought they'd unleash another EP. 'Apocalypse Cyanide' marks another chapter in the Polish Thrash merchants career and with it comes another slab of average standard Thrash Metal. Sure it is fast and well orchestrated, but the overall impression that is left is one of 'what did I just hear and are they for real?' Not saying it is totally uninspiring nor at all lame, but there is something missing with this release that would seem to be the key to giving Fanthrash that exposure needed. 'Apocalypse Cyanide' is therefore one of those releases that sits on the fence, between success and failure, however it is up to you to decide where this battle shall end. Download This: "Vitality" For Fans of: Thrash Metal. What bands, you decide. [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON ETHEREAL ARCHITECT 'Monolith' Texan Progressive Metallers latched onto what they wanted very quickly and in doing so deliver an excellent second album. Granted it was released in 2012 and the music might have changed since then, but Ethereal Architect certainly set out their own style of Progressive Metal very well. 'Monolith' poises itself as the next step in the band's career and is sure to summon up a lot more interesting songs in the future. The great thing about the album is that it has such a wide vibrancy from start to finish, through having songs of the fast-paced galloping kind songs and some sitting in the more melody-based sector. Question is will their next release surpass this album with ease? Download This: "Bardo Becoming" For Fans of: Dream Theater, Symphony X, System Of A Down. [8] RHYS STEVENSON GREAT GODS OF GREED
'Great Gods Of Greed' Self Destruct Records Demonstrating more than just the plucky general sound of Classic Heavy Metal takes a lot more imagination than you could possibly think, unless of course you're Great Gods Of Greed. Wallowing out of Los Angeles with guns blazing and the additional sun-stroke, this quintet delivers a belter-of-a-release in the form of their premiere self-titled album, and what a megalithic release it is having an hour's worth of 15 exquisite tracks. From start to finish, this five-piece serves up a broadened sound within the Heavy Metal vein, from the power of a Harley-Davidson found on 'All Out Warfare' to the more melodic-based 'Requiem Of A Madman, Great Gods Of Greed are great band to listen to and they've certainly shown it on their debut album. Download This: "Give Me My Meds" For Fans of: Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Metallica [8] RHYS STEVENSON REZINWOLF 'Corruption Kingdom' KILLER METAL Evile has just been reinvented. Simple as that... or is it? Entering the affray is Essex Thrash merchants Rezinwolf with their radioactive debut album 'Corruption Kingdom', bolted through and through with some insanely fast drumming, outrageously complex riffs and soul-scarring vocals, 'Corruption Kingdom' shifts through the gears as if it was the soundtrack to Formula 1 at Silverstone. Playing Modern Thrash Metal with the occasional breakdown and Speed Metal influences, Rezinwolf's 'Corruption Kingdom' has placed Harwich on the metal map and not just a coastal town renowned for it's ferry port and industrial relations, although the latter would be apt for usage as to call Rezinwolf 'Cargo Thrash Metal'; big, bulky and heavy... all the essential elements for a kick-ass Thrash album, this could be the start of something huge for Rezinwolf, the only way is Essex? Yes, Essex Thrash Metal. Download This: "Tomb Of The Incarcerated" For Fans of: Municipal Waste, Evile, Gama Bomb [9] RHYS STEVENSON DISSECTOR 'Local Maniac Syndrome' Dissector is an uprising Thrash Metal band from Bangladesh who have just released their debut EP ‘Local Maniac Syndrome’, it screams a subliminal statement that they are here to stay and bring back the reign of Thrash Metal! Dissector’s intention is clear, they wanted to make a really fast, extreme and if possible the angriest set of tracks to come out of Bangladesh! Dip’s vocals have this unique "I have no testicles" kind of voice and a bad-ass attitude, the anger adds great values to the band and the EP! The fast, thrashy riffs are well written and are quite old school-ish. Songs like "Samsu The Slaughterer" have a very catchy yet thrashy set of riffs that get hooked to your brain for a long time. Muktadir's uncanny ability to garner such pummeling momentum on the drums, and then slow down during the solo parts and create such a groove on the cymbals is remarkable! The solos may not be the most technically dazzling but they do fill in the riff structures just fine, maintaining and sometimes changing the feel of the songs. If producer Sumit Gaurab was given more mixing time, the record could have sounded more amazing. Those who listen to the EP “Local Maniac Syndrome” will find it like a quick kick in the nuts and is guaranteed to knock the wind out of you! Download These: "Samsu The Slaughterer" & "Mass Destruction" For Fans of: Old School Thrash Metal, Slayer [7] NABIL ABADDON HAIL OF BULLETS 'III The Rommel Chronicles' METAL BLADE The Dutch are coming! Armed with their infamously recognizable sound, Holland's Hail Of Bullets are going flat out for number three, their upcoming album 'III The Rommel Chronicles' crushes the mind and soul with the inescapable sound of Old-School Death Metal, utilizing thick riffs and raucous vocals alongside blitzing-speed drumming and hardcore military atmospherics, 'III The Rommel Chronicles' is a testament to the sensational battle between Erwin Rommel (Desert Fox) and Bernard Montgomery (for those who are not in the know, both leaders fought against each other in the Battle of El Alamein in WW2). Be prepared to be under the cosh from the very start to the very end as 'III The Rommel Chronicles' explodes with the violent sound of flak fire, razor-sharp shrapnel and heavy artillery fire, so prepare to be ambushed by this phenomenal release, place yourself at the forefront of either the British army or the Afrika Korps and be buried by the furious power of Dutch 'War Metal' veterans Hail Of Bullets, let the battle commence... For Fans of: God Dethroned, Bolt Thrower, Asphyx 'III The Rommel Chronicles' is out October 29th via Metal Blade Records [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON UNBORN 'Awaken To Reality' As if Prague was not already glorious enough with it's magnificent architecture and of course playing homage to the Vin Diesel film XXX, but as for the darker and more metal side to this Central European city, it holds a whole host of brilliant bands and Unborn is no exception. Having just released their third album in their seventeen year existence, the Thrash Metal ensemble do not mess around when it comes to unleashing sensational music. 'Awaken To Reality' comes as the next and latest installment in this band's history and boy does it blow hard, playing predominantly to the classic European Thrash Metal sound pioneered by bands like Kreator and Holy Moses, this Czech mob drag in various elements from Speed Metal to subtle detections of Hardcore; especially with the breakdowns. But overall this album is a work of art and something that any modern Thrash Metal fan will certainly enjoy, as will the old Thrash Metal followers. Download This: "Walls Of Madness" For Fans of: Gama Bomb, Holy Moses, Municipal Waste [8] RHYS STEVENSON THE DEFILED 'Grave Times Live' Following on from their well received debut album "Grave Times" and preceding their Nuclear Blast debut album "Daggers", London Industrial / Modern Metal bruisers The Defiled took their dark side to newer heights as they unleash their "Grave Times Live" at a rather intimate gig that seemed to have around only 100 people, some coming from as far as Scotland and Ireland. 'Grave Times Live' oozes the Industrial-tinged Modern Metal that The Defiled formulated and pioneered as their own unique sound. This live album certainly does take the listener to the gig, dragging you in as if you experienced this for your own self. Consider this release as the ultimate transition to their phenomenal second album "Daggers", but also consider 'Grave Times Live' to be the absolute pivotal point in the band's career and what a damn good release it is, rest assured this album packs a punch. Download This: "Metropolis" For Fans of: Dagoba, Ministry, Machine Head [9] RHYS STEVENSON ILLNESS 'Psychopath' DEFORMA(R)T Let's be honest at times you would think that the bass drum would break from the sheer velocity it is pelted at by a drum machine, not a proper drummer. It's rather a gray area this whole drum programming malarkey, especially when it deprives the music of originality. Polish-Norwegian duo Illness are in that very situation whereby the guitars and vocals do the forward commands and yet the drums totally drag their sound into complete shambles. 'Psychopath' is the duo's fourth album and whilst it compromises on letting the drums go beyond the speed of the average BM drummer, it drills a hole into the release and makes it less impressive, to save the album from being labelled a machine-made product, the snarling vocals sneer and slice your mind in half whilst the raw riffs bleed your senses dry. Ironically the drums do deliver a brutal sound, but the notion is the crux of the disappointment. Download This: "A Doors Behind The Doors" For Fans of: Drum Programmed Black Metal [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON PANDEMMY 'Reflections & Rebellions' Perhaps one of the finest metal bands to come out of Brazil for sometime, hauling out their premier album 'Reflections & Rebellions' is Death / Thrash wizards Pandemmy, accumulating a sound that spews out sounds in the style of old Sepultura, but more modernized, Pandemmy's 'Reflections & Rebellions' bulges at the corners with some rather brutal Death Metal vocals that would scare the living daylights out of the Amazonian tribes, whilst the drumming frequency and technicality mixed with the riff intricacy and solo patterns would make the Brazilian national football team wet their pants. 'Reflections & Rebellions' is a testament to the brilliance of the Brazilian Metal scene and with it's contagious songs brooding a new sense of direction for Pandemmy, this might be their hour. Download This: "Rubicon (Point Of No Return)" For Fans of: Kreator, Sepultura, Hypocrisy [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON CLANDESTINED 'Mortal' EVIL Clandestined make their welcomed return with their third album 'Mortal' firmly poised as the best release they've done in their four year existence, 'Mortal' delivers another round of knock-out metal that what makes Clandestined one of Japan's most exciting Death / Thrash Metal bands to come out in the last five years. Now if you thought the earthquakes this Asian island country receives were devastating enough, then Clandestined are perhaps not for you as they wield together a rough concoction of Death Metal with the slick speed of Thrash Metal. Imagine a sheer pummelling going on inside you as the drums drive your heartbeat rate so fast and high that you start bleeding from the inside out, whilst the riffs crush your soul and the vocals cause earache, this is the sort of force that 'Mortal' delivers. You better fear it, because you will never hear anything like this elsewhere, Clandestined are flying the flag for the Japanese Metal scene. Download This: "Syndrome" For Fans of: Sepultura, Carnal Forge, Torture Squad [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON SECRETS OF SIN
'Future Memories' Reinventing the dramatics of Symphonic Metal by developing 'Symphonic Modern Metal', Germany's Secrets of Sin summon up a sound that crushes anyone who opposes this triumphant music. Imagine the angelical elements of Symphonic Metal colliding with the technicality of Modern Metal and having the beauty and beast vocals scenario directing this sound to newer territories. Well that is exactly what 'Future Memories' is all about, the debut album by Secrets of Sin boasts originality and a musical fusion that is sure to get the ears of Europe perked up. With the song "Inside" sparking symphonic similarities with Verdi's "Requiem, Dies Irae", by adding the complexity of Modern Metal bands like The Defiled, the symphonies of Myrath and Epica, and wielding that with the sheer vocal dynamics that Sharon Den Adel and Alexi Laiho would produce, this is something rather unique being produced. With turbulent symphonies caressing the sheer vibrant differences in the vocal ranges and the algorithmic relationship between the guitars and drums, Secrets of Sin are a one of a kind. Make no mistake about this, Secrets of Sin are going to be BIG, watch this space. Download This: "Inside" For Fans of: Epica, The Defiled, Within Temptation, Children of Bodom [10] RHYS STEVENSON WINTER HAZE 'Silent Deception' UK DIVISION Last year Italian Symphonic Power Metallers Winter Haze unleashed their first ever EP 'Silent Deception' as the sucessor to their debut album 'The Storm Within', how apt is it then this year they have been going for 10 years. 'Silent Deception' carries on that much beloved sound of theirs, the majestic layering of female power metal vocals on electronic symphonic elements and adding pinches of melodies along the line, this is what Winter Haze is all about, creating a musical sound that defines their own thoughts and they have done it once again. 'Silent Deception' is an EP that should garner them more attention across the European continent, if you love angelic vocals, epic symphonies, powerful drums and guitars, then 'Silent Deception' by Winter Haze is for you. Download This: "Cross The Sea" For Fans of: Within Temptation, Epica, Nightwish [8] RHYS STEVENSON ARISE 'Don't Worry Be Happy!' + Live DVD' Japan is not usually known for Thrash Metal and so when quartet Arise make their long awaited debut the response is astounding, 'Don't Worry Be Happy!' features a plethora of tracks that explicitly demonstrates the burly ferociousness of the Japanese Thrash Metal scene. 'Don't Worry Be Happy!' delivers the classic style Thrash Metal, fast and heavily brutal and something that Slayer fans will be pissing themselves over for the foreseeable future. However for Arise they are an interesting bunch, this is a unique style of Thrash that plucks in Hardcore influences and yet does not fully reach either side, so you could call it crossover Thrash, whatever you call it the fact remains that Arise are an absolute gem. Download This: "Bitch's Trap" For Fans of: Slayer, Nuclear Assault, Agnostic Front As for the DVD, it features live footage of the band's two songs 'Life Domination' and 'No More Pain', it also features various shots and photos of the Japanese lands, the countryside, downtown Tokyo and bizarrely a rollercoaster and various shots of a car race going on a windy road through the mountains. With special effects like the photos and videos changing color intermittently, it is the perfect accompaniment to the album 'Don't Worry Be Happy!'. [8] + [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON F**KHAMMER 'Hammered To F**k' GRINDSCENE Yeah well wait for the vocalist to reach the recording studio and then the band can begin the real recording, let's face it F**khammer (asterisks are there for obvious reasons) aren't exactly anything special nor are they really going to go far, come on their style of Sludgey Crust / Death Metal is as poor as Justin Bieber belittling a tog. Their demo 'Hammered To F**k' may well have music on it, but it is no way anything good, if the lads stopped drowning themselves in the pub and actually thought about this, they would nail it. The guitars and drums are perhaps the only best thing about this release. [3.5] RHYS STEVENSON CITADEL BESIEGED 'Creation / Damnation' Last year saw the second album by Indiana's Citadel Besieged being released, 'Creation / Damnation' carries on more of the classic heavy metal the band laid out on their debut album, this time some of the songs have a much slower presence, such an example is the song 'Between The Shadows And The Dawn' where the fast pacy rhythms of a general heavy metal song become slowed down and thus adding a darker and sadder atmosphere to the affray. 'Creation / Damnation' is one of those releases that will appeal to any heavy metal fan, whether you prefer the fast pacey speed of Iron Maiden or the doom-like depressive sounds of Black Sabbath, Citadel Besieged's 'Creation / Damnation' had something for everyone. Download This: 'Between The Shadows And The Dawn' For Fans of: Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath [8] RHYS STEVENSON WINTERCOLD 'Mors Solum Inceptum Est' NIHIL INTERIT The latest album by one-man Gothic / Doom Metal project Wintercold has finally dropped, 'Mors Solum Inceptum Est' is the product of mastermind musician Satanic Tony (who also owns Salute Records), the Swedish musician has summoned once again the best of his musical abilities to unleash a blackened torrent of depression and Gothic atmospheric music. Sure 'Mors Solum Inceptum Est' is as raw as previous releases, but that adds to the whole doom effect and as the album progresses, listeners will fall further and further into the unknown as the album is intended to do. 'Mors Solum Inceptum Est' is certainly an acquired taste and is not for anyone who wants clean production, not for the faint of heart either. Download This: "The Dragon's Breath" For Fans of: Black Sabbath, Tiamat, Celtic Frost [8] RHYS STEVENSON F.O.B. 'Reap What You Sow' METALGATE There is a storm brewing over the Czech Republic and it isn't pretty either, perhaps the floods in Central Europe were down to the sheer magnitude F.O.B. exerts with their epic mix of Death / Thrash Metal and an equated balance of harsh and soft melodic vocals. In fact their 2013 album 'Reap What You Sow' should earn them international attention and possibly GMA's Czech album of the year. This is how Death / Thrash Metal should sound, technically trippy drums, machete-sharp riffs and punch-in-your-face vocals that will make you spew blood until you choke on your own bloody spit. 'Reap What You Sow' is by far one of the best albums to emerge out of the Czech Extreme Metal scene and with this effort now in the open, F.O.B. deserve nothing more than to be asked to play major European Metal festivals, let the apocalypse commence. Download This: "Missed Violence" For Fans of: HateSphere, Scarred In Beauty, Legion of The Damned [10] RHYS STEVENSON NADIR 'Exitus' Let's be honest Hungary is not a country you would associate with Deathcore, Death Metal yes, but Deathcore? Ah who cares, Nadir are a ten-legged machine of whom unleashed torrential hell with their fifth full length 'Exitus' released last year. Menacing riffs grapple the intense vocals that lead this album forward to mass apocalyptic proportions whilst the drumming serves as a warning sign to those weak hearted people that 'Exitus' is only for those that can withstand an atomic explosion of pure Hungarian Death Metal / Deathcore. For a band that has nearly been around 10 years, it's about time they exploded on the international scene and rock the apple cart of over-produced American Deathcore. Nadir are flying the flag for the Hungarian Metal scene. Download This: "Plunderers Of The Earth" For Fans of: Job For A Cowboy, Bring Me The Horizon, Unleashed, [9] RHYS STEVENSON WRATH OF FENRIR 'Wrath Of Fenrir' On the battlefields of the land down under, a tribal group paved the way for the darkness and folk bards to make their mark, that group is Wrath of Fenrir. Hailing from Western Australia, the quartet battle their way onto the scene with their war-torn variation of the already popular Black / Folk Metal. Their self-titled 2012 EP delivers what is expected of such a band, bouncy and flamboyant music and vocals during the folk sections, shifting into the bitterly cold shrieking Black Metal vocals, almost as if this band is bipolar (it happens). The great thing about this release is that one listen and you're hooked, sure it does not reach the same level as the Eastern European lot, heck it's not even in the same ball park, but it serves well as a piece of Australian Extreme Metal. Download This: "Wolfshead" For Fans of: Ancient Rites, The Furor, Winterfylleth, Arkona [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON MOSFET 'Deathlike Trash 'N' Roll' REFUSED At first listener's will be confounded to what music style Mosfet is aiming for... and by the end of the listening session they still will be confounded. After all the band's second album 'Deathlike Trash 'N' Roll' is hardly convincing enough to even reckoned as a serious metal album, all-in-jest. The truth is, the Austrian's second album seriously shifts music style too often and too quick. With that in mind, they aim for a mixture of Death / Thrash Metal with Rock 'N' Roll, unfortunately it seems they went the wrong way about it. I wouldn't say avoid it at all costs, just be wary it is a release that seems more rushed than someone running for the bus, if they got their organization right it would sound better, much better. Download This: "A Rowdy's Warfare" For Fans of: F**k knows? [5] RHYS STEVENSON TORANAGA
'Righteous Retribution' 25 years. One word: impressive. Toranga have been pillaging the countryside for the past quarter century and as they prepare to unleash their latest release 'Righteous Retribution' it is evident why. Producing the distinctive classic hard rock / heavy metal matrix that was laid out by the gods themselves, Toranaga summon up a sound that makes them stand out from the rest of the classic metal armada. However much has changed and as two new guitarists join the ranks, what could Toranaga conjure up next? Well given their upcoming album 'Righteous Retribution' carries on their chosen sound with a sharper focus and more aggressive attitude, they may as well become a band that sadly never made it, had they not signed to Chrysalis they may well be gods now, wait they are gods in their own right and so here is to another decade or so to Toranaga! For Fans of: Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica 'Righteous Retribution' is out 2nd September 2013 [8] RHYS STEVENSON HERIDA 'Ghost Of The Sun' Rowdiness comes in three stages, one: silent build-ups, two: breaking point and three: total havoc, Herida sit on breaking point and fail to break, but that's the ingenious blueprints behind their 2012 release 'Ghost Of The Sun', a groove metal marathon that jitters and jives from song to song in abhorrent fashion. It's hard what to make of these lads at times on the album but the general ideology is that they use a groove music foundation to add classic heavy metal vocals on top, just like a cheesecake the band and release features a solid background sound and a smooth and tasty foreground that leaves the listener wanting more music to their ears. Download This: "Burnin' Tree" For Fans of: Lamb of God, Iron Maiden, Battle Beast [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON DRAGONLANCE 'Edge Of Darkness' Dragonlance returned once again to deliver their first ever single back in 2005, it is evident that they have changed their tune and gone for a more Heavy / Power Metal approach that emulates the melodic trickery that bands like Sonata Arctica induce and the vocals reminiscent of Bruce Dickinson in his higher vocal range; sure this may be a cliche but it is the best one to use. 'Edge Of Darkness' can be seen as a turning point for the band as they coalesce their nominal sound that will see them progress unto delivering their all important debut album. The only downside is that the level of clarity needs to be upsurged and some guitar solo's need to be less technical as they tend to over ride the song indefinitely, not only do the guitar solo's tend to hog the limelight, the keyboard elements do the exact same thing, where will they go now from here? Download This: "Edge Of Darkness" For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, Italian Power Metal. [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON IRON KINGDOM 'Gates Of Eternity' It seems noticeable that Canada in recent years has reverted back to the classic sounds of early Heavy Metal, Iron Kingdom on the other use the same sound but twist to add their own ballsy electrifying feel to their music. 'Gates Of Eternity' the second album by the four piece stalwarts pieces together the classic Iron Maiden-esque infrastructure but amplifies the sound through a number of different values, such as having a female drummer who makes musicians like Lars Ulrich seem past their sell by date as the backdrop is as heavy as the hangover from an all nighter. As for the guitars and vocals, the sensationalism riding on every note and lyric is enough to send any die hard metal fan into mass headbanging. The ultimate question from the truly successful album 'Gates Of Eternity' is whether can Iron Kingdom follow in the footsteps of modern bands like Kobra & The Lotus? Well why the f**k not? Download This: "Chains Of Solitude" For fans of: Kaine, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Kobra & The Lotus. [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON DRAGONLANCE 'Returning Of The King' Now this is the sound that works best for the Japanese Power Metal troupe Dragonlance, finding that delicate balance the quartet consequently dropped their third demo 'Returning Of The King' back in 2007 and with it summoning a musical identity that will power them out of the Japanese islands. 'Returning Of The King' ticks all the boxes expected from a Power Metal release and more, in fact on this release there is that majestic adventurous feeling experienced when listening to European veterans, that sort of Power Metal that sends shivers down your spine. The truth is that this demo is exactly what Dragonlance should stick to, it is this sound that separates them from the rest of their countrymen. Think along the lines of Children of Bodom's icy keyboard elements and Dragonforce's plethora of complex solo's and you get the idea, as for Dragonlance this is the time to capitalize on this development and exploit it further. Download This: "Returning Of The King" For Fans of: Children of Bodom, Sonata Arctica, Dragonforce [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON FOR THE IMPERIUM 'Hail The Monsters' WARNER MUSIC FINLAND If the Finnish music industry was an operations management model it would be mass production, spewing out acidic flames of metal like no tomorrow, uprising and emerging out of the frozen furnace of Helsinki is For The Imperium. Armed with their mindf**king elemental matrix of avant-garde metal, pop rock and mimicked electronic elements, the overall sound can somewhat be summed up as 'Finnish Modern Metal'; a threat to their Nordic neighbors. 'Hail The Monsters' is an algorithmic musical puzzle that does not cut corners in order to impress, it simply reinforces the inevitable fact that For The Imperium is Finland's answer to Denmark's megalithic trio of Mnemic, Raunchy and Hatesphere. Fueled through the unrelenting masterminds that are For The Imperium, 'Hail The Monsters' is the sound of Finnish Metal 2013 and will impress metal fans across the globe, the Modern Metal style belongs to For The Imperium this year. Download This: "Northern Rampage [Muscles And Gasoline]" For Fans of: Raunchy, Dead By April, Waltari, Mnemic [9] RHYS STEVENSON DRAGONLANCE 'Knight The Wanderer' + 'Master Of Lance' Thankfully Dragonlance stuck to a similar sound demonstrated on their previous effort as their second single 'Knight The Wanderer' creates an atmosphere that is nearly exactly same experienced when listening to 'Returning Of The King', except 'Knight The Wanderer' carries a little less promise, sad to say it is not totally positive as at times the band seem to have lost the direction they want to go in. 'Knight The Wanderer' is a decent release granted, but at times it is questionable whether the release itself has 100% thought gone into it as the guitar solo overload once again makes an unwelcomed visit. Given due it is a good sound but in the end, the band have lost it on this release, lost it completely. However their 2009 demo 'Master Of Lance' gets back to basics and summons that sound that suits the band, the sound that makes t [5] RHYS STEVENSON AN APPLE A DAY 'Fall Of Thera' Blasting the abyss apart on the European continent is Luxembourg murderers An Apple A Day, the dentist's ultimate nightmare. Drawing up the blueprints for their debut EP 'Fall Of Thera' last year, the Deathcore / Death Metal wizards smashed the faces of the posers apart with a skull-crunching explosion of guttural Teutonic force that makes any earthquake look pitiful. 'Fall Of Thera' is designed to give bands like Whitechapel a wake up call to say the USA is no longer the best Deathcore producing nation anymore and as An Apple A Day course themselves through 2013, they may as well become the best ever heaviest metal band to emerge from the Benelux in years. Luxembourg and An Apple A Day may be small, but the punch they pack is harder than any delivered by a WWF champion. Download This: "Thera" For Fans of: Resist The Thought, Whitechapel, Buried In Verona [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON DRAGONLANCE 'Chapter Of Skyland' It is finally here, no not an album but the first major release by Dragonforce. Released in 2011, the premier EP 'Chapter Of Skyland' kicks off with an instrumental intro that circulates medieval chanting and has stark similarities with sections of the Epcot tune in Disney, rather odd no? In fact, this is perhaps the best ever release the band has ever done, even eclipsing the demo 'Return of the King' by miles. 'Chapter Of Skyland' employs that winning Power Metal formula demonstrated on the said demo and amplifies it to a whole new level. Sure the eccentric solo's are still there but they fit more majestically in the songs than their predecessors. 'Chapter Of Skyland' is without any doubt a release fit for global appreciation, with harmonies caressing the sharpness of the riffs, the powerful ballad like vocals and spine-chilling elements produced from the keyboard and drums coming all together, 'Chapter Of Skyland' is their best effort ever. Download This: "Definitions Of Honor" For Fans of: Children of Bodom, Sonata Arctica, Dragonforce [9] RHYS STEVENSON LUCIEN SARTI 'Lucien Sarti' Hailing from Suffolk, Lucien Sarti are a fresh faced Death / Thrash Metal quartet from the depths of Ipswich. Their self titled debut EP explores the more darker side to this crossover style, inducing guttural grit in the vocals and snappy riffs that are placed just right so that the vocals simply ride on the waves. Sure it is not as fast as some would expect, the drums aren't exactly Slayer speed but the vocals do deal justice in the form of some rather neat Death Metal. 'Lucien Sarti' is a good start but there is a way to go before it gets national attention; besides the band's potential of winning Metal 2 The Masses: East Anglia. Overall there are three tracks of good solid metal, but don't expect anything 100% special, not that perfection always works with rough bands, Lucien Sarti are simply lining themselves up to put old style metal back in the frontline. Download This: "1066 Lament" For Fans of: Carnal Forge, Sepultura [7] RHYS STEVENSON DRAGONLANCE
'The Seven Serpents' 2012 saw the latest release by Dragonlance drop, 'The Seven Serpents' the band's fifth demo takes the nominal sound they developed once again and take it to greater levels, but still no debut album (what on earth are they playing at???) Anyhow, 'The Seven Serpents' is that classic Power Metal release, full of heavenly powerful vocals and elegant music, again it's three tracks so the special feeling does not explode totally but the retaining of their sound does. 'The Seven Serpents' could be the last release this band ever does, but who knows what they will throw up in 2013? As for the release itself, it is sure to appeal to many Power Metal fans and is sure to set off a new trend in the Japanese Metal scene. Download This: "The Seven Serpents" For Fans of: Children of Bodom, Sonata Arctica, Dragonforce [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON PANZERCHRIST 'The 7th Offensive' LISTENABLE It's always great to celebrate a landmark year and as Denmark's most notable extreme metal sons Panzerchrist make their twentieth year of existence, their seventh album is finally dawning. 'The 7th Offensive' carries on much of the war theme the four-piece have adopted ever since their inception and packs a more powerful punch than ever before, excruciatingly painful double bass drumming sets the intonation for what could be regarded as the most brutally tantalizing music you'll ever hear in 2013. What with Denmark recently winning the Eurovision Song Contest, could this really be the year of Danish music success? 'The 7th Offensive' is armed and primed to unleash a full out assault on the European battlefields, just like a Leopard II in full combat Panzerchrist will blow minds apart with this ferocious musical masterpiece. 'The 7th Offensive' is out 15th July (Europe) and 13th August (North America) via Listenable Records For fans of: Marduk, Cannibal Corpse and Bolt Thrower [8] RHYS STEVENSON NEMESIS 'Genocidal Battlefield' THORN MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 2012 marked the debut album release of Nemesis, the Indonesian Melodic Death Metal / metalcore leviathan simmers machine-gun like drumming in sensational fashion and as 'Genocidal Battlefield' spews out sounds that fans of The Dead Lay Waiting and The Black Dahlia Murder will love. Pulsating drumming sets the course for this album to wreak total havoc and spark off some mosh-pits. Forget Indonesian Thrash Metal, Nemesis promise to take you on a journey that will be more powerful than any tsunami the island chain nation has ever encountered. As 'Genocidal Battlefield' paves the way for them to unleash another bout of metallic hell, could this be the best Melodic Death / Metalcore act to emerge out of South-East Asia? Download This: "End Of Breath" [8] RHYS STEVENSON BATTLE BEAST 'Battle Beast' WARNER MUSIC FINLAND / NUCLEAR BLAST Uprising from the darkest streets of Helsinki is Finnish sextet Battle Beast with their self-titled debut album from which features everything expected from a Heavy Metal band, heavenly vocals that come from the combination of powerful male and gritty female vocals, whilst the continuous epic riffs that wallow in the background along with the sincere drumming, keeps the listener on their toes and ultimately mixes to form a sound that even Lordi could not muster. 'Battle Beast' is not your average Heavy Metal album, it takes the whole Metal scene to a higher level and poises them as the natural rival to Canada's Kobra & The Lotus, whether you like ballsy metal or not this six-piece have enough power to ice up your eyes and slice your ears with a hailstorm of Finnish produced icicles, let the next onslaught commence. Download This: "Fight, Kill, Die" [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON FEEDBACK 'A Moment Of Transition' Considered perhaps the first ever metal band from Mauritius, Feedback employ a no-nonsense style of Progressive Metal / Rock that casts an explosive infusion of catchy riffs, unassailable vocals and an atmosphere that would inspire many, after all their debut album 'A Moment Of Transition' released three years ago carries a charismatic sound to it that makes some European bands look bad. Twelve songs equating to a generous total of one hour to listen to should keep Prog lovers gasping for more, in fact 'A Moment Of Transition' harmonizes the said genre and with their own unique twist, Feedback are firming themselves up to fly the flag for the Mauritian Metal scene. Download This: "Cursed" [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON ANOMALLY 'While The Gods Sleep' The Azores is not usually considered a hotspot for metal music, but when bands like Anomally let rip and release their majestic sound of Death / Thrash Metal with the elegance and visual image of the Gothic metal style, the result is outstanding. 2012 fell victim to the band's premier EP 'While The Gods Sleep', spewing out a free-flowing ambiance of guttural vocals that are harsh enough to make you scratch yourself. If 'While The Gods Sleep' was a footballer it would be Cristiano Ronaldo, full of guitar trickery, vocal projection and percussive explosive compositions that no one would save themselves from. Overall, whilst 'While The Gods Sleep' is a damn decent release, it is nothing new as such but still offers metal fans a tasty musical treat. Download This: "Controlled By Oppression" [7] RHYS STEVENSON LITVINTROLL 'Czornaja Panna' From the far eastern side of the European continent, a battle cry emits with such a high frequency the next door neighbors start to dance along to it. This battle cry is in the form of 'Czornaja Panna', the sophomore album by Belarus' Litvintroll. What comes with this sound is a rather odd mix of Scottish bagpipes, fluid Folk Metal percussion and the ethnic sounds of the band's mother tongue. However despite the originality and complete adhesion to the traditional melodies and sounds of their folk music garden, Litvintroll are an unsung band in that they are not as well known as they should be. This is proven on 'Czornaja Panna' as it draws stark similarities with bands like Arkona and the like. Ultimately for those who love their Eastern European metal, 'Czornaja Panna' is one release that should be in your collection, it captures the very essence of what makes Belarusian Folk Metal that little bit extra special. Download This: "Kryzak (Piesnia Pra Troliau II" [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON BONERIDE 'Weight Of Water' Making their next bold move once again is Boneride, the Finnish Heavy Metal quartet that celebrates their fifth anniversary this year. The lads have crafted their latest demo entitled 'Weight Of Water' and it features more of the classic sound produced on it's predecessor 'Arms of Mercy', sure the sound is not exactly new nor is it different, but it is still pleasurable to listen to, no fancy stuff just pure classic heavy metal. 'Weight Of Water' delivers three tracks that are at different speeds, but the same level of technicality, aggression and musicianship. In fact, this release may yet prove to be the best the band could ever muster. Download This: "Great Unknown" [7] RHYS STEVENSON MINSTREL 'Departure For Daydream Orbit' The Far East has always been a breeding ground for metal bands to experiment around with different music styles and elements, but never has melodic metal been infused on top of symphonic power metal in such a way that it eclipses bands like Sonata Arctica and Nightwish of whom fans of said bands will love. Unleashing their debut album is Taiwan's Minstrel and as the haphazardous elements fall into place, the overall impression is that this lot defy the rule of metal and create a sound that is remarkably hard to pin down. 'Departure For Daydream Orbit' ticks all the boxes as a breath of fresh air but whether that air is going to maintain it's freshness is a question worth asking oneself, all in all this album is for the eccentric metal fans, experience a bilingual release that flits between Asian and European power metal, just don't bank on the latter to pay attention to this four-piece. Download This: "Secret Time" [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON DRILLER 'All Shall Burn' Making their full blown debut album come to life is Polish Thrash maniacs Driller, it is not their first release but instead it is their first major release. 'All Shall Burn' blasts craters in the earth as it purges out a fluid explosion of fast and furious Thrash with the grit and dirt of Grindcore acting as a formidable backdrop. Fueled by the unrelenting surge of power from the drums, guitars and vocals, the album grills the senses until the anger inside builds up so much that you want to spit it out at anything living, including yourself! Think along the lines of the ferocity demonstrated on Slayer's 'Angel of Death' and you then get a clearer idea and feeling of what this band is really about. As for 'All Shall Burn', simply put it is an essential album for those who love a massive adrenalin rush and a heaving moshpit at the same time. Download This: "Drill & Blast" [9] RHYS STEVENSON DRAGONLANCE
'Holy Blood' Eleven years ago and the Japanese Power Metal force of Dragonlance emerged from the abyss, sweltering the land of the rising sun with their infectious riffs and audacious attitude towards metal music, that in turn spewed out their premier demo 'Holy Blood', an adventurous journey that is only marred by sadly the basic standards of Power Metal. For sure the two track release is only a snippet of what the band aimed to do in the recent decade or so, but as for the starting point 'Holy Blood' is a debatable release in terms of whether it actually is a respectable attempt or not, but as stated they have an audacious attitude towards metal music, it just not shows entirely on this release. What will their later releases deliver? Reprisal or a depressing downhill slalom? Download This: "Holy Blood" [6] RHYS STEVENSON |
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