DUSK OF DELUSION 'Watch Your 6' FANTAI'ZIC Conceptually the second album by Dusk Of Delusion is wonderful, musically though at times it slacks badly. There are some really amazing elements that work wonderfully, but there are some elements which in all honesty shouldn't have even be used. Granted they're a Nu / Alternative Metal band and those genres demand countless influences and sounds, but at times during some of the songs the elements clash too much and arguably becomes a clusterf*ck. 'Watch Your 6' is a conceptual work regarding the First World War and delivers stories from all fronts, with songs in Russian, French, German, Serbian and English, with that in tow the album is rather brutal and unrelenting, but it falls short of being extraordinary and just about ticks the boxes of being listenable, they're on the right path, just. Download This: While He Sleeps For fans of: 36 Crazyfists, Slipknot, 5 Finger Death Punch 'Watch Your 6' is out now via Fantai'zic [7/10] RHYS STEVENSON VIROCRACY 'Irradiation' BLACK SUNSET / MDD If you're looking for your next successful Death Metal export from Germany, then stop at Virocracy. For a band who has been around since 2018 and only dropping their debut album this year, you would have thought they would be seasoned pro's given the unforgiving brutality 'Irradiation' comes loaded with. Lead by the savage Anika Ov Moseberg (who might as well be a reincarnation of Angela Gossow; truth be told), Virocracy have nailed every criterion of what makes a debut album a statement album, it is sure to give them considerable attention across Europe and festival slots next year... you read it hear first, Virocracy are leading the next wave of German Extreme Death Metal. There is not one song on this album that offers any kind of weakness, it's designed to crush your cranium with maximum effect. Download This: Initio For fans of: Arch Enemy, Suffocation, Gojira 'Irradiation' is out now via Black Sunset / MDD [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON ELCROST 'Benighted & Unrequited' INDEPENDENT Ask anyone about the Extreme Metal scene in the Far East and they'll tell you how dark, atmospheric and unforgiving it really is. Elcrost are a living proof of this as this trio's debut album is laden with atmospherics that are so unnerving, they leave you wincing in pain whilst the crackling vocals, barbaric riffs and seismic drums leave you in wonder as to what hit you. 'Benighted & Unrequited' is a raw journey through the darkest metal known in the Vietnamese Metal scene and sets itself apart as arguably one of the most darkest releases to emerge from said scene. If you think China has an impressive Black Metal scene, then just check out Elcrost for they are the band that Vietnam has long been craving. Download This: The Worm For fans of: Urgehal, Carpathian Forest, Naglfar 'Benighted & Unrequited' is out now via an independent release [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON CORROSIÓN 'Matar Para Vivir' INDEPENDENT Sung exclusively in Spanish, the debut album 'Matar Para Vivir' by Uruguayan Death / Groove Thrashers Corrosión is laden with slickness so slick, it will let your senses slide into complete dysphoria. Granted it's nothing new in terms of the sound, but it does offer a refreshing reminder of the power conjured up in the Death / Groove / Thrash crossover genre. The only relative downside is the production level as it seems a little too raw for it to be considered a globally-worthy release, that said it will certainly satisfy those who love their metal unpolished and heavily dirty. Time will tell as to whether this Uruguayan unit salvage bits of the wreckage in time for their possible follow-up. Download This: Zapatos de cemento For fans of: DevilDriver, Sepultura, Machine Head 'Matar Para Vivir' is out via an independent release [7/10] RHYS STEVENSON SVENGALI 'Sayonara' INDEPENDENT Svengali return locked and loaded with their second album 'Sayonara' with two new members in vocalist Adnan Mryhij and drummer Joshua Saldanha, boy what a force they have become. If you think you know Metalcore, think again, Svengali will impale your body for breakfast and spit-roast you for dinner with this new effort, it's like letting off an atomic bomb. The great thing about this release is that there is something for everyone, there are fist-punching anthems and there are toned-down metallic ballads (core style), but none of those cheesy, flashy riffs, lame bridges or uber predictable breakdowns; basically 60% of most Metalcore bands these days. It goes without saying that Svengali are the next best band to emerge from the Emirati Metal scene; even though by nationality the band comprises of Emirati, Jordanian, Lebanese and Iranian musicians, effectively becoming a part of the 'New Wave of Middle Eastern Metal'. Download This: This Is Kombat For fans of: Whitechapel, Hatebreed, Miss May I 'Sayonara' is out now via an independent release [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON ZIFIR 'Demoniac Ethics' DUPLICATE RECORDS Veterans of the Turkish Black Metal scene Zifir hold nothing back with their fourth album 'Demoniac Ethics' as the darkness seeps through this raw and atmospheric opus. It's not exactly a secret that Turkey has a rather potent and bleak Black Metal scene, brimming with bands of all eras and yet Zifir, a trio that has been going for 14 years haven't given up at all. This shows in the brilliance exhibited with this latest effort, an echo of the first wave of Norwegian Black Metal albeit in the vein of Turkish attitude. 'Demoniac Ethics' no doubt will tickle the senses of those who prefer to have their Black Metal filthy, raw and atmospheric; even pleasing the elitists (such a thing still exists sadly), rest assured Zifir are not going anywhere anytime soon and will almost certainly conjure up another slab of Turkish Black Metal for people to savour. Download This: Spirit of Goats For fans of: Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Naglfar 'Demoniac Ethics' is out via Duplicate Records [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON YMYRGAR 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots' INDEPENDENT Tunisian Pagan Black Metallers Ymyrgar unleash their second offering in 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots', 6 years after their debut album graced planet metal. This time it's bigger, it's bolder and it's double the length of their debut album and so thus more to cheer about. In all honesty this should give them some considerable attention across the region and into Europe as it's a big step-up since their debut. There is something for everyone on this album, whether you're into the Pagan style of Black Metal or prefer Folk Metal tunes that have enough bounce to give you a spring in your step, 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots' has it all. Let this septet take you on a magical journey through the dark nights of the Tunisian sands and across the folkloric streets of Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. Download This: Throne of the Damned For fans of: Arkona, Arallu, Barbaros 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots' is out via an independent release [8/10 RHYS STEVENSON ABSENTATION 'Antimatter Rites' INDEPENDENT Originally from Syria, the now Germany-based one-man project Absentation (Salah Alghalayeeni) has unleashed his 4th album 'Antimatter Rites' a year after his critically-acclaimed 3rd album 'The Intellectual Darkness'. Absentation brings more of the tantalising and brutalising style of Death Metal we have grown accustom to with this Syrian musical genius. 'Antimatter Rites' is full of juicy riffs, outrageous drumming (although at times it does sound like a drum machine was used; it's that fast) and an unsteady atmosphere that is sure to make you feel sick to the stomach. Expect nothing more than a full smack to the face with this album, if you expect anything less then prepare for your ears to bleed internally outwards... it is not for soft people, word. Download this: The velocity of relativity talisman For fans of: Modern Death Metal, Scarab, Aborted 'Antimatter Rites' is out via an independent release [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON UTEN HÅP 'Lys' INDEPENDENT Since 2017, the one-man Black Metal project Uten Håp has pumped out 1 album, 6 splits, 1 compilation and a whopping 15 EP's, the latest being 'Lys', a three-track atmospheric black metal work of art. Originally hailing from the Norwegian archipegalo of Svalbard, musician Danthor Wildcrow relocated to Spain and carried on with his Black Metal projects including Uten Håp which should carry on, because as this latest EP goes, the musical creative spark is still well and truly alive. 'Lys' is in the vein of the 'True Norwegian Black Metal' sound and rarely deviates, keeping true to an authentic sound and one that will resonate with this musician for many years ahead. Download This: Falling In Fear For fans of: Raw Black Metal, True Norwegian Black Metal 'Lys' is out via an independent release [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON THE FALLEN PROPHETS
'Relentless Killing Motivation' MMD RECORDS Grab hold of your guts, wrench them until you yourself vomit them out and then digest yourself from the inside-out, because if you don't then The Fallen Prophets will. This South African outfit are not to be taken lightly as shown on their second album 'Relentless Killing Motivation', it comes with a mosh and headbang warning, said activities are expected instantaneously for the vicious form of Melodic Death Metal / Deathcore this horde produces demands it. Embrace the chug-a-thon, chill to the freely-flowing vocals and be captivated by the machine-gun drumming, this is no run of the mill music, hell no, this is the new face of South African Metal... Seether? Your time is up. With 'Relentless Killing Motivation', The Fallen Prophets may well have booked themselves European festivals for next year... Download This: Stench of Death For fans of: Whitechapel, Born Of Osiris, Hanging The Nihilist 'Relentless Killing Motivation' is out via MMD Records [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON
DUSK OF DELUSION 'Funfair' FANTAI'ZIC To be inspired by established bands is one thing, but to try and emulate their sound is a no-no. Regrettably it seems France's Dusk Of Delusion have fallen into that trap, their debut effort 'Unfair' is predictable at it's best and sure whilst it carries the hallmarks of Slipknot and Korn as the bands that spring to mind imminently, the sound is too much of a likeness to said bands albeit the snippets of audio dialogue which somehow (no idea how) deters the attention away from the mimicking going on. In fact, there is far too much Corey Taylor going on here and this is what will leave the album undetected because said vocals, said artist, are established, period. Unless Dusk Of Delusion come up with a new formula for future releases they will always remain in second gear, welcome to the 'funfair'? Horror show more like. Download This: "Casanova" For Fans of: Slipknot, Drowning Pool, Korn, Stone Sour. [4/10] RHYS STEVENSON PRIMORDIAL 'Exile Amongst The Ruins' METAL BLADE Although they have been going for a vast number of years, Ireland's treasured sons Primordial have not lost any of their unrelenting energy that makes their albums all so great. Four years on since their previous album and the Celtic / Black Metal crew drop their new effort 'Exile Amongst The Ruins' with a ferocious onslaught of folk-laden beats, aggressive and enchanting vocals, and riffs so refreshing, so striking, that they take you by surprise. Now, some might be turned off by the length of the songs but for those who are bold and brave enough to vanquish the thirst for something extraordinary, the experience is rewarding in every aspect. Drafting in Doom Metal elements one some of their songs once again, Primordial drive into the ground the stake of which establishes them as one of the greatest Irish Metal bands of all time; it would take something spectacular to unseat this enchanting release. Download This: "Where Lie The Gods" For Fans of: Winterfylleth, Cruachan, Cnoc An Tursa, Skyclad 'Exile Amongst The Ruins' is out 30th March via Metal Blade Records [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON FRANCIS 'A Million Years Of Loneliness' SLIPTRICK Moldova might be a small country in the far flung corner of Europe, but it's metal scene is ramping and shaping up to be one that can challenge the Western elite. Entering into the fray is Francis with their Modern Metalcore / Melodic Death entwined sound, a sound that will capture the attention of many across the continent and into the global metal community. 'A Million Years Of Loneliness' is the group's new album and it comes fitted with an explosive form of musical armageddon as it twists and turns into a multitude of pitches, rhythms and atmospherics that will leave you jaw-dropped. Judging by this album it seems that Francis are set on creating their own definitive sound and aren't easy to pigeon-hole, thus making them probably the most exciting modern metal band to emerge in 2018... watch this space with sincere intent. Download This: "Nothing Changed" For Fans of: Arch Enemy, Dead By April, Nightwish 'A Million Years Of Loneliness' is out 27th March via Sliptrick Records [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON AUGURY 'Illusive Golden Age' THE ARTISAN ERA Nine years have passed since Augury dropped their second album and it is not really for the better, their latest effort 'Illusive Golden Age' musically is fine, vocals are OK (they are hard to understand for Death Metal standards), but overall? The expectation fell short of 'oh my god'. The album does well to stand on it's own two but it lacks the ability to shift out of third gear into fourth, and whilst it flits between the two genres it lacks organization is rather all over the place despite admitting the music is fine; production wise it's fine, but piecing together it lacks organization. I just wasted time on listening to this arguably decent effort, I just wish it could have sounded better... Download This: "Carrion Tide" For Fans of: Progressive Death Metal, Canadian Tech Metal, 'wtf' metal 'Illusive Golden Age' is out 30th March via The Artisan Era [6/10] RHYS STEVENSON BARBARIAN PROPHECIES 'Origin' BASE RECORD PRODS / HECATOMBE Heavy Black / Death Metal crew Barbarian Prophecies return with their fourth album 'Origin' and armed with a new vocalist, this is probably the strongest effort they have ever made. A non-stop thundering of raucous riffs, vomiting vocals and destruction drums pave the way for this album to lay waste on your senses with a sense of gratification at the very end. The funny thing is you would not think the vocals were female, such a brutal demonic force resides within Chousa's vocals, so much so they can easily challenge even the most guttural-singing of Death Metal vocalists. This effort shall create waves across the wider Spanish Metal scene, but even so it will strike a chord in the extreme metal community, this is an album to cherish. Download This: "Path Of The Soul" For Fans of: Behemoth, Death, Deicide 'Origin' is out 26th March via Base Record Productions / Hecatombe Records [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON KILLIBRIUM 'Purge' INDEPENDENT Upon hearing the debut EP by Death Metallers Killibrium, it's evident that the quartet know their craft extremely well and are perfectly capable of unleashing an unfathomable amount of extremity on the unsuspecting wider metal community. 'Purge' is a prime example of modern Death Metal should be done, no nonsense, no wishy-washy elements, just a straight and unchallenged stream of sheer ferocity marred by ballistic drumming, tight-arse riffs and vocals so brutal, they make your last shitting episode whimper at the gravity of this tantalisingly unmissable slice of Indian Death Metal. Honestly, if they are not snapped up in the next two years by a record label I shall question the activity of the metal music industry, Killibrium set to become the next big export from India. Download This: "Purge" For Fans of: Suffocation, Aborted, Behemoth 'Purge' is out now via an independent release [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON LAST DAYS OF EDEN 'Chrysalis' PRIDE & JOY MUSIC If Eluveitie, Within Temptation and Sonata Arctica had a threesome, Last Days Of Eden would be the offspring. Folk Metal, Symphonic Metal and Power Metal all come together into a mixing pot to produce something rather magical, something refreshing and something that should be in your music collection. 'Chrysalis' is the third album by this Spanish septet, and boy does it deliver a sound that is astoundingly beautiful. Whilst the folk metal elements float vividly in the background and the guitars and vocals take control on most songs, the delicate balance of all three genres make this album a joy to listen to. With this effort as solid as it is, it's no doubt that their live persona will match the likes of Epica, they certainly have this album nailed on the spot and whilst the Symphonic Metal genre may be overloaded with female-fronted bands, Last Days Of Eden have proven they are more than capable of holding their own. Download This: "Dead Man's Tale" For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, Epica, Eluveitie, Within Temptation 'Chrysalis' is out now via Pride & Joy Music [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON DEAD OF NIGHT 'The Evolving Science Of Self' PRIDE & JOY MUSIC So what can you call Dead Of Night's music? Well it could be Symphonic Metal, it could be Gothic Metal, but let's go with 'Symphonic Cinematic Metal'. Set to release their fourth album in four years since their inception, Dead Of Night are a force to reckon with and are set to become the UK's long awaited answer to Nightwish. 'The Evolving Science Of Self' has the sort of sound you'd imagine hearing on a Disney soundtrack, 'Frozen' for example, because it's majestic and cinematic atmosphere lifts your senses high up in euphoria as the keyboard elements battle for supremacy against Briony's infatuating vocals, the guitars and drums content to take back seat, but the overall composition sits right in front of you as arguable one of the finest unsigned Symphonic Metal releases Europe has ever seen. Dead Of Night are destined to set planet metal alight. Download This: "Set The Night On Fire" For Fans of: Nightwish, Within Temptation, Ravenia, Epica 'The Evolving Science Of Self' is out now via Pride & Joy Music [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON VALE OF AMONITION 'Those Of Tartarean Ancestry' INDEPENDENT Being a metal band in a country where the scene rests on your shoulders is a heavy burden to have, but it is something that Vale Of Amonition have taken in their stride. Unleashing their sound of True African Doom Metal once again with their second album 'Those Of Tartarean Ancestry', the Ugandan duo have served up something that can be considered a romantic affair with the occult, the dark side of myth and homage to Black Sabbath's Doom Metal pioneering. The magical side to this album and the duo's music is they tell stories through their music, the atmosphere providing a dank, dark, eerie and unnerving feeling and through the guitar distortion, harmonious and deep vocals and the entrancing pace of the drums, Vale Of Amonition have once again delivered a masterpiece opus, one that will delight Doom Metal fans everywhere. Download This: "The Most Of Merry Funerals" - Click to listen For Fans of: Black Sabbath, Huntress, Ghost [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON CARTAGENA
'Roma Delenda Est' INDEPENDENT Since Myrath stepped out into the wider world of metal music, Tunisia has been spewing out bands left, right and centre. The latest export to emerge Cartagena, is no ordinary Symphonic Metal band, this is a band who wants to take you on a journey back to the Roman Empire times and the invasion of Tunisia; band name refers to the then capital of the Carthaginian civilization (now Tunis). By mixing together the traditional sounds of Tunisia and the wider Arabic world with Symphonic Metal, Cartagena deliver a stellar debut album that will give them the proponents to lay waste at the festivals they are playing at this year. 'Roma Delenda Est' is an album everyone should own because it is finely balanced, between traditional music and metal music it straddles the two perfectly. Cartagena are flying the flag for the Tunisian Metal scene. Download this: "Motherland" - Click to listen For fans of: Myrath, Persona, Orphaned Land [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON FRISSON 'Exit Denied' INDEPENDENT When listening to the debut album release by Frisson, you would have to make your choice on what genre they are because they seem to wander through numerous styles, from Death Metal and Hardcore to elements of Black Metal and Thrash Metal... so let's call it extreme metal. 'Exit Denied' is a raw and brutal release that will appeal to a wide range of tastes, in fact it's a decent release from a scene that lacks in exposure... it's not easy hailing from Kosovo. Wherever the future takes these lads, one thing is for certain, they are flying the flag for the Kosovar Metal scene. For the record, Frisson is French for shivering and shivering is what you will do when finishing listening to 'Exit Denied'. Download This: "Madness" - Click to listen For fans of: Extreme Metal [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON SECTASYS 'Brotherhood Of Chaos' INDEPENDENT Without a doubt one of the tightest, most extreme metal bands to emerge out of the South American continent. Hailing from Venezuela is Sectasys, a Blackened Death trio of whom have summoned the darkest curses known to man to magic up 'Brotherhood Of Chaos', an album designed for those who love their metal to be fast and heavy, not weak and pathetic. From start to finish, this album is unrelenting in every aspect and as the chaos pursues, so does the thirst for more from this band. Think early Behemoth come cascading down into Immortal whilst simultaneously flirting with Carpathian Forest, well, you get the idea... complete chaotic carnage with enough brutality to crush your mind to pieces. Download This: "Destroyers Of Humanity" - Click to listen For Fans of: Behemoth, Carpathian Forest, early-God Dethroned [8] RHYS STEVENSON LIBERTAD O MUERTE 'En Carne Viva' INDEPENDENT Modern Metalcore meets Modern Melodic Death Metal once again as Libertad O Muerte drop their second album 'En Carne Viva', one year after their debut saw light. Exclusively singing in Spanish, this quintet from Uruguay hold nothing back when it comes to music creativity and it shows on their latest effort, it's none of that flashy stuff nor is it swishy, in fact this album is completely brutal and demands your immediate attention. If you think you've heard Melodic Death/ / Metalcore in it's entirety, think again for Libertad O Muerte feed their style with some groove elements as well to keep it bouncing along tickety-boo. 'En Carne Viva' is a delight to listen to, may they make more albums like this. Download This: "Divide Y Conquistarás" - Click to listen For Fans of: Mnemic, The Agonist, Scar Symmetry [8] RHYS STEVENSON NOVARIUM 'Omicron' INDEPENDENT With most Gothic Metal bands you tend to expect the vocals to be a battle between male growls and female harmonics, however Novarium seem to want to discard the whole 'beauty and the beast' aesthetic, and instead use the power of the music generated as a menacing sound to battle against the female vocals - quite an interesting take if one is being honest. This American quintet are challenging convention with their debut effort 'Omicron' (n.b. 15th letter of the Greek alphabet), taking a delicate balance of Nightwish style symphonies and slotting in influences from Evanescence, Lacuna Coil and Within Temptation along the way. To most this might seem another one of those cliche Gothic Metal releases, but this is a breath of fresh air, don't believe me? Check it out for yourself. I call this Modern Gothic Metal. Download This: "The Unworthy" - Click to listen For Fans of: Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Evanescence, Within Temptation. [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON EX ANIMO 'Neverday' INDEPENDENT If you turn your attention towards Eastern Europe, in specific the broader Doom / Dark Metal movement that seems to be rather a craze in this part of the world, you will find bands like Ex Animo taking the initiative to constantly reinvent this already overdone crossover genre. 12 years may well be a shockingly long time between their debut album and their second album 'Neverday', but the Ukrainian quintet have pulled out all the stops on this effort and whilst sticking 'mostly' to their guns. They've ventured into other styles of metal including Symphonic Metal and Gothic Metal at the foremost periphery. Just don't expect a lot of growling to take centre stage, instead let the atmospherics do the talking because boy, it's terrific, it's hounding and it's going to consume your senses. Download This: "Shattered Universe" - Click to listen For Fans of: Moonspell, Poisonblack, Paradise Lost [8] RHYS STEVENSON EDGEFLAME 'Liberate Then Separate' INDEPENDENT This is more of a political statement in vendetta form rather than a Thrash Metal album, well when you consider Edgeflame to wallow in the 80's Thrash Metal sound, it fits. Mixing Speed and Heavy Metal as well and you have the complete package. For Turkey's Edgeflame, 'Liberate Then Separate' is more about making music and enjoying it rather than seeking something new and or to be superstars, it's a statement of intent that there is evident unrest within Turkish society - not to suggest that the middle finger should be raised at the state of modern Turkey, or at least ironically that is what Edgeflame seem to suggest. Instead it's a gentle nod to a much wider global issue. Download This: "Sledgehammer Of Time" - Click to listen For Fans of: Evile, Pantera, Testament [7] RHYS STEVENSON NAWATHER 'Wasted Years' M&O MUSIC Ever since Myrath exploded onto the global stage with their unique style of Oriental Progressive Metal, fellow Tunisian metalheads have adopted similar styles with their music, Nawather are no exception. They aren't trying to be clones of Myrath, no way, instead they add a bit more grit and another take on the flourishing Oriental Progressive Metal style and this is clear with their debut album 'Wasted Years'. By mixing growling male vocals with clean female vocals, Nawather add an extra dimension to create their own sound - through the use of a Qanûn, rather than synthetically create the 'Arabic' vibes via keyboard; not that there's anything wrong with that, either way is something special. But it's fair to say that Nawather, Myrath and Persona are leading the 'New Wave of Tunisian Metal'. For Fans of: Myrath, Persona, Orphaned Land Download This: "Defnouna" - Click to listen [8] RHYS STEVENSON INTRICATED 'The Vortex Of Fatal Depravity' PERMEATED If seismic activity was detected underneath the buzzing streets of Bangkok, you cannot blame mother nature for it, no not this time... the culprits would be Intricated. By unleashing a torrential, gruelling and disgusting slab of Slam / Brutal Death Metal, Thailand's Intricated are sickening enough to make you vomit and then some. When you consider 'The Vortex Of Fatal Depravity' is the band's debut album after 9 years since their inception, it certainly was worth the wait as the pig squeals, low-fi blastbeats and thick distorted riffs set destined course for pummelling your senses. The funny thing is though, Brutal Death Metal is so fixed on a particular formula it's hard to create anything musically different without treading over the same blueprints, either way 'The Vortex Of Fatal Depravity' is a heavy-hitting release. Download This: "Represent Existence" - click to listen For Fans of: Katalepsy, Suffocation, Dying Fetus [7] RHYS STEVENSON OMNIFARIUM 'Vitiate' INDEPENDENT There was once a time where most people would have never thought of any metal music scenes happening in The Caribbean, nowadays the island nations and dependencies are embracing this global phenomena and it's bands like Omnifarium who are spurring it on. Having unleashed their first demo 3 years ago, the time had come for them to drop their debut EP and boy what a beast it is. Vitiate borrows influence from Old-School Death Metal as well as the Floridian Death Metal style, so mid-pace drums, chunky riffs and mauling vocals all combine to deliver a harmonised music onslaught. Omnifarium have not vitiated the Death Metal scene, no in fact they've pushed themselves right into the mix of it all, but also positioned themselves to be flying the flag for the Puerto Rican Metal scene. Download This: "Thorns Of Abomination" - Click to listen For Fans of: Shadows Fall, Suffocation, Morbid Angel FROZEN GATE
'Behind The Dark Ice' INDEPENDENT Perhaps it might be apt that Frozen Gate does indeed hail from the city of Winterthur in northern Switzerland, because this horde of ice warriors have sculptured a rather bitter, brutal and atmospheric style of Symphonic Black Metal. 'Behind The Dark Ice' is a new edition to the whole 'Winter Metal' theme that bands like Wintersun, Wintersoul and Immortal Soul seem to use, in fact truth be told Frozen Gate are the bastard sons of Wintersun and Dimmu Borgir. On one hand you have the icy symphonies and on the other hand the fast-paced brutality combined with an almost adventurous undertone. It is early days no doubt, but Frozen Gate might yet just prove to be the Black Metal band to reignite the Swiss Metal scene and potentially befit themselves as an up-and-coming force in the underground. Download This: "Illuminate My Way" - Click to listen For Fans of: Behemoth, Wintersun, Dimmu Borgir [9] RHYS STEVENSON WORMED 'Krighsu' SEASON OF MIST Unorthodox in every way imaginable, well all ways except for one - Technical Death Metal. If you like the latest effort by long-standing Spanish Death Metal horde Wormed is one of unthinkable brutality meshed together with such tight time signatures, that they make the djent sound seem as pansy as the so-called emo metal contingent. Vermicular as it comes, Wormed are the aficionados of the Technical / Brutal Death Metal movement and as such demand utmost respect. Lets face it right, try and head-bang to this unforgiving slab of extremity and you might as well have scooped your brain out and bludgeoned it with a mallet before succumbing yourself to this chaotic pace-shifting audio wall of death. For the seasoned Death Metal this will be another slice of cake, for those unaccustomed to said genre, you have been warned. Download This: "Eukaryotic Hex Swarm" For Fans of: Aborted, Scar Symmetry (lyrics), Cryptopsy 'Krighsu' is out 18th March via Season Of Mist [8] RHYS STEVENSON MYSTIC PROPHECY 'War Brigade' MASSACRE 16 years in and 9 albums down, you would begin to think that Germany's Mystic Prophecy would think about hanging up their instruments and calling it quits. Not on this effort they won't. 'War Brigade' is the latest album from this Power Metal quintet and forms another important instalment in the band's illustrious career. Full of bouncy riffs and drums, charismatic vocals and warm-hearted atmospherics, 'War Brigade' is a beauty to hold. Not only does the album stand on it's own two, but it also comes with a rather interesting bonus track... a cover of 'Sex Bomb' (Tom Jones). It seems to be a growing trend for metal bands to cover pop songs (and they say metalheads should hate pop!!! HAH!); Children of Bodom once covered 'oops I did it again' (Britney Spears). As for the Germans, well, they have delivered an album that will satisfy any metalheads thirst for something interesting. Download This: "Sex Bomb (Tom Jones)" For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, Powerwolf, Helloween 'War Brigade' is out 18th March via Massacre Records [8] RHYS STEVENSON DESTROYERS OF ALL 'Bleak Fragments' MOSHER Three years ago Portugal's Destroyers Of All dropped their debut EP, three years on and they're set to drop their awaited debut album. 'Bleak Fragments' carries on the formula the quintet mustered to make their debut EP picked up by media worldwide including Terrorizer (UK) who featured a song on their Fear Candy compilation series. As for the band's debut album the chunkiness of the bass and riffs remains, whilst the vocals and drums have become equally as impressive. What makes the album that little bit special is the short but snappy pauses throughout some of the songs, it adds suspense, drama and above all a moshing atmosphere. With this effort, Destroyers Of All will certainly be scouted by some of the top European Metal festivals for this summer and if they don't, then I might just have to eat my speakers, because 'Bleak Fragments' carries all the hallmarks of a release deserving of an early nomination for 'Portuguese Metal release of the year'. Open this pit!! Download This: "Hate Through Violence" For Fans of: DevilDriver, 5FDP, Six Feet Under 'Bleak Fragments' is out 18th March via Mosher Records [8] RHYS STEVENSON NOVACROW 'Black Syrup' INDEPENDENT Hard, heavy, balls to the wall, that is just how you can describe the debut EP by Liverpool's very own Novacrow. 'Black Syrup' contains five tracks of hard rocking', heavy metallic tunes that will keep you singing and humming all the way down the Mersey and into the Irish Sea. With dashes of rockabilly (especially on the title track), sleaze and groove making the cut, Novacrow's debut EP 'Black Syrup' might just earn them a slot on the Jagermeister stage at Bloodstock - they are that kind of band.... they are that good! Whilst they might not reach the pinnacles The Beatles did, they certainly would gain the thumbs up approval from John Lennon and co., because they absorb the atmosphere well enough to deliver an EP that deserves said recognition. With Kitty's riot grrrl vocals leading the charge, Jonyx's riff-firing artillery matched by Torben's thunderous drums and Federico's slap-happy bass meshing together to deliver the 'Black Syrup' EP, utmost respect must be given to this snazzy lot. Download This: "Fight The Horde!!!" - Click to listen For Fans of: Halestorm, Sister Sin, The Pretty Reckless [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON DAKESIS 'The New Dawn' CAPSAARX Dramatic at every twist and turn, the latest effort by Birmingham's Dakesis glimmers with chunky bass lines, flash riffs, harmonic vocals and an atmosphere ready to explode. Think adventure and rampaging across the hills and valleys of the Midlands and this album will provide itself as a perfect soundtrack to the journey. 'The New Dawn' is this quartet's second album and it is full of energy, so much so you would need to clear your mind to fully experience the magic laid herewith. Progressive Power Metal just effectively got kicked in the nuts, this album should be enough to hand them a slot at Bloodstock this year (yes Simon Hall looking at you), because when you imagine what the album would sound like live, you can imagine the hordes of punters uncontrollably headbanging and moshing their hearts out. 'The New Dawn' is a beautiful album that may just well give inspiration for bands in the Progressive Power Metal style in generations to come. Download This: "The Great Insurrection" - Click to listen For fans of: Pythia, Sonata Arctica, Within Temptation [8] RHYS STEVENSON HERA 'Her Era' INDEPENDENT Being in a metal band or project in the Middle East is never easy unless you're from Israel or the Gulf states, moreover if you're a female playing rock or metal music in any given Islamic nation it's never easy - death is on the table. But just like Orphaned Land settled political differences with Palestine's Khalas, Emirati musician Hera seeks a similar path, that is to bring peace to society and prove females can rock as hard as men. Bringing to the fore is her premier album 'Her Era' which uniquely brings together the flavours of 'strong Emirati traditional linguistic elements' with the Western progressive metal sound. No doubt has she created a wonderful strain of Oriental Metal, but also an identity and music style to call her own. 'Her Era' is not a political message, but rather an album that expresses the commitment to understand, appreciate and challenge today's societal injustices and issues. Hera is flying the flag, not only for female metal musicians but also the Emirati Metal scene. Download This: "The Unborn" - Click to listen For Fans of: Liv Kristine, Myrath, Orphaned Land [8] RHYS STEVENSON GONE IN APRIL 'Threads Of Existence' WAVETRANSFORM International projects are without question much harder to undertake and maintain in comparison to bands, well even more so when the musicians are in two different continents. Harking from the USA, Canada, Italy and Germany respectively, Gone In April is the Mozart of the metal world. With their much-awaited second album 'Threads Of Existence' finally here, the impression is that they all are truly focused on making their own sound without searching for it. Angelic female vocals crashing against beastly male vocals, whilst the riffs add much dramatics along with the drums who provide a solidified backdrop. Valiant in every aspect, 'Threads Of Existence' is a wonder to behold, a force to be reckoned with, for hells-sake this album will convert even the most hardened metal elitist into complete open mindedness. Seriously if Gone In April isn't in your metal collection, then there is something wrong with your music choice. Download This: "As Hope Welcomes Death" - Click to listen For Fans of: Scar Symmetry, Before The Dawn, Dark The Suns [8] RHYS STEVENSON PERSONA 'Elusive Reflections' INDEPENDENT Tunisia of late has become a flourishing place for a lot of Progressive Metal, in the style of Oriental Metal at that. The latest edition to this spectacular metal scene is the female-fronted band Persona, whose debut album 'Elusive Reflections' is poised to set the world alight. Following the footsteps of fellow countrymen Myrath, Persona are sure to take their unique blend of Arabic melodies and progressive ambiance to newer heights, abseiling the face of international stardom with newfound vigour. Fronted by the majestic Jelena Dobrić, this sensational clash of two worlds brings a new sound with it and as the band prepare to line up in their sights an impending European tour, 'Elusive Reflections' can sit proudly as a sharp contender for 'Tunisian Metal release of the year'. Watch this group with interest, because they are destined to go places. Download This: "Monsters" - Click to listen For Fans of: Myrath, To-Mera, Lacuna Coil [9] RHYS STEVENSON RAGE OF LIGHT 'Chasing A Reflection' INDEPENDENT Whip out those glow sticks, set the space in between the wall of death, on the count of 3 run at each other waving those sticks insanely! 1.. 2.. 3..!!! WELCOME TO THE RAVEPIT! This is probably what Rage Of Light should do when playing the first song live, because their virally infectious premier EP 'Chasing A Reflection' certainly defines a new genre. By mixing Groove Metal, Melodic Metal, Trance, and EBM together, this tight-knit entity are sure to make their music known across Europe - possibly even breaking into the trance clubs of The Netherlands and Germany (its that good). From start to finish, this Swiss unit's premier EP will keep you hooked throughout, leaving you begging for me and all whilst this happening you will be raving like a thing possessed, an excellent instalment in the Modern Metal phenomenon. Download This: "Beautiful Slave" - Click to listen For Fans of: Amaranthe, Silent Descent, Xe-None [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON BLEEDING SPAWN
'Pathogenic Mechanized Abomination' INDEPENDENT Slam Metal and Brutal Death Metal, however you want to call the debut album by South African executioners Bleeding Spawn, this is proper sick sh*t. 'Pathogenic Mechanized Abomination' is all what you would automatically expect from a Brutal Death Metal release, unrecognisable vocals, pig squeals, thumping bass elements, chunky riffs, unrelenting drums, pig squeals, a bludgeoning atmosphere, pig squeals... OK enough of being 'baconist' and 'porkist'. The truth is, 'Pathogenic Mechanized Abomination' is a sharp contender for 'South African Metal release of the year' and why? Well simply because it's tenacity to leave the listener complete skull-smashed is just one sign that you've been pulverised by this murderous horde. F*ck 'The Walking Dead', Bleeding Spawn ARE The walking dead. Healthy and Safety is advised, prepare your digestive system for potential impact, because the side effects of this album include vomiting, extreme diarrhoea, internal bleeding.... and pig squeals. Download This: "Butchered & Beaten" - Click to listen For Fans of: Cattle Decapitation, Prostitute Disfigurement, Dying Fetus [8] RHYS STEVENSON OVERHATED 'Into The Plague' INDEPENDENT Fresh off the beaches in the Dominican Republic is Death / Thrash horde Overhated with their premier EP 'Into The Plague' released last year. Some would expect to hear raw and low recording quality, whether you agree or not with that sentiment the organic sound mastered by this quintet is paramount to their scenes steady but growing metal scene. Granted it is nothing new and whilst originality prevails here and there on certain songs, the overall feeling is one of justifiable gratitude. It's an EP that should be taken seriously however not too much as to acknowledge that it is not an effort that warrants a label signing. However as blistering as the heat is out there, it is matched equally by the music of which constitutes bellowing vocals, gritty riffs and thunderous drumming. Hark the coming of age for the Dominican Republic Metal scene. Download This: "Into The Plague" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Gojira, Darkane, Hatesphere [8] RHYS STEVENSON DEADPOINT 'The Art Of Deception' INDEPENDENT Could Deadpoint prove to become Poland's long awaited answer to Lamb of God? You would think so. With the quintet's scintillating debut album 'The Art Of Deception' racking up some serious grooves and uncompromising brutality, you would need a damn good alibi to cover your reason for ignoring this album, in fact it would be criminal to turn a blind eye to said release and band. Already creating a buzz in their homeland, it is only a matter of time before Deadpoint arrive on your doorstep ready to blow the roof off of your local venue. 'The Art Of Deception' ironically sums up the album as a whole, at first you think it's another run-of-the-mill funked-up metalcore release, but when it kicks in you will suffer so much whiplash you would wish you had taken out medical insurance prior to listening to this musical apocalypse. Download This: "Lapidus" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Lamb Of God, Machine Head, Asking Alexandria [8] RHYS STEVENSON DEAD END 'Dead End' INDEPENDENT At first 'Dead End' seems to be heading to become just another average Heavy / Thrash Metal release, but it takes time for the real deal to kick in. 3 songs in and you're thinking more optimistically for the release, it is this slow wait for anything convincing to happen that hampers the EP as a whole. When it does pick up the pace, 'Dead End' is an EP that should be viewed with interest as it has promise among the pitfalls, sure first releases are not always the best, but there is enough potential riding on this EP that should enable the band Dead End to deliver a better follow-up release. Swiss Metal has suffered a slight setback in recent times and whilst bands like Dead End try to reinvigorate it, with this effort it is clear we might have to wait slightly longer for something magical to arise. Download This: "One Of Them" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Evile, Metallica, Gama Bomb [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON BELHAVEN 'Sage Of Hope' INDEPENDENT Poland's love affair with Symphonic Metal continues as the latest army to join the ranks emerges from the shadows, Belhaven are here with their premier EP 'Sage Of Hope' and they aim to reap your soul. Expect soaring harmonics combine with elegant vocals and be mashed together with eccentric music elements, sure it's near enough the same working formula devised for most Symphonic Metal bands nay releases, but it works. 'Sage Of Hope' is a delightful listen for those who are adventurous enough to try something new and will certainly provide Belhaven a starting point to build a career upon. Whether they took their name from a Scottish village remains a question needing answering, but the answer to whether they will be popular and successful is clear, keep up this effort and they will reach that point with ease. Download This: "Nightguide" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Within Temptation, UnSun, Amberian Dawn [8] RHYS STEVENSON STORMWOLF 'Swordwind' INDEPENDENT Modern Heavy Metallers Stormwolf kick off their career with a bang, by formulating a set of winning songs to slot into their debut album 'Swordwind', the Italian quartet deliver a romping stomp across various pitches, tunes and sounds. Majestic with every song, 'Swordwind' comes into its own with flirtatious riffs, riotous vocals and emphatically insane drumming. You get the feeling that Stormwolf are set to breathe life into a volatile yet over-populated metal genre, well by bolting melodic and Gothic metal influences onto the heavy metal sound, they have certainly got their eyes set on the future. 'Swordwind' is a treasure to behold, with some songs sounding as if they came from the soundtracks of 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' e.g. 'Marathon' (2:28-2:40) and 'Lord Of The Rings' e.g. 'Thasaidon', overall the sound is magical, it's sexy and most of all it's clearly done with creativity in mind. Let the Stormwolf roam across planet metal freely. Download This: "Marathon" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Kobra & The Lotus, Sister Sin, Iron Maiden [8] RHYS STEVENSON LE GÉNITEUR 'Les Pantins Du Péché' INDEPENDENT 'Les Pantins Du Péché' (trans: 'The Sin Of Puppets') is the debut EP of French Death / Thrash newbies Le Géniteur (trans: The Progenitor) and whilst you might hope for something spectacular, you will be left slightly disappointed. Irrespective of the language differences, the power is not there and it at times loses focus, that is, there is no clear direction as to where it is actually going. You know, you might find more entertainment and solitude in watching paint dry, ironically bide your time and there are some glimmers of hope that the band know what they are doing (but you have to wait till the fourth track). So whilst 'Les Pantins Du Péché' may do well in the local and regional scene in France, it lacks that potential ability to make a European if not national name for itself. There is far too much emphasis on the guitar riffs, very little composition from the drums and the vocals are too muffled, other than that good job. Download This: "Extremum" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Machine Head, Deathchain, Possessed [6] RHYS STEVENSON NAWATHER 'Wasted Years' M & O MUSIC Making your feelings and emotions heard is not always easy, but perk up your ears and hear the sounds of traditional Middle Eastern folk music collide head on with Progressive Metal and immerse yourself in the world of Nawather, Tunisia's latest export. Hot on the heels of fellow countrymen Myrath, Nawather take a unique root through the combining the vocals of Tunisian Raouf J Occulta and Omani Ryma Nakkach together. Perfect for Arabian nights, Nawather's 'Wasted Years' gives itself as a huge testament to Tunisia's flourishing metal scene. Some might argue that the 'Oriental Metal' movement is too narrow and that they sound too alike to Myrath, but this simply is not the case. Aside from the fact they sing in both English and Arabic, Nawather have their own sound envisioned and they will realize this with ease. Watch this group with utmost interest. Download This: "Daret Layyem (دارت الايام)" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Orphaned Land, Myrath, Sand Aura [8] RHYS STEVENSON ESHTADUR 'Oblivion' REBELSIGN Not letting go of their ascent to international recognition, Colombia's rampaging horde Eshtadur delivered their first EP and with it comes another horrific slab of Melodic-infused Black / Death Metal. You know to think that Colombia alone is infatuated with Extreme Metal, becomes immediately apparent when you have the likes of Eshtadur who unleash such an accentuating and distinguishable sound that sets them apart from their influential peers. Unrelentingly fast, uncompromising at it's best and without a doubt mind-blowing at it's absolute peek, 'Oblivion' is a truly magnificent release that proves Eshtadur have what it takes to raid Europe and then some. Unpredictable throughout the EP, there are twists and turns at every second, thus giving the EP a unique feel to it, one that demands your attention. If you don't check this EP out, you are no fan of Extreme Metal. Fact. Download This: "Heavens To The Ground" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Ihsahn, At The Gates, Behemoth [8] RHYS STEVENSON STORM 'Medusa' TIN IDOL PRODS. Following up from their promising start, Hawaii's premier Gothic Metal band Storm make no mistakes in unleashing another sensational album. 'Medusa' devotes itself as a conceptual album about the ancient creature spoken of in Ancient Greek mythology. With Eric Barker taking over keyboard duties, Storm found the missing piece that they lacked on ' Storm's a Brewin' ', giving greater atmosphere and prominent presence. By ingeniously mixing together storytelling with metal music, the Hawaiian horde manage to bring a new dimension to the metal music world, in fact Storm deserve all that comes their way in 2016 because with this effort, they will place Hawaii on the map just as 36 Crazyfists did for Alaska. 'Medusa' is essentially a Gothic / Power Metal album that opens and frees the mind from the shackles of the ever-narrowing corridor of Gothic Metal adventurism. Download This: "The Curse" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Within Temptation, Pythia, Seraphim, Epica [9] RHYS STEVENSON ACID FORCE
'Towards The Nuclear Load' INDEPENDENT Punk n' Thrash is not exactly a new concept having buried it's roots over the years, but it still lives on with fresh and exciting band emerging to lead it on. One such band is Slovakian quartet Acid Force whose premier EP 'Towards The Nuclear Load' dwells within the Old-School Thrash Metal era with Punk influences in-tow. Whilst yes it is nothing new it certainly does the rounds and features a host of songs designed to get a mosh-pit started without prior warning. Sadly it does not carry the warrant of immediate appraisal nor does it do the band injustice, 'Towards The Nuclear Load' despite it being a decent Thrash EP just does not cut it completely. At times it desperately tries to avoid being 'Slayer-like' and whilst it does this, it ironically does fall into that trap at certain sections, leaving the EP in a questionable state. Download This: "Ammunition" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Slayer, Nuclear Assault, Anthrax [7] RHYS STEVENSON NIGHTCREEPERS 'Hreidd' What with 'Alpha' being the blazing album that it was, it was going to be tough to see how French Folk Metal sextet Nightcreepers could up their game. But they've succeeded and the result is a sensational offering in the form of 'Hreidd'. Utilizing much of the unforgiving brutality the band has exercised on previous releases, 'Hreidd' storms out of the barn with a trail of blisteringly-hot fire left behind it. What makes this release a powerful slap-in-the-face album is the brilliance in mixing Folk Metal with Extreme Metal elements, whilst avoiding being pigeon-holed in the Black / Folk Metal category. In fact 'Hreidd' has the attitude and firepower to ignite widespread interest for the band, if this does not deliver them a record label deal within the next year or so, then there is something seriously wrong with the..... labels. 'Hreidd' is set to win Nightcreepers a flurry of new fans worldwide. Download This: "Volcae" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Windir, Dimmu Borgir, Vanir 'Hreidd' is out now via an Independent release [9] RHYS STEVENSON YMYRGAR 'The Tale As Far' Sure Ymyrgar may be singing about Norse mythology and subsequently fall under the Viking Metal or Pagan Black Metal categories, but come on they are from Tunisia! That's just as misplaced as Skiltron from Argentina singing and playing Scottish Folk Metal. However their debut album 'The Tale As Far' really sets the par high for other Tunisian Metal bands albeit Myrath who have already cemented their place in the international arena. By lacing together melodic folkloric elements with the harshness of Black Metal, what Ymygar have delivered here is a rather unique culture clash of-a-release, one that ought to garner some attention from the North African metal scenes at the very least. Featuring Tuoksu (Arij Arbi ) as the guest soprano, her vocals add the missing dimension to the album and thus poise it perfectly as Tunisia's next successful album export. Download This: "Dawn Of Time" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Drakwald, Elder Tale, "Pagan Black Metal" [8] RHYS STEVENSON ARCHAIZE 'Liberation' It's not all that often an Australian Metal band gets international recognition, although Archaize might get this with their debut album 'Liberation' which explodes in a minefield of Groove, Death and Thrash Metal, accumulating to develop a brutal form of Modern Metal. 'Liberation' is a 41 minute assault of purely aggressive, insanely catchy and completely arousing numbers that will get your tits hard and cocks up in the air as if sex went out of fashion. With vocals that are so piercingly loud, riffs so savage they rip into your soul and drumming so full of fury, you would be hard to find any other Australian Metal band that can rival the Modern Metal machinists known as Archaize. This is the new sound of metal and it's coming to whip your sorry arse. 'Liberation' is guaranteed to give Archaize that platform needed to start their career, if they carry on this sound, they may well be playing in the UK in a few years to come. Download This: "Sunset" - Click here to listen For Fans of: DevilDriver, Mnemic, Six Feet Under [8] RHYS STEVENSON MANIC DEMISE 'The Bitter Blood Of Brutality' Call them blood brothers, call them brothers-in-arms, call them what you like, the fact is the duo known as Manic Demise do not mess around when it comes to releasing stellar material. Especially when the vocalist is in the USA and the instrumentalist is in Australia, the duo's debut EP "The Bitter Blood Of Brutality" may not be the convincing release they could have conceived but it certainly is a respectable slab of Death Metal. In fact it ought to be interesting to see how they progress from this release, surely the debut album will oust the EP with no mercy attached? 'The Bitter Blood Of Brutality' is a gore-guzzling sizzler-of-a-release that demands utmost attention and a stomach cast of iron, so as to stop you from puking at this orgasmic release. Download This: "Septic Crypt" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Gorguts, Avulsed, Dying Fetus [7] RHYS STEVENSON ALKIRA 'Juggernaut' Aiming to stake their claim on Australian soil (nay the international metal scene) is South Australia quartet Alkira with their infectious Groove / Thrash effort 'Juggernaut'. Their debut album comes hot off the heels from their second EP 'Red Devil' and with it comes a valiant neck-breaking storm of fast and furious Thrash Metal mixed with the funkiness and elegance of Groove Metal. Through a culmination of gnarly vocals, barbaric riffs and unruly drumming, Alkira's 'Juggernaut' has more balls than those two dudes on the Fosters TV adverts, in fact Alkira are not your average Australian Metal band either. They will go places if they keep this momentum going, the salient point is that 'Juggernaut' is without a doubt hotter than a typical Aussie BBQ on the beach and has tons more glamor than Kylie Minogue, however it does have the sexiness of her though... Download This: "Submission Therapy" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Anthrax, Motorhead, Pantera [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON ZARIA 'Po Poti Življenja' Very few bands from Central Europe deliver a sparkling demo and then top that by delivering a debut album that turns heads from further afield. Zaria, a six-piece Folk Metal unit from Slovenia certainly have struck the right chord in delivering their debut album 'Po Poti Življenja'. Aligned alongside fellow countrymen Brezno, it seems that we could have 2 bands simultaneously leading the Slovenian Metal scene. As for Zaria, the one thing holding them back is the lack of English, ironically if they ditched the Slovene language, then the music would lose it's cultural identity as true sounds of Slovenia. With infectious melodies and harmonious elements flowing freely throughout. Zaria's 'Po Poti Življenja' is a must-have album for avid Folk Metal fans, you'd be silly not to, as it expresses the beauty of traditional folkloric tales and the gracefulness of soft, melodic folk music. Download This: "Moč Brez Imena" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Brezno, Eluveitie, Ensiferum [9] RHYS STEVENSON HAMMERHEAD 'The Doom That Came To Sarnath' For those not in the know, Sarnath is the place of pilgrimage for Buddhists worldwide, so what inspired Hammerhead to call their second EP 'The Doom That Came To Sarnath'? Simple, the title is taken from the H.P. Lovecraft novel, moreover with this EP the Belgian trio hurl a barrage of gnarly, face-punching sounds that certainly would appeal to fans of neck-breaking Thrash Metal. With some rather dashing tremolo's creating a wall of sound alongside unrelenting drumming and vocals so vile, you'd have to wear a face mask to avoid being spat upon with cyanide; it is that corrosive. The EP is all good and proper but it does take time to kick in, so some impatient "Thrasheads" may switch off, but for those who wait, the rewards are certainly worth it. Hammerhead are a band to watch in 2015 because with this 2014 EP, they are rather promising. Download This: "The Doom That Came To Sarnath" - Click here to listen For fans of: Slayer, Exodus, Pantera [8] RHYS STEVENSON RETRACE MY FRAGMENTS 'Ethereal Flux' If there is one band that has never shied away from reinventing themselves or challenging the conventions of their own music, it's Retrace My Fragments. Their debut album 'Ethereal Flux' takes on board 101% originality; something that lacks in a vast swathe of modern Death Metal bands, lashing together an awe-inspiring science fiction story (split into chapters) conceived by vocalist Antonio Martija and bringing it to life through a dramatic-yet-theatrical production of brutal vocals, eerie riffs, apocalyptic drumming and an atmosphere so expansive, it makes a black-hole claustrophobic. 'Ethereal Flux' is the finest release by this Luxembourg quintet and should garner some international attention, why these guys are not signed is astounding, however with this album the labels cannot ignore them much longer. Retrace My Fragments are flying the flag for the Luxembourg Metal scene. Download This: "Rime Of The Instant Space Traveller" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Cephalic Carnage, The Dillinger Escape Plan, 'Modern Metal' [10] RHYS STEVENSON FROST TEARS
'九章 (Nine Chapters)' MAGNUM MUSIC Leading the way for the new wave of Oriental Gothic Metal is Taiwanese ensemble Frost Tears with their debut album 九章 (Nine Chapters). Singing in their native Chinese language, the sextet embody this with the gracefulness of European Gothic Metal, mix it with an Oriental atmosphere and create an overall sound that will appeal to a wide range of metalheads. '九章 (Nine Chapters)' explodes in all directions with the vocals ranging from operatic to melodic and the instruments delivering a combined solid force that will surely drive Frost Tears into the international limelight. Full of drama, twists and turns at every pulsating second, '九章 (Nine Chapters)' is one album everyone should own, literally everyone. Download This: "九章 (Nine Chapters) album trailer" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Lacuna Coil, Tarja Turunen, Within Temptation [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON |
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