DUSK OF DELUSION 'Watch Your 6' FANTAI'ZIC Conceptually the second album by Dusk Of Delusion is wonderful, musically though at times it slacks badly. There are some really amazing elements that work wonderfully, but there are some elements which in all honesty shouldn't have even be used. Granted they're a Nu / Alternative Metal band and those genres demand countless influences and sounds, but at times during some of the songs the elements clash too much and arguably becomes a clusterf*ck. 'Watch Your 6' is a conceptual work regarding the First World War and delivers stories from all fronts, with songs in Russian, French, German, Serbian and English, with that in tow the album is rather brutal and unrelenting, but it falls short of being extraordinary and just about ticks the boxes of being listenable, they're on the right path, just. Download This: While He Sleeps For fans of: 36 Crazyfists, Slipknot, 5 Finger Death Punch 'Watch Your 6' is out now via Fantai'zic [7/10] RHYS STEVENSON VIROCRACY 'Irradiation' BLACK SUNSET / MDD If you're looking for your next successful Death Metal export from Germany, then stop at Virocracy. For a band who has been around since 2018 and only dropping their debut album this year, you would have thought they would be seasoned pro's given the unforgiving brutality 'Irradiation' comes loaded with. Lead by the savage Anika Ov Moseberg (who might as well be a reincarnation of Angela Gossow; truth be told), Virocracy have nailed every criterion of what makes a debut album a statement album, it is sure to give them considerable attention across Europe and festival slots next year... you read it hear first, Virocracy are leading the next wave of German Extreme Death Metal. There is not one song on this album that offers any kind of weakness, it's designed to crush your cranium with maximum effect. Download This: Initio For fans of: Arch Enemy, Suffocation, Gojira 'Irradiation' is out now via Black Sunset / MDD [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON ELCROST 'Benighted & Unrequited' INDEPENDENT Ask anyone about the Extreme Metal scene in the Far East and they'll tell you how dark, atmospheric and unforgiving it really is. Elcrost are a living proof of this as this trio's debut album is laden with atmospherics that are so unnerving, they leave you wincing in pain whilst the crackling vocals, barbaric riffs and seismic drums leave you in wonder as to what hit you. 'Benighted & Unrequited' is a raw journey through the darkest metal known in the Vietnamese Metal scene and sets itself apart as arguably one of the most darkest releases to emerge from said scene. If you think China has an impressive Black Metal scene, then just check out Elcrost for they are the band that Vietnam has long been craving. Download This: The Worm For fans of: Urgehal, Carpathian Forest, Naglfar 'Benighted & Unrequited' is out now via an independent release [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON CORROSIÓN 'Matar Para Vivir' INDEPENDENT Sung exclusively in Spanish, the debut album 'Matar Para Vivir' by Uruguayan Death / Groove Thrashers Corrosión is laden with slickness so slick, it will let your senses slide into complete dysphoria. Granted it's nothing new in terms of the sound, but it does offer a refreshing reminder of the power conjured up in the Death / Groove / Thrash crossover genre. The only relative downside is the production level as it seems a little too raw for it to be considered a globally-worthy release, that said it will certainly satisfy those who love their metal unpolished and heavily dirty. Time will tell as to whether this Uruguayan unit salvage bits of the wreckage in time for their possible follow-up. Download This: Zapatos de cemento For fans of: DevilDriver, Sepultura, Machine Head 'Matar Para Vivir' is out via an independent release [7/10] RHYS STEVENSON SVENGALI 'Sayonara' INDEPENDENT Svengali return locked and loaded with their second album 'Sayonara' with two new members in vocalist Adnan Mryhij and drummer Joshua Saldanha, boy what a force they have become. If you think you know Metalcore, think again, Svengali will impale your body for breakfast and spit-roast you for dinner with this new effort, it's like letting off an atomic bomb. The great thing about this release is that there is something for everyone, there are fist-punching anthems and there are toned-down metallic ballads (core style), but none of those cheesy, flashy riffs, lame bridges or uber predictable breakdowns; basically 60% of most Metalcore bands these days. It goes without saying that Svengali are the next best band to emerge from the Emirati Metal scene; even though by nationality the band comprises of Emirati, Jordanian, Lebanese and Iranian musicians, effectively becoming a part of the 'New Wave of Middle Eastern Metal'. Download This: This Is Kombat For fans of: Whitechapel, Hatebreed, Miss May I 'Sayonara' is out now via an independent release [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON ZIFIR 'Demoniac Ethics' DUPLICATE RECORDS Veterans of the Turkish Black Metal scene Zifir hold nothing back with their fourth album 'Demoniac Ethics' as the darkness seeps through this raw and atmospheric opus. It's not exactly a secret that Turkey has a rather potent and bleak Black Metal scene, brimming with bands of all eras and yet Zifir, a trio that has been going for 14 years haven't given up at all. This shows in the brilliance exhibited with this latest effort, an echo of the first wave of Norwegian Black Metal albeit in the vein of Turkish attitude. 'Demoniac Ethics' no doubt will tickle the senses of those who prefer to have their Black Metal filthy, raw and atmospheric; even pleasing the elitists (such a thing still exists sadly), rest assured Zifir are not going anywhere anytime soon and will almost certainly conjure up another slab of Turkish Black Metal for people to savour. Download This: Spirit of Goats For fans of: Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Naglfar 'Demoniac Ethics' is out via Duplicate Records [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON YMYRGAR 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots' INDEPENDENT Tunisian Pagan Black Metallers Ymyrgar unleash their second offering in 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots', 6 years after their debut album graced planet metal. This time it's bigger, it's bolder and it's double the length of their debut album and so thus more to cheer about. In all honesty this should give them some considerable attention across the region and into Europe as it's a big step-up since their debut. There is something for everyone on this album, whether you're into the Pagan style of Black Metal or prefer Folk Metal tunes that have enough bounce to give you a spring in your step, 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots' has it all. Let this septet take you on a magical journey through the dark nights of the Tunisian sands and across the folkloric streets of Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. Download This: Throne of the Damned For fans of: Arkona, Arallu, Barbaros 'Where The Oak Drowns Its Roots' is out via an independent release [8/10 RHYS STEVENSON ABSENTATION 'Antimatter Rites' INDEPENDENT Originally from Syria, the now Germany-based one-man project Absentation (Salah Alghalayeeni) has unleashed his 4th album 'Antimatter Rites' a year after his critically-acclaimed 3rd album 'The Intellectual Darkness'. Absentation brings more of the tantalising and brutalising style of Death Metal we have grown accustom to with this Syrian musical genius. 'Antimatter Rites' is full of juicy riffs, outrageous drumming (although at times it does sound like a drum machine was used; it's that fast) and an unsteady atmosphere that is sure to make you feel sick to the stomach. Expect nothing more than a full smack to the face with this album, if you expect anything less then prepare for your ears to bleed internally outwards... it is not for soft people, word. Download this: The velocity of relativity talisman For fans of: Modern Death Metal, Scarab, Aborted 'Antimatter Rites' is out via an independent release [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON UTEN HÅP 'Lys' INDEPENDENT Since 2017, the one-man Black Metal project Uten Håp has pumped out 1 album, 6 splits, 1 compilation and a whopping 15 EP's, the latest being 'Lys', a three-track atmospheric black metal work of art. Originally hailing from the Norwegian archipegalo of Svalbard, musician Danthor Wildcrow relocated to Spain and carried on with his Black Metal projects including Uten Håp which should carry on, because as this latest EP goes, the musical creative spark is still well and truly alive. 'Lys' is in the vein of the 'True Norwegian Black Metal' sound and rarely deviates, keeping true to an authentic sound and one that will resonate with this musician for many years ahead. Download This: Falling In Fear For fans of: Raw Black Metal, True Norwegian Black Metal 'Lys' is out via an independent release [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON THE FALLEN PROPHETS
'Relentless Killing Motivation' MMD RECORDS Grab hold of your guts, wrench them until you yourself vomit them out and then digest yourself from the inside-out, because if you don't then The Fallen Prophets will. This South African outfit are not to be taken lightly as shown on their second album 'Relentless Killing Motivation', it comes with a mosh and headbang warning, said activities are expected instantaneously for the vicious form of Melodic Death Metal / Deathcore this horde produces demands it. Embrace the chug-a-thon, chill to the freely-flowing vocals and be captivated by the machine-gun drumming, this is no run of the mill music, hell no, this is the new face of South African Metal... Seether? Your time is up. With 'Relentless Killing Motivation', The Fallen Prophets may well have booked themselves European festivals for next year... Download This: Stench of Death For fans of: Whitechapel, Born Of Osiris, Hanging The Nihilist 'Relentless Killing Motivation' is out via MMD Records [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON
NAFRAT 'Abnegation' BRUTAL INFECTION Singapore has a long standing history within the extreme metal community, it has been producing top notch bands for the past two decades. One of it's exports Nafrat re-emerge fresh from their 10 year slumber with their second unforgivable slice of no-bullsh*t Death Metal in the form of their new album 'Abnegation'. By taking elements from the old-school faculty and bolting on modern elements, the Singaporean quartet remind listeners as to why the South-East Asian Metal scenes are as brutal as they are. Demanding your attention at every passing second, this album will sit well with those well and truly seasoned with the genre, but moreover would provide a platform for those getting into Death Metal to explore it further. 'Abnegation' is one Death Metal album for the ages, gripping, tense and outright ferocious. Download This: "Iconoclasts" - click to listen For Fans of: Cannibal Corpse, Modern Death Metal, Rudra [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON MORS SUBITA 'Into The Pitch Black' INVERSE Just like being smacked in the head with a metal pole, Mors Subita's third effort 'Into The Pitch Black' comes slamming down on to your senses and leaves you left for dead. The strong opening track 'As Humanity Weeps' sets the tone for the album and arguably is the strongest track on the album. Throughout the album this Finnish outfit romp throughout. Bolting together the Modern Metal sound (with Industrial in tow) with the underlying current of Melodic Death / Thrash Metal, Mors Subita once again prove themselves to be the dark horse of the Finnish Metal scene. 'Into The Pitch Black' is loaded with aggression, slick swift elements, an electric atmosphere and a sound that is potent enough to leave you in a coma. For a band who has been going 19 years, they aren't giving up just yet not by a long shot as demonstrated on this album; if Scar Symmetry and In Flames are up your street, then Mors Subita is the mansion at the end of the road. Download This: 'As Humanity Weeps' For Fans of: Scar Symmetry, In Flames, Asylum 8 [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON ASTRAY VALLEY 'Unneth' WORMHOLEDEATH Modern Metal seems to be the in-thing of late, it seems that the metal style cannot be shaken off and has arguably become the best thing since Nu Metal (was Nu Metal good though?). Escaping the claws of generic sounds is Spanish quartet Astray Valley, whose latest album 'Unneath' is laden with so much aggression you wouldn't know how to mosh to it. This quartet are young and full of energy, however they are also set to become the next successful Spanish Metal export having already hooked up with the likes of The Agonist for example. By lashing together elements from Metalcore, Alternative Metal, Melodic Metal and Groove Metal, Astray Valley are destined to go places with this rather unique and disturbing sound. 'Unneth' is one album that every fan of hard, abrasive metal should have, it's got more brutality in it than the Saw franchise ever delivered. Download This: "Waters Of Skylah" For Fans of: Butcher Babies, In This Moment, Jinjer [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON ACEFALO 'Sin Piedad' INDEPENDENT Sometimes the old ways are the best ways and Argentina's Acefalo have demonstrated this very well through their debut album 'Sin Piedad'. By harnessing the old-school Thrash Metal style and adding a side serving of grit and sweat, this quintet deliver a sound that echoes the early days of Slayer; full-on fast-paced Thrash that leaves your neck aching for days to come. Singing in their native Spanish, Acefalo know how to create an infectious sound that will make Thrash diehards weak at their knees; through the unrelenting drum-thumping, riff barrage and vocal onslaught. Granted it's nothing new, but it's worthy of utmost attention and once again, sometimes the old ways are the best ways. If you're seeking thunderous Thrash Metal then Acefalo will provide you with the best fix available. Download This: "Apostoles De La Crueldad 1" - click to listen For Fans of: Slayer, Machine Head, Nuclear Assault [7/10] RHYS STEVENSON BLOODSHED 'Scoundrel' U-ORIES Could you blame Vietnam's Bloodshed for using pig squeals in their gruelling and gritty form of Death Metal? Not really, seeing as the extreme forms of metal out in the Far East are ultimately in their own league. Digesting their debut EP 'Scoundrel' is like sinking your teeth into a gourmet burger, its full of flavour and warrants finishing to enjoy the full array of ingredients. It comes together lashed with a sizeable dollop of unintelligible vocals, thick riffs and battering drums, overarching all of this is an innate sense of aiming to craft a signature sound and whilst it's evident Bloodshed tries their best, the result is merely a cry for help or raising the white flag to surrender the generic pig-squealing Death Metal formula. Download This: "Scoundrel" - click to listen For Fans of: Prostitute Disfigurement, Suffocation, Visceral Bleeding [5.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON KRUMMHOLZ 'Rooted In Despair' INDEPENDENT It's rare to find Black Metal in Sub-Sahara Africa let alone Atmospheric Black Metal, but Uganda-based trio Krummholz aim to change that and having released their debut EP 'Rooted In Despair', it would seem they've found their sound to march on with. Full of magical harmonies and riveting metal elements, this is one EP any metal fan should have in their collection because it's sound is so mesmerizing, it puts the Scandi-bands to shame. 'Rooted In Despair' comes in a 20-minute two-track onslaught that is almost guaranteed to keep you awake whilst listening to it. It would be fair to say that with this EP now in the wider world, that the dawn of 'True African Black Metal' is upon us, it's majestic sound is enough to satisfy anyone's musical thirsts. Download This: "To Father Worlds in the Bones of Ancient Solitude" - click the link For fans of: Windir, Winterfylleth, Carach Angren [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON ARTEMIS BLADE 'As Above… So Below' INDEPENDENT It's always fascinating whenever a band splits only for some of the members to form a new band, because at times they'll carry forward influences on from their previous outfit to their new one. Australian Melodic Death stalwarts Artemis Blade have done just that with their debut album 'As Above… So Below', having been a Thrash Metal band in The Blackened Beneath beforehand, it's clear some of these elements have seeped into their new music. Despite this the vocals are inhaled mostly but are savage enough to keep your attention from swaying away and if that's not enough, the three guitars, bass and drums will staple your ears to the speakers so hard that it won't be the staples that'll make your ear bleed, but the sharpness of Artemis Blade carving right through your senses. Download This: "The Fall" - click to listen For fans of: Silent Descent, Scar Symmetry, In Flames [7.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON ASYLUM 'Domination' GSD PRODUCTIONS Prior to slaughtering the Wacken faithful this year by winning the Metal Battle Caribbean heats, Surinamese Groove / Metalcore outfit Asylum dropped their debut EP 'Domination'... and f**k does it kick some ass. Creating such a glowing effort in a relatively small metal scene is not easy, but Asylum have done just that, presenting a release that's guaranteed to smack a few jaws hard. Having been around six years, the wait for this release was worth it as the quintet summon every fighting spirit within their grasp to present metal so attention-grabbing, you would be a bloody-minded fool to ignore this promising outfit. Sure for some it's stripped bare and has no flashy riffs or trickery that the likes of Lamb of God might wield, but 'Domination' is one hell of a ride... free at that. Download This: "Dis Na Mi Kondre" - click to listen For Fans of: Lamb Of God, Fear Factory, DevilDriver [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON AOHEN '失魂 (Lost Souls)' INDEPENDENT It goes without saying that the Asian Extreme Metal scene is by far the best to have ever existed and Taiwan's Aohen make that point loud and clear. Dropping their latest demo '失魂 (Lost Souls)' this year, the Doom / Death Metal stalwarts waste no time in delivering such raw and energetic music, yeah sure it's a demo and yeah their fifth demo in a row, but who cares? '失魂 (Lost Souls)' is a two-track dynamic force that exhibits thick distortion, raw vocals and riffs so fluid they make your urine seem viscous. With some dabbling in Black Metal along the way, this quartet know how to hone their craft and whilst it might not be groundbreaking, it certainly adds up for a refreshing listen. Download This: "失魂 Lost Souls" - click to listen For Fans of: Myrkur, Amorphis, My Dying Bride [7.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON BURST
'You Must Die' INDEPENDENT It's always amazing to find bands from the most far flung lands and yet to discover their music to be as professionally done as you would find in the leading metal scenes. Entering the fray are Burst, a Death / Grind band from the Pacific island of New Caledonia whose debut album 'You Must Die' is a tour de force. All across the fourteen tracks, listeners are subjected to a barrage of double bass drums, thick and heavily distorted guitars, topped by some rather neat and brutal vocals. With songs exclusively in French and English (although it depends if you call it audible), this outfit are sure to garner attention from outside of the French island dependency. If you're digging and looking for something exotic, then Burst's 'You Must Die' is your first port of call. Download This: "Bastard Extravagansa" - click to listen For Fans of: Deathbound, Carcass, Cattle Decapitation [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON PALE BASTARD 'Pale Bastard' INDEPENDENT Casting aside the overshadowing Welsh 'core' scene for a second, Stoner Metal crew Pale Bastard prove that there is more to the Welsh Metal scene than tight jeans, breakdowns and the occasional sheep-shag (yes it's an outdated joke, but it's still funny). Having crafted their self-titled debut album with such finesse, it's difficult to see where they can improve before their next outing, but there is always room for improvement right? However, it goes without saying that this is an album that any Stoner Metaller will be proud of, with grooves as thick and choking as the Welsh coal mines and riveting riffs laying down the red carpet for the ballsy atmosphere to take charge, Pale Bastard are certainly primed, tipped and ready to explode upon the British Metal scene with a brutal arsenal at their disposal. Download This: "Spider Blood" - click to play For Fans of: Orange Goblin, Fu Manchu, Kyuss [7.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON LELAHELL 'Alif' METAL AGE PRODS. Four years have eclipsed since the debut album by Algerian Death Metallers Lelahell saw daylight, since then there has been a few members leave and thus has left frontman Lelahel taking command. Taking over bass duties and recruiting Hannes Grossmann on drums as guest, the Algerian outfit unleash their second album 'Alif' which offers more of the infatuating style of Death Metal presented on their debut 'Al Insane... The (Re)Birth of Abderrahmane' albeit with Black Metal influences dotted here and there. It's been some time coming but 'Alif' delivers without fail, offering a slaughtering barrage of tight-ass riffs, menacing bass-lines and gut-rotten vocals along with crystal-clear production. 'Alif' may well be the album to set the Algerian Metal scene alight and bring much-earned attention to this part of the world, Lelahell are flying the flag for Algeria. Download This: "The Fifth" For Fans of: Aborted, Unleashed, Behemoth [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON TURBYNE 'Origins & Endings' INDEPENDENT Just for a second, think about the fact that Scotland has other metal bands. You know, other metal bands than that Pirate Metal band (you know who). Bands like Turbyne whose recent Bloodstock appearance was a statement of intent, a statement to prove that there is a truly active scene north of the border. Harking back to their debut album 'Origins & Endings' it's clear the band wanted to avoid being shackled down as just another flashy Melodic Metal band, determined to add some grit and attitude to the mix and the result is one of beauty. Sure members have come and gone since then (2015), but the formula will remain the same, this might be 'Turbyne Metal' but whatever it is, it's a breath of fresh air. Think Cypher 16 meets Scar Symmetry meets Iron Maiden, a metal concoction that will leave you drooling for more, the origin of Turbyne is Dumfries, Scotland, but the ending is nowhere to be seen. Download This: "The Fate Of A Dying World" For Fans of: Scar Symmetry, Iron Maiden, Cypher 16. [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON OBZIDIAN 'Obliteration Process' ROCKSECTOR 17 years in and now four albums down, things cannot get any rosier for Obzidian could they? Well unless you count their amazing set at Bloodstock showcasing material from their latest album 'Obliteration Process', their tight-ass combination of Progressive Thrash and Death Metal is so sublime you'd have thought this band would have graced the bigger stages by now. Since 2012 they've been in a sturdy 2 year-album cycle, having had a rocky start in the beginning and 9 years between their debut and follow-up. But with this effort the Staffordshire outfit have clearly shed that past off and emerged with a glistening and sparkling sound, one that will bleed the ears of whomever checks this brilliant outfit out. Thundering drums, crunchy riffs, venomous vocals and a ballistic bass-line come together to leave you totally battered. Download This: "They Led The Fall" - Click to listen For Fans of: Malefice, Gojira, DevilDriver [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON NARSARAKH 'Thy Doomsday Lord Enthroned' INDEPENDENT Brunei's Narsarakh are a leading beacon in their national scene, 9 years in and their debut album comes out with a dank, dark and filthy sound, one that is as extreme as the Asian Metal scene itself. 'Thy Doomsday Lord Enthroned' takes the best from the Atmospheric, Black and Death Metal styles, through the use of harmonious keyboards, gritty vocals and riffs, this quintet are proving themselves to be capable of delivering a melting pot of sounds... a lot more than the initial one-man project did. Expect to flit from the rawest of raw sounds in the Black Metal dominion to the majestic of majestic sounds a Death Metal band could throw up, granted it's no groundbreaker in terms of 'it's been done before', but it's a solid enough release to get heads turning in the South-East Asian Metal regions. Narsarakh are flying the flag for the Bruneian Metal scene. Download This: "Storms Of The Nine Kingdoms" For Fans of: Demonic Resurrection, Behemoth, Unleashed [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON SRD 'Smrti Sel' ON PAROLE A one to watch in the Black Metal world, Srd are a Slovenian quintet who formed from the ashes of Terrorfront (project of Goran Slekovec) and with their debut album only just released last year, a year or so since the band's inception, this is one band that will rock the very foundations of the greats. Bands like Watain, Immortal, etc., will befall to the swagger and menace Srd deliver, their debut album 'Smrti Sel' is sung in mostly the Slovene language, but does have some English songs in the mix. It's amazing how such a South Slavic language can be utilised with Black Metal to create something so dramatic, so grim, so dark that you will be sweating in fear as the music sends blackened shocks down your spine and the suspense makes your hair stand on end. Download This: "Kupa Trpljenja" - Click to listen For Fans of: Eastern Front, Immortal, Carpathian Forest [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON LYNCHPIN 'Millennial Holocaust' DEAD SEA RECORDS CARIBBEAN This is no Pirates Of The Caribbean story, there is no black pearl, no dead man's chest, only some rather brutalising metal bellowing out, spewing across the sandy beaches and wind-swept palm trees of Trinidad & Tobago. The passage of course refers to Lynchpin, who after Wacken hit the studio to deliver their second EP 'Millennial Holocaust' and by steel drums did they deliver. OK enough with the puns. Lynchpin don't take no nonsense, this EP demonstrates that as they unleash a torrential flood of Progressive, Death, Nu Metal and Metalcore altogether in one solid package. There is never a dull moment on this EP, the metal does not slow down, nor does it go stale. If you're looking for something exotic, something brutal, something metal as f*ck, you've come to the right review. Lynchpin are flying the flag for the Trinidadian Metal scene. Download This: "Graves Of A Thousand Unknown" For Fans of: Meshuggah, Machine Head, Necrophagist [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON EMPHASIS 'Soul Transfer' RED RIVET Estonian Symphonic Prog Metallers Emphasis return with their second offering in the form of 'Soul Transfer', featuring a lengthy journey across soaring melodies, harmonious symphonies and beautifully orchestrated pieces, this is a step up from their debut album and with a new drummer at the helm (Stanislav Lint), the future looks bright for the quintet. The album thunders along for a whopping 73 minutes, but what makes it worth the lengthy wait is that the instrumentals included break the songs up; ingenious. 'Soul Transfer' carries on the soft yet powerful style of metal Emphasis have created, it's almost in Within Temptation territory. Given the evident planning that has gone into this album, it won't be long before Emphasis grace the rest of the Europe with their infectious masterpiece. Download This: "Leviathans" For Fans of: Within Temptation, Dream Theater, Tarja-era Nightwish [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON MOTÖR MILITIA 'World In Flames' INDEPENDENT Seven years have passed since Bahraini Thrashers Motör Militia released an album and now they present to the world, the 'World In Flames'. With three new members in the line-up including a new vocalist, this album is by far the best material they've ever released. Thrash Metal is the staple sound of this band, but on this album they manage throw in the occasional Middle Eastern vibe on the guitars. Otherwise the album is a neck-snapping work of magic, from start to finish there is the unrelenting surge of power coursing through each and every song. It's hard to see Motör Militia turning back after this, it's an album worthy of international recognition and could very well prove to be thee album to expose the Bahraini Metal scene to the world. 'World In Flames' arguably is one of the finest Thrash albums to be released for the last few years and reassures Motör Militia that they are flying the flag for the Bahraini Metal scene. Download This: "Reckoning" For Fans of: Holy Moses, Suicidal Tendencies, Evile [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON NECNON MORTUSS
'Válečné Konflikty 20. Století' INDEPENDENT The Czech Metal scene does seem to be slightly secluded from the rest of Europe, but it's bands like Necnon Mortuss who keep the underground thriving. Sure it's been six years since their second album, but was the wait worth it? Kind of. 'Válečné Konflikty 20. Století' is a decent enough effort but it just does not make the cut, there is something missing, that something is deviation, most of the songs seem to have a similar pattern in the music and this is what drags the album through the dirt. Props go to singing in their native tongue, but the album itself fails to shift out of third gear. Despite this, the album is a decent effort but falls short of being excellent, it's not terrible but it's not sensational either. Download This: "Karpatsko-Dukelská Operace" For Fans of: Cannibal Corpse, Vesania, Aborted [6/10] RHYS STEVENSON DUSK OF DELUSION 'Funfair' FANTAI'ZIC To be inspired by established bands is one thing, but to try and emulate their sound is a no-no. Regrettably it seems France's Dusk Of Delusion have fallen into that trap, their debut effort 'Unfair' is predictable at it's best and sure whilst it carries the hallmarks of Slipknot and Korn as the bands that spring to mind imminently, the sound is too much of a likeness to said bands albeit the snippets of audio dialogue which somehow (no idea how) deters the attention away from the mimicking going on. In fact, there is far too much Corey Taylor going on here and this is what will leave the album undetected because said vocals, said artist, are established, period. Unless Dusk Of Delusion come up with a new formula for future releases they will always remain in second gear, welcome to the 'funfair'? Horror show more like. Download This: "Casanova" For Fans of: Slipknot, Drowning Pool, Korn, Stone Sour. [4/10] RHYS STEVENSON PRIMORDIAL 'Exile Amongst The Ruins' METAL BLADE Although they have been going for a vast number of years, Ireland's treasured sons Primordial have not lost any of their unrelenting energy that makes their albums all so great. Four years on since their previous album and the Celtic / Black Metal crew drop their new effort 'Exile Amongst The Ruins' with a ferocious onslaught of folk-laden beats, aggressive and enchanting vocals, and riffs so refreshing, so striking, that they take you by surprise. Now, some might be turned off by the length of the songs but for those who are bold and brave enough to vanquish the thirst for something extraordinary, the experience is rewarding in every aspect. Drafting in Doom Metal elements one some of their songs once again, Primordial drive into the ground the stake of which establishes them as one of the greatest Irish Metal bands of all time; it would take something spectacular to unseat this enchanting release. Download This: "Where Lie The Gods" For Fans of: Winterfylleth, Cruachan, Cnoc An Tursa, Skyclad 'Exile Amongst The Ruins' is out 30th March via Metal Blade Records [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON FRANCIS 'A Million Years Of Loneliness' SLIPTRICK Moldova might be a small country in the far flung corner of Europe, but it's metal scene is ramping and shaping up to be one that can challenge the Western elite. Entering into the fray is Francis with their Modern Metalcore / Melodic Death entwined sound, a sound that will capture the attention of many across the continent and into the global metal community. 'A Million Years Of Loneliness' is the group's new album and it comes fitted with an explosive form of musical armageddon as it twists and turns into a multitude of pitches, rhythms and atmospherics that will leave you jaw-dropped. Judging by this album it seems that Francis are set on creating their own definitive sound and aren't easy to pigeon-hole, thus making them probably the most exciting modern metal band to emerge in 2018... watch this space with sincere intent. Download This: "Nothing Changed" For Fans of: Arch Enemy, Dead By April, Nightwish 'A Million Years Of Loneliness' is out 27th March via Sliptrick Records [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON AUGURY 'Illusive Golden Age' THE ARTISAN ERA Nine years have passed since Augury dropped their second album and it is not really for the better, their latest effort 'Illusive Golden Age' musically is fine, vocals are OK (they are hard to understand for Death Metal standards), but overall? The expectation fell short of 'oh my god'. The album does well to stand on it's own two but it lacks the ability to shift out of third gear into fourth, and whilst it flits between the two genres it lacks organization is rather all over the place despite admitting the music is fine; production wise it's fine, but piecing together it lacks organization. I just wasted time on listening to this arguably decent effort, I just wish it could have sounded better... Download This: "Carrion Tide" For Fans of: Progressive Death Metal, Canadian Tech Metal, 'wtf' metal 'Illusive Golden Age' is out 30th March via The Artisan Era [6/10] RHYS STEVENSON BARBARIAN PROPHECIES 'Origin' BASE RECORD PRODS / HECATOMBE Heavy Black / Death Metal crew Barbarian Prophecies return with their fourth album 'Origin' and armed with a new vocalist, this is probably the strongest effort they have ever made. A non-stop thundering of raucous riffs, vomiting vocals and destruction drums pave the way for this album to lay waste on your senses with a sense of gratification at the very end. The funny thing is you would not think the vocals were female, such a brutal demonic force resides within Chousa's vocals, so much so they can easily challenge even the most guttural-singing of Death Metal vocalists. This effort shall create waves across the wider Spanish Metal scene, but even so it will strike a chord in the extreme metal community, this is an album to cherish. Download This: "Path Of The Soul" For Fans of: Behemoth, Death, Deicide 'Origin' is out 26th March via Base Record Productions / Hecatombe Records [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON KILLIBRIUM 'Purge' INDEPENDENT Upon hearing the debut EP by Death Metallers Killibrium, it's evident that the quartet know their craft extremely well and are perfectly capable of unleashing an unfathomable amount of extremity on the unsuspecting wider metal community. 'Purge' is a prime example of modern Death Metal should be done, no nonsense, no wishy-washy elements, just a straight and unchallenged stream of sheer ferocity marred by ballistic drumming, tight-arse riffs and vocals so brutal, they make your last shitting episode whimper at the gravity of this tantalisingly unmissable slice of Indian Death Metal. Honestly, if they are not snapped up in the next two years by a record label I shall question the activity of the metal music industry, Killibrium set to become the next big export from India. Download This: "Purge" For Fans of: Suffocation, Aborted, Behemoth 'Purge' is out now via an independent release [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON LAST DAYS OF EDEN 'Chrysalis' PRIDE & JOY MUSIC If Eluveitie, Within Temptation and Sonata Arctica had a threesome, Last Days Of Eden would be the offspring. Folk Metal, Symphonic Metal and Power Metal all come together into a mixing pot to produce something rather magical, something refreshing and something that should be in your music collection. 'Chrysalis' is the third album by this Spanish septet, and boy does it deliver a sound that is astoundingly beautiful. Whilst the folk metal elements float vividly in the background and the guitars and vocals take control on most songs, the delicate balance of all three genres make this album a joy to listen to. With this effort as solid as it is, it's no doubt that their live persona will match the likes of Epica, they certainly have this album nailed on the spot and whilst the Symphonic Metal genre may be overloaded with female-fronted bands, Last Days Of Eden have proven they are more than capable of holding their own. Download This: "Dead Man's Tale" For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, Epica, Eluveitie, Within Temptation 'Chrysalis' is out now via Pride & Joy Music [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON DEAD OF NIGHT 'The Evolving Science Of Self' PRIDE & JOY MUSIC So what can you call Dead Of Night's music? Well it could be Symphonic Metal, it could be Gothic Metal, but let's go with 'Symphonic Cinematic Metal'. Set to release their fourth album in four years since their inception, Dead Of Night are a force to reckon with and are set to become the UK's long awaited answer to Nightwish. 'The Evolving Science Of Self' has the sort of sound you'd imagine hearing on a Disney soundtrack, 'Frozen' for example, because it's majestic and cinematic atmosphere lifts your senses high up in euphoria as the keyboard elements battle for supremacy against Briony's infatuating vocals, the guitars and drums content to take back seat, but the overall composition sits right in front of you as arguable one of the finest unsigned Symphonic Metal releases Europe has ever seen. Dead Of Night are destined to set planet metal alight. Download This: "Set The Night On Fire" For Fans of: Nightwish, Within Temptation, Ravenia, Epica 'The Evolving Science Of Self' is out now via Pride & Joy Music [9/10] RHYS STEVENSON VALE OF AMONITION 'Those Of Tartarean Ancestry' INDEPENDENT Being a metal band in a country where the scene rests on your shoulders is a heavy burden to have, but it is something that Vale Of Amonition have taken in their stride. Unleashing their sound of True African Doom Metal once again with their second album 'Those Of Tartarean Ancestry', the Ugandan duo have served up something that can be considered a romantic affair with the occult, the dark side of myth and homage to Black Sabbath's Doom Metal pioneering. The magical side to this album and the duo's music is they tell stories through their music, the atmosphere providing a dank, dark, eerie and unnerving feeling and through the guitar distortion, harmonious and deep vocals and the entrancing pace of the drums, Vale Of Amonition have once again delivered a masterpiece opus, one that will delight Doom Metal fans everywhere. Download This: "The Most Of Merry Funerals" - Click to listen For Fans of: Black Sabbath, Huntress, Ghost [8/10] RHYS STEVENSON CARTAGENA
'Roma Delenda Est' INDEPENDENT Since Myrath stepped out into the wider world of metal music, Tunisia has been spewing out bands left, right and centre. The latest export to emerge Cartagena, is no ordinary Symphonic Metal band, this is a band who wants to take you on a journey back to the Roman Empire times and the invasion of Tunisia; band name refers to the then capital of the Carthaginian civilization (now Tunis). By mixing together the traditional sounds of Tunisia and the wider Arabic world with Symphonic Metal, Cartagena deliver a stellar debut album that will give them the proponents to lay waste at the festivals they are playing at this year. 'Roma Delenda Est' is an album everyone should own because it is finely balanced, between traditional music and metal music it straddles the two perfectly. Cartagena are flying the flag for the Tunisian Metal scene. Download this: "Motherland" - Click to listen For fans of: Myrath, Persona, Orphaned Land [8.5/10] RHYS STEVENSON DIABOLIZER 'Apokalypse' THIRD EYE TEMPLE It would be safe to say that Diabolizer are tastier than Turkish delight, although the latter is just more savoury. 'Apokalypse' is the Turkish Death Metal quintet's premier album and bloody hell does it slay, it's unrelenting pummelling of ferocious double bass drums coupled with unforgiving vocals and a guitar atmosphere that's sharper than barbed wire. Masochistic in it's production and clean in it's sound, 'Apokalypse' is one album that demands respect, it's filth and corroded smacking of extremity means you should bow down and suck off your genitals, you will find nothing more grim than this album, period (no pun). Hark the new wave of Turkish Death Metal, a sound so brutal you will need clean underwear after submitting yourself to this wondrous work of art. Download This: "Condemned To Burn In Hell" For Fans of: Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Unleashed [8] RHYS STEVENSON PLECTOR ALIQUEM CAPITE 'The End' HAMMERKRIEG PRODS. Delivering their latest effort in the form of an EP, Sri Lanka's Plector Aliquem Capite hold no bitterness back, resulting in the deliverance of a rather coarse, raspy and low-fi production certified to appease to those who love not only Extreme Metal, but also (you guessed it) exotic metal. Let's hope that 'The End' EP is not 'The End' for this bestial bunch, because their bizarre-yet-interesting EP release here is one that is hard to come by, it's indescribable to say the least. Unorthodox on every level, this EP might be brushed aside by the elitists as not a 'pure' Black Metal release, but for those with no such naivety, the listen will be a certified delight. By combining artificial atmospherics with old-school Black Metal, you might get a headache but damn it is worth it. Download This: "Hypersomnia" For Fans of: Gorgoroth, Taarma, 'Raw Black Metal' [7] RHYS STEVENSON NEUROTECH 'In Remission' INDEPENDENT Slovenia's Neurotech has never been a let down when it comes to putting out new music and the one-man project won't start now. Dropping his fifth album under this moniker, Wulf carries on the harsh industrial symphonies he masterminded at the very beginning. 'In Remission' is a transcending journey across cyberspace and the cybernet, riding the very data connections that makes this album so synthetically electrified, so much so you would need a ravepit to encompass a growing moshpit... welcome to the new wave of Cyber Metal. Lacing together the harmonies of symphonic metal with Industrial / EBM beats, Neurotech's music is designed to tap into your cranial infrastructure, probe your mind and download you into the musical matrix of which herewith is presented. Download This: "The Last Hope" - Click to listen For Fans of: The Kovenant, Eisenfunk, Within Temptation [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON DISTRICT UNKNOWN '64 (Single)' INDEPENDENT It's very rare GMA reviews singles, but we give the exception to a select few. One of the latest privileged bands is Afghanistan's very own District Unknown. Their latest single '64' may well be in response to the Taliban attack back in April 2016 where 64 innocent Afghan civilians lost their lives, politics and war aside the single is drenched in gloomy doom atmospherics whilst the forefront sound is a combination of Progressive and Groove Metal. The single delivers a trance feeling to it, the dramatical musical representation of the eternal struggles Afghans face, but also the sound taps into their heritage and enables subtle whiffs of traditional Afghan music to flow into the guitar riffs. Overall this single is a statement of intent from the founders of the Afghanistan Metal scene, one that should not be brushed aside. Download this: "64" - Click to listen For Fans of: Sigh, Kylesa, Huntress [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON SLOT 'Septima' SLIPTRICK Modern Metal's latest product is made in Russia. Drenched in vodka and as ice-cold as the Siberian tundra, five-piece force Slot return with their latest infectious offering 'Septima', a bulldozing album with enough rampaging spirit to kick any moshpit into shit-faced brutality. Singing in their native Russian does not hold this unit back from conjuring up something magical, you know it's this sort of music that glimmers in originality, there are very few comparable bands; if you dig deep into the Russian Metal scene then the closest compatible band would probably be Save. As for Slot, well they will certainly notch up huge interest from Eastern Europe, some might argue they should sing in English to break into the international scene - Rammstein didn't, so why should Slot? Embrace yourselves in this beast from the east. Download This: "Reincarnation" For Fans of: Korn, Static-X, Save. [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON EFFIGY 'Eugenics' INDEPENDENT Effigy hail from Bosnia-Herzegovina, a metal scene that deserves more attention because when you take for example the brutal strength shown on their premier EP, you begin to think why weren't they snapped up by a label earlier? 'Eugenics' is your generic slab of modern Death Metal, but don't be put off by that sentiment because the sound itself is far more complex than that. Filthy rotten vocals lead the battle charge whilst the drums supply the artillery fire, the guitars meanwhile add the final blow and thus ignites the atmosphere with sheer brutal elegance. This band may have come from a country still divided, but their music whilst it speaks words, will not split any Death Metal fans up, it's too cute for that. Download This: "Repulsion For Creed" - Click to listen For Fans of: Aborted, Vallenfyre, Abhorrent Decimation [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON VOLUPTUARY 'Hóa Thân' INDEPENDENT Could this ultimately be Vietnam's long-awaited answer to Six Feet Under? Because f*ck, this is really heavy as hell. Voluptuary's premier album 'Hóa Thân' primarily sits on the fence between Groove and Death Metal, but secondarily has subtle injections of Progressive Metal to bolster the sound to a greater level. Vietnamese Metal is extremely underground, yet with this effort, we could be listening to the first ever metal band from Vietnam to be signed by a Western label - they deserve it with this effort. Sure some might find it tricky with the language difference, but truth be told the aggressiveness layered over it is really menacing. 'Hóa Thân' means 'incarnate', and what Voluptuary have done here is incarnated a sensational album out of the ashes. Download This: "Vách đá" For Fans of: Six Feet Under, DevilDriver, 5FDP [8] RHYS STEVENSON PHERETRUM 'Still Being Maggots' INDEPENDENT It only took 6 years for Pheretrum's debut album to finally come out, of course between the band's inception and this album dropping there have been a handful of demo's, the wait for the album was worth it. 'Still Being Maggots' is a healthy and juicy slab of Death Metal designed to keep you on your twinkle toes, prancing and headbanging about the bedroom whilst you douse yourself in beer and wishing you were having sex at this breakneck speed; poor significant other. Uruguay has generally had a decent history with Death Metal and this album is no exception, but rather an example of how heavy this shit gets. 'Still Being Maggots' is a delight to behold, just like a chocolate cake, it's full of savoury goodness. Download This: "Mass Acceptance" - Click to listen For Fans of: Modern Death Metal [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON LAXSID
'Šañãm' INDEPENDENT For the disturbed and those who prefer eerie and weird music, you're reading the right review. Laxsid, a one-man project from Syria (now located in Brazil via Saudi Arabia) is not your typical Ambient Black Metal outlet, in fact there is very little Black Metal in the new EP. 'Šañãm' if you like, is a collection of weird and deranged sounds, sure whilst the ambiance might derail your nerves and send you insane, for those expecting guitars, drums and vocals, you will be met with disappointment. In fact let's call it simply 'Ambient', very little metal involved and yet after listening over and over again, the desire to enjoy the music sits between 'sod it I'm giving up' to 'lets fall asleep to this'. 'Šañãm' is a decent EP, but it lacks a place in this world, if such a place exists.... Download This: "Converted To Knowledge" - Click to listen For Fans of: Ambient Music, Instrumentals, Computer Music. [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON DARKEND 'The Canticle Of Shadows' NON SERVIAM A decade has passed since the birth of Italian Symphonic Black Metal conjurers Darkend and with their third effort comes a thunderous yet gratifying explosion of furious speed, elegant harmonies and ear-crunching power. 'The Canticle Of Shadows' is the ideal soundtrack to your own murder, it's full of dynamic suspense, on-the-edge of your seat dramatics and uncompromising menace. Whilst not leaning towards the more Symphonic-based incantations spewed out by the likes of Dimmu Borgir, Darkend offer a new, refined and extreme perspective of this sub sub-genre. With the songs averaging at around 7 minutes long a-piece, you would need utmost patience to enjoy it to the fullest, that said for those who wait the magic laid herewith is spellbinding and awe-inspiring. Download This: "Of The Defunct" For Fans of: Shade Empire, Opera IX, Twilight Ophera 'The Canticle Of Shadows' is out 25th April via Non Serviam Records http://www.facebook.com/darkendofficial HORRICANE 'Synthetic Forms' INDEPENDENT Veterans of the Estonian Metal scene, Death Metal conspirators Horricane let the handbrake down on their latest offering 'Synthetic Forms'. What is to come is an onslaught of some truly refined old-school Death Metal tinged with modern elements that consequently leaves the sound straddled between the two. In addition to the three straight-edge Death Metal songs is a techno-upbeat version of the song 'Synthetic Forms' that quite frankly could pose as a rather unique sound, if you like call it 'Technodeath Metal'. However good the 'Synthetic Forms' EP is, Horricane won't and should not become complacent, they still have a lot left in their locker and by letting it all out, can give them that much deserved kick towards greater European recognition. For a Death Metal release it satisfies the thirst for something intriguing yet falls short of groundbreaking albeit for the last track. Download This: "Starblind" - Click to listen For Fans of: Unleashed, 'Modern Death Metal' [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON ETHS 'Ankaa' SEASON OF MIST A changing of the guard usually signals a change in direction of sound, but for Eths this rule does not apply, they won't allow it. Marching on across planet metal like an out-of-control tornado, France's most experimentally demanding and controversially challenging metal band Eths presents to the world their fourth album 'Ankaa'. Grinding out new and organically unique music is becoming more and more difficult, yet by pooling together Groove Metal, Nu Metal, Alternative Metal and Deathcore, Eths are questioning convention like never before. Not only could 'Ankaa' be considered a contender for 'French Metal release of the year', but also sparking a whole new wave of metal bands following this collated genre. Question is, why the hell they haven't they been playing at the UK festivals? Gojira are old-hat, Eths is the new shit. Download this: "Vae Victis" For Fans of: Whitechapel, Betraying The Martyrs, Lamb of God [8] RHYS STEVENSON LIVEEVIL 'Blacktracks' METALGATE They cannot escape being compared to Pain and Deathstars and for a damn good reason, they're Industrial / Goth Metallers, of course this is referring to Liveevil. Returning with their latest 'Cyber Metal' offering, the Czech quartet have ensured 'Blacktracks' tops their previous efforts with enough room to spare for future albums. More uniquely you could slot them into the whole 'Dance Metal' movement pioneered by Rammstein as you tap dance to their infectious electronic beats, headbang to the ground-punching brutality displayed and rave so hard that you sweat your pants off and let your jewels swing back and forth to this momentous release. Or if you like, you could pigeonhole the whole album into one made up genre such as 'Modern Dance Metal' or 'Futuristic Cyber Metal', whatever you want to call it, it's too damn good to ignore! Download This: "Vibes" For Fans of: Deathstars, Rammstein, Pain, Eisbrecher [8] RHYS STEVENSON HEATHEN BEAST 'Rise Of The Saffron Empire' TRANSCENDING OBSCURITY DISTRIBUTION Where freedom of speech is concerned, most of the time if what is being said is of a delicate or extremely controversial nature then it's best to say it through an alias. In Heathen Beast's case this is giving each member a unique name to hide their real identity, but what is not hidden is this trio's unique take on Black Metal. By incorporating various traditional instruments including the 'tabla' (Indian drums), 'sitar' (Indian stringed instrument), 'carnatic violin' (Indian classical instrument) and 'Shankh' (Conch), Heathen Beast might as well become purveyors of the First Wave of Indian Black Metal; call it that, or call it 'Hindi Black Metal'. 'Rise Of The Saffron Empire' is the latest effort by these Indian masterminds and with it comes all the exoticness of India mixed in a melting pot of grim, violent and political Black Metal. Out comes the harsh sounds, traditionalist elements and aspiration for innovation. Seriously if you're to look for new Black Metal releases to check out, Heathen Beast's 'Rise Of The Saffron Empire' should be top of the pile. Download This: "Swachh Bharat" For Fans of: ChthoniC, Rudra, Immortal 'Rise Of The Saffron Empire' is out April 25th via Transcending Obscurity Distribution [8] RHYS STEVENSON HOLY DRAGONS 'Civilizator' PITCH BLACK Kazakhstan's most successful metal export Holy Dragons emerge from the studio once again to deliver their (gasp) 17th full-length album 'Civilizator'. Once again they deliver that winning formula that has gotten themselves to this position in the first place, a rampant and immersing sound designed to capture the attention of whomever listens to it. 'Civilizator' is a sharp reminder that this group are far from done and are vastly set on course to rival the might of Iron Maiden. For a band who hails from one of the more remote metal scenes worldwide, they certainly know how to make a buzz across planet metal. Riff after savage riff, each one of the twelve songs on 'Civilizator' is designed to open the pits up, headbang like crazy and guzzle beer as if it was out of fashion. You know, if Holy Dragons ever caught the attention of Iron Maiden, fuck, they would become a supporting act no problem. 'Civilizator' is a stab in the back, let it infect your nervous system and control your inner senses. Download This: "My Fear (Litany)" For Fans of: Iron Maiden, Doro, Manowar [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON FERIUM 'Behind The Black Eyes' INDEPENDENT For a band who is celebrating their tenth anniversary by releasing a second album, Ferium appear to come across as a band who have just started crafting works of mass destruction. Hailing from Israel, this Death Metal / Metalcore platoon separate themselves from the boys as men of pure and brutally precise musicianship. 'Behind The Black Eyes' is the band's second album and fuck, does it pack a punch, so much so you would need to don a crash helmet to save your skull from imminent pulverisation. Adopting a protagonist point-of-view, this album is sure to pierce the hearts of those whoever manages to grasp the meaning behind the complex lyrics. Guttural in one hand, brutal on the other, 'Behind The Black Eyes' is a true testament to the burgeoning Israeli Extreme Metal scene and if they are not signed by the end of 2016, then I'll eat my speakers. Download This: "Losing The Grip" For Fans of: Lamb of God, Burgerkill, Livarkahil 'Behind The Black Eyes' is out now via an Independent release [8] RHYS STEVENSON CHARMCHARMCHU 'Majestic Brewing Order' INDEPENDENT Although Hong Kong now is a specially-recognized area of China along with Macao, the Metal scene there has grown immensely. The latest addition to the Hong Kong Metal scene are Thrashers CharmCharmChu, now despite the rather bizarre band name, the band's debuting EP 'Majestic Brewing Order' is of a socio-political nature and is sure to stir some emotions up in the higher echelons of the Chinese or Hong Konger Government. Full-on 80's style Thrash Metal is the preferred sound and whilst they sound more like Sepultura rather than Slayer at times (and vice versa), the fact they sing in their native Cantonese adds a rather unique dimension to their sound, that somewhat echoes their Taiwanese counterparts State of Emergency albeit with less aggression. 'Majestic Brewing Order' is a beacon for the smaller Hong Kong Metal scene and is one that will please Thrash Metal fans thoroughly. Download This: "War Horse" - Click to listen For Fans of: Slayer, Sepultura, State of Emergency [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON GENETIC DISORDER 'Cosmic Terror' INDEPENDENT Emerging out of the underground with their own brand of Technical Thrash Metal is El Salvador's Genetic Disorder and their debut EP 'Cosmic Terror'. Whilst the vocals would be more akin to Math Metal in the style of Psyopus, the riffs belong to the Modern Thrash era and the drums from the likes of Slayer, such a mixing pot no? 'Cosmic Terror' covers societal issues, humanity problems and the future as the main topics, and with it comes a sound that would get even the most evil Dalek army moshing to this spectacular musical Armageddon. Hailing from one of the most underground metal scenes in Latin America is not easy, but they have their ideas in check and ready to unleash themselves upon the world, we say good luck to them! Download This: "Genetic Disorder" - Click to listen For Fans of: Psyopus, Slayer, Voivod [8] RHYS STEVENSON PESTILENT REIGN
'The Zealot' INDEPENDENT After their debut EP established themselves in the Stuttgart Metal scene, German's Pestilent Reign make their filthy welcomed return with their second slab of skull-crushing, anal-fisting Death Metal. 'The Zealot' is a rampant face-punching music marathon that is guaranteed to carve your innards inside out, spewing your gore-rotted blood all over your squelching intestines as they flop out on the floor. Brutal and guttural as they come, Pestilent Reign are destined for big things with their loud and unforgiving maniacal production, with their latest effort well and truly up for grabs, it won't be long before some of the big boys pay attention. 'The Zealot' is a sharp contender for 'German Metal release of the year', you will not be forgiven for ignoring this band! Their music is filthier than your mums undergarments. Download This: "Ouroboros" - Click to listen For Fans of: Suffocation, Cerebral Bore, Abhorrent Decimation [8] RHYS STEVENSON TAGAROT 'Veleda's Prophecy' INDEPENDENT For those not tuned into folkloric history, Veleda was a prophetic priestess of the Germanic 'Bructeri' tribe and serves as the foundation for the title of Tagarot's debut EP. 'Veleda's Prophecy' glimmers with sheer class, emphatic folk music beats and metal crunchiness, not only does it get your feet tapping it demands you to get up and dance. Letting this rip loud across the Alps would cause an imminent landslide under the sheer power delivered, through the use of traditional folk instruments alongside the basics of metal music (as expected in Folk Metal) Tagarot have developed their own sound which might as well be labelled "Alpine Folk Metal". Full of promise, it won't be too long before Tagarot build up a loyal fan base across Austria and Central Europe. The downside is that vocalist Carina Linder has left the band, so whomever takes the reigns must have the aptitude and power to succeed such a decent vocalist. Download This: "Samant" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Eluveitie, Heidevolk, Punch 'N' Judy [8] RHYS STEVENSON SLOANWALL 'Dawn Of Light' INDEPENDENT 'Dawn Of Light' in short is a really decent Southern Metal release, the premier EP by Croatian newbies Sloanwall broods in groove-chugging riffs, a slow and smooth atmosphere and tons of blues. The funny thing is Southern Metal is such a weird metal genre that it ought to be ostracized from planet metal for being weirder than weird, despite this somewhat crazy suggestion Sloanwall certainly would not care that much as their EP is so juicy, fruit has suddenly gone out of fashion. So whilst your slowly and soothingly sipping Jack Daniels, or Jim Beam's, whip on Sloanwall's EP 'Dawn Of Light' and let the chill time commence. The music is so laid back and rocking at the same time, you would think you were in the deep southern states of America, as for the band well they are doing something right, that is for sure. Download This: "Raw Law" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Black Label Society, Hellyeah, Alabama Thunderpussy [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON PODER VIVO 'Poder Vivo' INDEPENDENT Unsurprisingly yet another interesting export has made its way out of Argentina and onto the world of metal, ok for those who are not well equipped to handle different languages or cannot understand Spanish then switch off, but for those willing to experience something different then check out Poder Vivo's self-titled EP. Brazen in glory. This EP carries all the hallmarks you would expect from a Heavy / Power Metal band: harmonic keys, bouncy drums, stratospheric vocals, erotic riffs and ballsy bass, in fact 'Poder Vivo' is already a short-listed contender for 'Argentinian Metal release of the year' and 2016 is only one month old. Perfect music to have sex to, 'Poder Vivo' is an adventure full of erotic sounds and sensations, let it in and roam your mind because after all it will be the best 30 odd minutes in your life. Download This: "Misterio Ancestral" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, 3 Inches of Blood, Battle Beast [8] RHYS STEVENSON DEZAZTRE NATURAL 'Auto - Exterminio' INDEPENDENT Get your neck some insurance because you will need it after listening to the sensational second album by Chilean thrashers Dezaztre Natural. 'Auto - Exterminio' is a slab of unrelenting and uncompromising Thrash Metal that is designed to reap your soul and claim your body at the sheer force of the music. It is fast, it is brutal and it is so damn sexy that your girlfriend has suddenly been relegated, or perhaps this could serve up as some rather heavy-pounding sex (use your imagination and let yourself go). 'Auto - Exterminio' will certainly appertain to the Spanish-speaking world and Thrash addicts alike, whether this enables them to tap into the wider metal domain worldwide remains another question, but given the sheer velocity and strength demonstrated here, there is no reason why they can't cause a buzz globally. Download This: "Hidrodeath" - Click here to listen For fans of: Slayer, Coprofago, Pentagram Chile [9] RHYS STEVENSON VULTURES TO CARRION 'Welcome Home' INDEPENDENT Metalcore? From Venezuela? You read that right, Venezuelan Metalcore. Emerging out of the dimmed streets of Caracas is quintet Vultures To Carrion with their debut EP 'Welcome Home'. Whilst sadly it is nothing news and flits between being interesting and just another Metalcore EP, it does offer an element of uniqueness that needs nurturing and refining. But as an effort it certainly deserves a nod, 'Welcome Home' can be acknowledged as having grit, sweat and blood and enough brutality to crush your head inside-out. Forgot the emo-tinged Metalcore sound that seems to bleeding the genre dry, Vultures To Carrion are of the old-guard and thus should be given some respect. It'll take some time before they break out of South America, but when they do Venezuelan Metalcore will have stamped it's authority on the world. Download This: "This Is My Statement" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Hatebreed, After The Burial, The Black Dahlia Murder [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON SHE MUST BURN 'She Must Burn' ARTERY REC. If not one of the most exciting EP's of 2016, certainly a dark accompaniment to the Valentines Day activities, full of emotion, melody, aggression and blissful atmospherics. 'She Must Burn' is a mixing pot of Metalcore, Black Metal, Symphonic Metal and Gothic Metal, we call their music "Atmospheric Dark Metal" (or maybe Symphonic Blackcore) as it glimmers with erotic keyboard elements, unrelenting drums, horrific vocals (afraid, be very afraid) and riffs so ice-cold, they would freeze hell over. Whoever let this band out from the deepest depths of hell are pure geniuses, as She Must Burn are set to become the latest and coldest export out of London city since The Defiled. Tapping into each members minds and constructing lyrics around and about the emotions felt, this EP is more than just music, it's a personal statement. Collectively these personal statements lead to one solid vocal scream, the scream of here comes the apocalyptic musical storm. You have been warned. Download This: "Possessed" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Motionless In White, Bleeding Through, Cradle of Filth, early Abigail Williams 'She Must Burn' EP is out now via Artery Recordings. [9] RHYS STEVENSON BURIAL DUST 'Oshubho Ahobaan' INDEPENDENT Bestial Black Metal horde Burial Dust summon the darkest demons to aid them in creating unholy sermons of epic destruction. Hailing from the ever improving Bangladeshi Metal scene comes Burial Dust, a filthy musical collective of three metal musicians of whom bestow occultist blasphemy upon those who dare indulge in this trio's music. Raw in its production and menacing in its sound, the premier EP by Burial Dust 'Oshubho Ahobaan' (Ominous Call), will certainly get the Asian Extreme Metal followers pouring all over it, sure it's unlikely to attract considerable attention from the European faithful but this EP will certainly win some love over from the far corners of Asia. By encasing the Black Metal skeletal structure in fleshy Eastern vibes, Burial Dust herald the age of pure bestial Black Metal from the dim-lit streets of downtown Dhaka. Download This: "Where Is Your Rahmaa" - Click here to listen For fans of: Beherit, Mayhem, Von [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON GIRUGAMESH '-chimera-' GAN SHIN Japanese Metal certainly has cemented itself as it's own recognized genre, there are no musical boundaries and visual aesthetics have no limits. So when the Japanese quartet Girugamesh dropped their latest effort '-Chimera-' there was no reservations at how good it was going to be. Defying the rules and guidelines of Metalcore, Alternative and Nu Metal collectively, the Chiba boys make no mistake in delivering what could be perceived as 'Japanese Metal release of the year'. Brutally erotic riffs lead the charge on this insanely heavy beast-of-an-album whilst the trademark Visual Kei vocals provide the aggression and whilst this is happening, the drums provide such solidarity it can be compared to a wall made of diamonds. Loathe them or hate them, Girugamesh are on the road to becoming veterans of Japanese Metal and with this effort, it is evidently clear they aren't quite done yet. Download This: "Chimera" - Click here to listen For Fans of: D'espairsRay, Crossfaith, Deluhi '-Chimera-' is now out via Gan Shin Records [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON ROTTING CHRIST 'Rituals' SEASON OF MIST Having stood the test of time, Hellenic Black Metal pioneers Rotting Christ unleash the latest installment in their highly illustrious career. In relation to historical events and contrasting against how long metal has been around, it is pretty fair to say that Rotting Christ have done in metal what the Ancient Greeks done during the early forms in civilization and that is? Create a lasting legacy. As dark as Greece's history, Rotting Christ know a lot about success having played over 1,200 shows, released 12 albums and ultimately are still standing strong after 27 years activity. The ultimate question is who would follow Rotting Christ's footsteps from the Greek Metal scene? 'Rituals' is definitely not the last album from these musical geniuses, there is so much life still their emphatic sounds, songwriting and deliverance. 'Rituals' is a strong contender for 'Greek Metal release of the year'. Simply emphatically epic. Download This: "In Nomine Dei Nostri" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Samael, Satyricon, Melechesh 'Rituals' is out today via Season Of Mist [8] RHYS STEVENSON ASGRAUW
'Krater' HIDDEN MARLY PRODS. If you love your Black Metal raw and so unpolished that it makes your ears bleed, then you will love the latest effort by Dutch underground Black Metal horde Asgrauw. Singing exclusively in their native Dutch language, Asgrauw revel in fuzz-laden atmospherics that are so chilling, soothing yet riveting. Granted it hasn't broken new ground and probably won't get much attention outside of the Benelux if not a few countries worldwide, it does however serve well as a truly authentic and enriched warring release. 'Krater' pays homage to not only volcanoes (as depicted by the artwork) but also the beauty of Black Metal, that you don't need to play at epic speed to achieve an epic sound. As for Asgrauw they march on into the unknown, but are assured that they are a beacon of light in the underground Dutch Metal scene. Download This: "Krater" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Urgehal [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON BEYOND CHRONICLES 'Shatter' INDEPENDENT High hopes have been placed on the French outfit known as Beyond Chronicles, well with their premier EP 'Shatter' carrying such a convincing sound that in basketball-terms would be considered a slam-dunk, you would have to be stupid to write this group off. Never has French Melodic Death Metal been so exciting, from the rhythmic architecture providing the basis for the guitars, vocals and bass to unleash themselves upon to the slight hint of Modern Metal creeping in, 'Shatter' is a release that will shake the very foundations of the European Metal circuit. Essentially 'Shatter' is as rich in fresh potential for success as much as Sèvres goaded the world of porcelain, Beyond Chronicles are one band to watch for the future, no mistake about it they will go far and will gain acclaimed attention from across Europe. Download this: "Born To Die" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Marionette, Deals Death, Sight Of Emptiness [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON LA HORDE 'Dystopie' FANTAI'ZIC PRODS. Comme-ci comme-ça, or like this like that. That is what springs to mind when pouring over La Horde's second album 'Dystopie', this French unit explore the various avenues of Thrash, Punk and Hardcore to muster up a violent, abrasive and unruly splattering of Thrashcore; but with more Hardcore than Thrash. Bolting together their sound with the romance of the French language is like dressing up a female Black Metal fan in a pink flowery dress, one is brutal and the other elegant. But despite this conflicting analogy (think black rose), 'Dystopie' is a full-on stomping album that would appeal to any fan of old-school Hardcore and modern-Thrash; it is what it says it is, a take-on what life will be like if humanity keeps heading down the yellow-brick road, except La Horde will lead the horde. 'Dystopie' is a decent enough release, it is not groundbreaking or cutting edge, but it will do for now. Download This: "Chan Chan" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Hatebreed, Scarred By Beauty, Skreamer 'Dystopie' is out 5th October via Fantai'zic Productions and all major online outlets [7] RHYS STEVENSON INVOKER 'Aeon' NON SERVIAM Germany has a long history with producing some of the finest Black / Death Metal acts and Invoker continue that legacy by returning with their second offering 'Aeon'. Whilst the vocals continue the raw sound that distinguishes them from titans of said genre like Behemoth and Vesania, Invoker tend to drag in more brutal and atmospheric influences to the mix, resulting in a fast and furious yet cumbersome presentation. Whilst 'Aeon' might not exactly be the release to drag them out of the underground shadows, it does however poise itself as a decent listen for those who prefer the more exquisite strains of Black / Death Metal. With two instrumentals, a total listening duration of 45 minutes and an eight minute epic, this album will guarantee anyone who peers into it, a listen they will never forget. Download This (when out): "In The Womb Of Arrogance" For Fans of: Dissection, Bolt Thrower, Hypocrisy 'Aeon' is out 30th October via Non Serviam Records in both physical and digital formats [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON FORKLIFT ELEVATOR 'Borderline' INDEPENDENT Despite the crazy band name, Italian wielders of Groove / Thrash Metal Forklift Elevator deal justice with their debut album 'Borderline'. Whether that's a remark about their music style being borderline or their band name remains to be seen, but the problem that is presented with their debut album is the quality delivered. Naturally self-produced albums are a little risky in terms of whether it will be successful or not, Forklift Elevator just avoided that trap, just. 'Borderline' does offer crunchy riffs (especially on 'Damn Bug') and thick bass elements, but it lacks that kick force that this quintet are so capable of mustering. By adding a bit more eccentricity and / or power will give them that magical spark to ignite their career and gain much acclaimed attention. Despite this, 'Borderline' is still a valiant effort it just does not have that quality to make this unit stand out from the underground masses. Download This: "Struggle Of Life" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Five Finger Death Punch, Machine Head, Hebiimetaru [7] RHYS STEVENSON NICROTEK 'Strange Sound From The Sky' BLACK LION PRODS. Eclectic to say the least, well what else can be said when you put industrial music, Black Metal, folk, ambient and atmospheric music into the mixing pot? Insane is another way, but however you wish to put it, it seems that Indonesian soloist Bobby Deathstars has ventured into the euphoric moment of widening the Black Metal cesspool even more. His project Nicrotek has pummeled out 9 albums this year and this is just one of them, 'Strange Sound From The Sky' explores the creative and artistic breadth of this ingenious musician. Granted to the die-hard kvlt Black Metal fans this would come across as a pile of wank, to those into electronic music the harshness of Black Metal would leave them clueless. Hence this release is designed for total musical annihilation and so for that kudos must be bestowed, what with the sound and atmosphere creating a wide landscape, where can this project go from here? Download This: "Unexpected Situation" - Click here to listen For Fans of: 'Black Metal, 'Ambient', 'Experimental music' [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON BLACK ROYAL 'The Summoning Pt. I' ARMLESS STRANGER Stoner Death Metal? If that is not another way of describing dying from a meth overdose then no idea what is, joke aside Finnish quartet Black Royal demonstrate their musicianship well through their premier EP 'The Summoning Pt. I'. Thick as the Floridian Death Metal sound and brutal as a mediocre hangover, 'The Summoning Pt. I' is a league apart from other weirdly genre-combined releases. The sad thing is that it just seems to not go anywhere, the music is good but the initiative is one that lacks that convincing element. Granted it will appeal to those who like thick, fast and ironically slow music, but there is too much going on for it to be a decent release. If the band were to hone in on their playing skills and fine tune it, then sure the outcome would be far different, but this is a learning step for the Finns, time will tell if their is any improvements. Download This: "Contagion Accident" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Melvins, Orange Goblin, Six Feet Under [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON UNDER THE ABYSS 'A Future To Behold' VOCATION Heavy / Thrash Metal mixed with Metalcore influences? Sounds good. Sounds even better when you have the likes of Under The Abyss commandeering it. This French mob brandish their own take on the over-populated metal combination and it is this decision that makes releases like their second album 'A Future To Behold' a delightful listen. With each passing second, new elements are delivered and it is this that leaves an ever-lasting taste for more, with an eccentric approach to the compositions and an architectural foundation to build their sound on, Under The Abyss position themselves as potential contenders for 'French Metal release of the year'. This modern take on Thrash Metal is what will drive the genre forward, forward onto newer ventures and perhaps towards 'A Future To Behold'. Watch this band with interest. Download This: "Meaningless Things" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Fallen Fate, Scarred By Beauty, Evile [8] RHYS STEVENSON CHAOS BEFORE GEA 'Khâron' BLOOD FIRE DEATH Chaos Before Gea could easily become Spain's answer to 36 Crazyfists and Norma Jean, with their latest effort 'Khâron' delivering a ballistic onslaught of insanely angry Metalcore / Nu Metal, you would wet your pants at the brutality of such a release. Not known for producing stellar Metalcore bands, this in fact could be the moment the Spanish Metal scene has been waiting for, sensational vocals lead the strike force with the riffs and drums providing substantial artillery fire. It might not be something new, but it is something epic and that is good enough for the average metal listener. it won't take long before this lot end up on the laps of the Metalcore titans, so watch this band with every passing day because they are going places they may never have thought of. Download This: "Red Lights" - Click here to listen For Fans of: 36 Crazyfists, Norma Jean, Miss May I [8] RHYS STEVENSON ÓSSERP 'Sang I Sutge' BLOOD FIRE DEATH No matter how much effort you put into a release, it does not always guarantee a decent release. This is what has happened with Ósser's debut album 'Sang I Sutge', there is too much going on and very little in the way of organizing it, as if to suggest the band were distracted during the album making process. 'Sang I Sutge' is the debut album by the Spanish Death Metal / Grindcore contingent and despite it's thick double bass (and bass guitar) elements, gritty vocals and brutal pace, it lacks the ability to convince that this album is there best output possible. Granted Deathgrind was never meant to be pretty, tidy or neat, but there is an exception to that, that is the release has to maintain a percussive pattern and not be hit this, hit that, play this, f**k that. That is exactly what makes this album flop, it just does not convince itself let alone the listener that it is the real deal. Download This: "Heretant Enemics" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Death Metal / Grindcore [5] RHYS STEVENSON JUSTABELI
'Cause The War Never Ends' MUTILATION Seven years since their debut album 'Hell War' emerged from the Brazilian Metal scene, Justabeli makes their hallowed return with another slab of old school 'Blackened-tinged' Death Metal. Full of thick viscous riffs that float in-between the ferocity of the drums and vocals that are so raspy they put the old Norwegian Black Metal vocalists to shame. 'Cause The War Never Ends' is true in it's words in that somewhere in the world there are skirmishes going on and so with this 'Blackened' Death metal at the helm of this release, the stage is set for another onslaught of the 'War Metal' style. The only downside is that some of the songs sound too similar to one another, thus the lack of diversity in terms of song construction hinders the album somewhat to the extent that it becomes hard to appreciate certain songs. But despite the inconsistency of song differentiation, 'Cause The War Never Ends' is a well constructed album that will appeal to many fans of Old-School Extreme Metal. Download This: "Soldiers Of Satan" - Click here to listen For Fans of: Immortal, Marduk, Morbid Angel [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON PERCEPTION OF DARKNESS 'Tyranny' Sweden's Perception Of Darkness go down the Rammstein route with their latest effort 'Tyranny', this is notable with the riffs on the song 'Shutdown', the song has strong links with the song 'Du Hast'. Pushing that aside and you are left with a much-improved sound by the trio, one that they can claim as their own unique style. However at times the industrial music side seems to drop off too much, leaving some songs with very little presence and just a basic metal sound. However on the song 'Destroy', the vocal effects really add a strange feeling to the mix and thus this ought to be used more than it has been, something they may do for their next effort. Download This: 'Destroy' For Fans of: Rammstein, Fear Factory, Ministry [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON KREMATED 'Three Minute Warning' Kremated serve up what you would expect from a Thrash Metal album: speed, power and brutality, their second opus 'Three Minute Warning' digs deep into the gravel and sprays out dirt out in all directions. As Pete Dee leads the ferocious storm with his vicious vocals, following in behind are some rather sizzling riffs and blazing drumming sequences, not to mention the whole attitude of 'Thrash ain't dead' stamped across this album in similar fashion to that of the 'wide load' tattoo spread over The Nutty Professor's ass. Make no mistake about it, Kremated have certainly upped their game since the release of their debut album two years ago and demonstrates a lot more promise for times ahead. It seems that their Bloodstock stint injected some fresh impetus into their music craftsmanship and this is clearly evident on 'Three Minute Warning', just remember to get your neck insured because this is guaranteed to give you whiplash. Download This: "Until The End" For Fans of: Slayer, Sodom, Pantera [8] RHYS STEVENSON THE HOURGLASS 'Through Darkness & Light' From what could be argued as Tarja-era Nightwish meeting Gothminister and Deathstars, Romania's The Hourglass have set out the blueprints to create a music style all of their own. Through molding together the classics of Symphonic Metal with crystal clear Industrial elements and a host of Gothic aesthetics topping the emphatic sound created here, their premier album 'Through Darkness & Light' is bound to turn heads across the world. With a fan-base that is endlessly growing and an album that is sure to appeal to metal fans worldwide, big things are destined for The Hourglass as they craft their illuminating atmosphere into a musical work of art and stake their claim as the "Electro-phonic Metal" juggernaut the world has been waiting for. Download This: "Dare" For Fans of: Therion, Nightwish, Gothminister, Deathstars [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON BLINDER 'Hegemonic Cult' We're not sure, but we think that Blinder might have just snatched Cuban Metal album of the year, and why? Well, for starters the emphatic brain-smashing that takes place throughout their latest release 'Hegemonic Cult' is enough to make the toughest of tyrants weak at the knees. Mauling Death / Thrash Metal courses through this album's veins with unrelenting power and a sound that will leave anyone who listens, left for dead. Now, whilst the blitzing mainly resides within the lyrics, the need to be voracious in terms of digesting the music is ultimately relieved through the majestic combination of savage riffs, machine-gun fire drums and of course heart-shredding vocals, with that in mind you be assured that Blinder are flying the flag for the Cuban Metal scene, shiver me timbers. Download This: Final Proclamation Of War For Fans of: Archaios, Pantera, Carnal Forge [8] RHYS STEVENSON DARKNESS BY OATH 'Seeds Of Desolation' ERZSEBET RECORDS The Basque Country does not tend to get much of a look in by the rest of Europe, but when you unearth the metal scene and find out that over twelve years and four albums released, you can tell that Darkness By Oath were and still are very dedicated to making everything 100% perfect. Unleashing hell through their fourth album 'Seeds Of Desolation', the quintet amass the sheer beauty and class of the Melodic Death Metal genre and infuse it with a brutal atmosphere and songs that give this band that identity they have created themselves. Such a release is sure to garner attention out of Spain and possibly across the seven seas, as for this living armada, the inevitable has come and so Darkness By Oath are flying the flag high for the Basque Metal scene. Diskoa besterik paregabe da. Download This: "Screams That Walk With You" For Fans of: Scar Symmetry, Sight of Emptiness, In Flames [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON THE FALLACY 'Love Division' It's not all that often that you come across Gothic Metal from Chile, in fact it comes as a surprise that there is a deviation from the well established Death Metal scene. Entering the affray is The Fallacy, a three-piece who released their third album 'Love Division' back in 2012. What you have here is the deep and masculine vocals in the form of Ville Valo being met with the elegant and feminine vocals of Cristina Scabbia, whilst the guitars and drums deal the final blow to what makes a Gothic Metal album, exactly that. Using the words of the band, it is a Fallacy that only Spain and Italy can pull of this style of metal, in fact The Fallacy have delivered such a brilliant album, you'd be a fool not to check it out. Download This: "Drops Of Fire" For Fans of: Lacuna Coil, H.I.M., Fields Of The Nephilim [8] RHYS STEVENSON CORNERS OF SANCTUARY 'Epilogue' MARCH BABY MEDIA Classic Hard Rock / Heavy Metal mob Corners Of Sanctuary dealt justice when releasing their third EP entitled 'Epilogue', with seven tracks of majestic riffs, bellowing vocals and powerful drums coursing throughout the EP, it is without a doubt that the trio have thought this one through very well. To some it might not seem any different to any other Classic Rock / Metal band, but through closer inspection you will notice that they have their own formulated sound. Even when you have the song "Aqua Luminoza" which was backed by Spanish vocals conducted by Lorenzo Partida, this release has everything going for the band except they need to eek out that one song that sets the world alight per se Iron Maiden's 'Fear of the Dark'. Download This: "Bleed With Me" For Fans of: Iron Maiden, Metallica, Motorhead [7] RHYS STEVENSON PABLO BAPTISTA 'Consummatum Est' What does Ill Nino, Orphaned Land and ChthoniC have in common? They all took traditional music from their country and mixed it with various metal forms. Now the attention turns towards Pablo Baptista, a three-piece Nu / Alternative Metal band from Mozambique, who released their debut album 'Consummatum Est'. By mixing together the aforementioned metal genres and traditional Mozambican music, this could spark a new wave for this African nation. With the vocals wallowing in the style of Corey Taylor and music that breathes out100% uniqueness, there is a lot of hope for Pablo Baptista to break out of their national scene and across Planet Metal. Nu Metal just got a new reason to exist. Download This: "Forgive Me" For Fans of: Slipknot, Ill Nino, Seether, Stone Sour [9] RHYS STEVENSON BEFORE THE BLACK GATES 'An Ancient Evil Rises' Despite the evident reference to the Lord of The Rings scene "The Black Gates Of Mordor", Canada's Black Metal five-piece (were a six-piece) Before The Black Gates held no fury back upon dropping their debut album 'An Ancient Evil Rises'. Now if syrup was not sweet enough, then this band certainly tops that by making a delicious 'pancake noir' full of grimace, darkness and utmost devastation that delivers barbaric blows to the body. 'An Ancient Evil Rises' is an apocalyptic album that sheds out shrapnel at every passing second and forces the listener to succumb to it's powerful presence. This is probably why this quintet ought to be sniffed out by their European contingent. This album promises big things for this band in the future, watch them closely with interest. Download This: "Blood Oak" For Fans of: Marduk, Dark Funeral, Immortal [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS
'Jamat-Al-Maut' SALUTE Mixing short bursts of Grindcore with Death Metal vocals and injecting some Hardcore Punk elements, Pakistan's Multinational Corporations do not welcome any form of mercy towards their music, that is, this music is not for anyone who listens to soft metal music. Since their debut demo 'Equality' in 2011, the duo have certainly upped their game and have produced a much more meaningful release. 'Jamat-Al-Maut' comes as the band's premier EP and whilst the EP delivers some rather assertive Death / Grind, the shortness in the release drags it down, you would expect a much longer release. Question is whether the computer space over there would have taken it, after all metal music in Pakistan is too far and few between. Whether the European metalheads roam outside of their safety zone and explore this band is another question. Download This: "White Collar Communism" For Fans of: Rotten Sound, Napalm Death, Terrorizer [8] RHYS STEVENSON QUARTZ 'Live & Revisited' Sometimes the classic ways are the best, even though Quartz are no stranger to the metal scene after being around on and off since their first album back in 1977 and of course their formation in 1974, 1977 being the year that Mr. Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath produced Quartz's debut album, small world eh? 39 years later and the five gentleman from Birmingham unleash their second ever live album 'Live & Revisited', proving they still have the agility and firepower to deliver such intense rock and metal music in one whole release. It just goes to prove you cannot knock off anyone who still has the ability to bang out a good tune, with that fuzziness of the guitar still present, the drums still delivering the thunderous sounds and the vocals harmoniously flowing freely out of David Garner, Quartz are far from finished yet! Download This: "Mainline Rider" For Fans of: Black Sabbath, Van Halen, 70's rock and metal. [8] RHYS STEVENSON FOETAL JUICE 'Big Trouble In Little Vagina' GRINDSCENE With a name that sounds like a pornographic post-mortem novel it is no wonder that Mancunian Death Metal plunderers Foetal Juice found a 'Big Trouble In Little Vagina', simply put it is pus-infested metal that will make you violently sick at the smelly hint of gore-rotten flesh and bad breath from licking out.... that's far enough you dirty bastards. 'Big Trouble In Little Vagina' broods slamming Death Metal / Grindcore in an rather unique way, through the use of death growls and obliterating speed on the drums and guitar sections, this is a murder waiting to happen. With hints of Cerebral Bore so indefinitely apparent it is always seemed likely that Foetal Juice are going to end up paying homage to a potential Bloodstock appearance next year, well we all need a bit of goreology now and then, oh wait that's the Saw films.... For Fans of: Gorerotted, Cerebral Bore, Deicide. 'Big Trouble In Little Vagina' is out 7th October via Grindscene Records and all main UK retailers [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON MEAN MESSIAH 'Hell' Being part of one of the Czech Republic's most notable metal bands is an honor, but to carry on the pillaging is another thing altogether. Entering the affray is the one-man project Mean Messiah which is the product of brainchild Dan Friml and predominantly focuses on a hybrid mix of Industrial Metal, Death Metal and Thrash Metal, although we call it 'Modern Cyber Metal. His debut album 'Hell' is pretty self-explanatory in that he delivers musical hell, in fact it is so fast, brutal and technically challenged that a mathematician could not even calculate the time signatures, a bouncer would be weakened by the sheer force of this unrelenting album and of course it would out-do Petr Cech's reaction speed. Make no mistake about it Mean Messiah are poised to go far, it would be extremely surprising if this project does not as it has everything you could ask for, except it could be a bit more Industrial. Just a bit. Download This: "Spiritual Resolution" For Fans of: Holy Moses, Strapping Young Lad, Fear Factory [8] RHYS STEVENSON PLOUGH 'The 10th Circle' The Dutch newcomers are here, well that was a bit of a brash starting statement to make so let's reiterate, the Dutch storm is brewing in the North sea.... right. Anyhow Plough's debut EP 'The 10th Circle' completely demolishes your senses with a cleverly weaved together sound of crushing Death Metal and funk-laden Groove Metal. The band name is quite unconventional for the style of music as it implies a farmer relation, not saying that this EP is sweet and tasty as potato mind you. 'The 10th Circle' is classic debut EP, full of oomph and utmost promise, let's just hope that the quintet from Amsterdam have what it takes to keep this sensational music going, it may be early days but the lads have got a fair way to go, even if 'The 10th Circle' is tantalizingly brutal, featuring gritty vocals, snappy riffs and solid drumming. Download This: "Emily Rose" For Fans of: Opeth, Machine Head, Pantera [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON CRIMSON CHRYSALIS 'Crimson Passion Cry' RAVENHEART MUSIC On the international circuit, South Africa is rarely looked over as a solid country for producing metal bands, it comes to as no surprise then that Crimson Chrysalis unleash their new album 'Crimson Passion Cry' via British label Ravenheart Music. Forged in the footsteps of some of most erotic and sensational Symphonic bands around this planet, the epic delicacy that lead member and vocalist Rene van den Berg has delivered is so musically palatable that it leaves a desire to hear more. Weaving together the elegance of soothing symphonies with the dramatics and unrelenting power of operatic atmospherics, Crimson Chrysalis are poised to become South Africa's answer to Finland's almighty Nightwish, a new chapter in Symphonic Metal story has just begun... Download This: "Deo Volente" For Fans of: Tarja-Nightwish era, Tarja Turunen, Within Temptation [9] RHYS STEVENSON PETROL PATROL 'Domestic Warfare' It must be said that upon listening to Petrol Patrol's premier EP 'Domestic Warfare', the feeling of nostalgia in Thrash Metal context begins to sink in, however at the same time the feeling of modern thrash metal overthrows that nostalgia with the amount of power experienced by a Swiss avalanche, or if you like, imagine being trampled over by a pack of St. Bernards. Therefore a warning must be issued as spinal surgery will be needed after being audibly doused with fast-paced riffs, grilling vocals and Teutonic drumming, all of which is inevitably experienced on Petrol Patrol's debut EP. Make no mistake about it, Petrol Patrol are poised to become the next successful export out of the Alpine country and with a fast-paced selection of music, watchmakers would be timed out easily and listeners of 'Domestic Warfare' will realize that Petrol Patrol's music is without a doubt, sweet as Toblerone. Download This: "Ravaged" For Fans of: Slayer, The Haunted, Sepultura [8] RHYS STEVENSON ANTIGOD 'The Collector' Delivering their highly controversial debut album is the Czech quintet Antigod, armed with their modern style of Death / Thrash Metal and an attitude that would piss a few people of, the premier release 'The Collector' explodes into life with the chaotic sounds of fast-paced music with such gritty growling vocals that it makes disembowelment seem like a daily occurrence. Now lets be honest you would find a lot of hatred towards a band that sings predominantly about how religion is corrupt, well one glance at the artwork which shows a half pope, half business tyrant masked behind a Satanic goat mask, this resonates not only within the album title, but also the music this tight unit delivers. Beneath the soft look of this band is an interior designed to make your music life bloody hell. 'The Collector' is poised to get this band some attention across the European mainland and as long as they keep the musical bombardment going, they are sure to be guaranteed a prestigious label deal in the near future. Download This: "Something In The Mirror" For Fans of: Early-Sepultura, The Haunted, Hatesphere [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON DEGOLA 'Corrosão' How many times does a Thrash Metal band try to pretty much re-write either the Metallica or Slayer discography? Increasingly more and more bands fall into that trap, Degola is no exception. But rather than just playing flat out a revamped version of 'Angel of Death', the Brazilian four-piece piece together a sound that circulates early Sepultura and adds a few modern elements into it through the use of subtle breakdowns. This is evident on their debut album 'Corrosão' and yes the songs are all in Portuguese, but don't let that throw you off from listening to Degola. If they stopped letting their instruments rust up from the heavy humidity of the Amazon, they could easily become an instant hit, but it will take another album or so before they reach the shores of Portugal, let alone Europe. Guaranteed, a hit and miss album that some Thrash Metal fans may smile or snarl at. Download This: "Alternativa" For Fans of: Early-Sepultura, Evile, Metallica [7] RHYS STEVENSON MAXDMYZ 'Cosmic Hearse' RENEGADE So picture this, Skindred sleeping with Fear Factory with Korn and SYL laying underneath the bed, a bit of an odd combo no? The same analogy can be applied to the 2010 release 'Cosmic Hearse' by London industrialists Maxdymyz, what happens here is that Nu Metal style vocals get covered with Industrial style elements and finalises with a total complicated sound being developed. Let's face it, trying to nail this album and band into one genre, you would have greater luck at headbanging to this sensational release. With Groove metal also making a subtle appearance as the vocals and riffs establish a musical chemistry with each other and nitro-glycerine explodes the drums into life, 'Cosmic Hearse' is effectively the upgraded and funkier version of Killing Miranda's sole release 'Consummate'. Oh how London is changing.... Download This: "Sayer" For Fans of: Mindless Self Indulgence, Skindred, Fear Factory [8] RHYS STEVENSON SPACE CHASER
'Decapitron' And the bill of the Gesundheitssystem (German health system) will now rocket thanks to German thrashers Space Chaser delivering their anticipated debut EP 'Decapitron'. Prepare to thrash those heads as the five-piece deliver a slice of modernized Slayer on their insanely-fast EP. From start to finish there is no stopping this mob from demolishing every last sense within your body, this is a release designed to maim the posers of the Thrash Metal scene. All four songs are good as one another and so to fully appreciate the band you have a choice of four songs to listen to, but the crux of this release is the unrelenting speed on the drums, rolling so fast it would make Michael Schumacher driving a mobility scooter almost like comparing the tortoise to the hare, except the hare wins. With such fast riff shredding going on alongside the blitz-like drums and the vocals wallowing in between Heavy Metal and Power Metal intonations, 'Decapitron' by Space Chaser is easy to class as 'Teutonic Thrash Metal'. Download This: "Drunken Zombies Killing Spree" For Fans of: Slayer, Gama Bomb, Holy Moses, Evile [9] RHYS STEVENSON |
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