END OF AN ERA 'PACT Zollverein Live' How brilliant is it to think that a band releases a live album before an official studio-release? Well that's exactly what Germany's End Of An Area have done. This Symphonic Metal ensemble set the bar high for their next round as this release is of what is expected from an underground unsigned band, a home-but-good quality release. Sure it does not really deliver that all important and crucial aspect, the atmospheric feeling of actually feeling what it was like to be there, but it does it's best to deliver what listeners can expect from the studio albums. Sadly at times the vocals sound too forced and thus really drag the music down - the guitars seem very quiet, quieter than the drums and so thus can leave the listener questioning what is going on. Download This: "Angel's Spring" For Fans of: "German Symphonic Metal", "Underground live albums" [6.5] RHYS STEVENSON KAINE 'The Waystone' Essex Heavy Metallers Kaine make their welcomed return with their second album 'The Waystone', once again firmly rooting themselves deeply entrenched in the classic NWOBHM sound, despite the artwork giving whiffs of either Doom Metal or Folk Metal. There again the song 'entropy (unrelenting chaos)' may as well take Folk Metal elements on the riffs and drums in sync. What makes this release that little bit special is simply the evident intricacies employed on each song and as each song rallies through the speakers, the overall impression is one of gratification in as far as it seems Kaine have finally found the sound they have been begging for ever since their inception, oh and Rage has kissed goodbye to the gruff vocals.... play it again Sam. Download This: "Dreams To Nightmare" For Fans of: Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas Priest, Motorhead [8] RHYS STEVENSON CRUX 'Elapse With The Relapse' WINDMILL Fresh from their lengthy hiatus of around 15-20 years, South Korea's Crux may well be one of the old guard, but their music is as fresh as the morning dew. Delivering their first ever album may be a daunting experience, but 'Elapse With The Relapse' glimmers bright with the sounds of some rather epic Symphonic Power Metal, with elements of Progressive Metal in tow. Powering through the songs like a Formula 1 car being injected with Nitrous Oxide, Crux are a right gem in this Far East Asian Metal scene. Utilizing sensational solo's to blast any posers off their seats, ballistic drums that shake the ground and vocals so powerful it would make any pop music fan's ears bleed from the pain, Crux are one band to celebrate, 'Elapse With The Relapse' to cherish and of course acknowledge that they are flying the flag for the South Korean Metal scene. Download This: "Itch For The Cure" For Fans of: Sonata Arctica, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden [8] RHYS STEVENSON DUNKELNACHT 'Revelatio' WORMHOLEDEATH Finally a Black Metal band who doesn't serve up absolute drivel, one that does not produce such crap that it makes you want to cry. Blasting out their second serving is France's Dunkelnacht, 'Revelatio' adorns much of the fury and aggressiveness you would want from a Black Metal album without it sounding too false or too soft (yes that does really exist). There is even a point where the band flits between English and French, more of the former and less of the latter, but besides that what Dunkelnacht have concocted is an album that would make the most ardent supporter of Black Metal weak at the knees. If you thought the French metal scene was only capable of producing the likes of Gojira, The Algorithm and Blut Aus Nord, think again, Dunkelnacht are here to prove a point. Download This: "Le Serment Des Hypocrites" For Fans of: Blut Aus Nord, Averse Sefira, Winterfylleth [8] RHYS STEVENSON SONIC SYNDICATE 'Sonic Syndicate' NUCLEAR BLAST They are back and darker than ever, Sweden's beloved outfit Sonic Syndicate unleash a rally of Modern Metal hell through their recently released self-titled album. Firmly rooting themselves in the Alternative Metal, Metalcore and Melodic Death Metal arenas, this is without a doubt the best album they have ever done. If you ever had doubts about them when 'We Rule The Night' came out, cast aside them now because this album eclipses that in the Biggs-era. Fuel-injected riffs cut deep into you so much that you begin to bleed from the outside in, that coupled with vocals more brutal than your last hangover and drums so powerful that any atomic explosion becomes reduced to a grenade detonation, results in what could be billed as possibly Swedish Metal album of the year. This time Sonic Syndicate have really delivered a sonic blast. Download This: "Before You Finally Break" For Fans of: Motionless In White, Soilwork, Raunchy [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON NORIKUM 'Regress In Progress' Norikum may just become your new favorite Austrian Metal band. Smashing through the barriers with an almighty eruption of gun-blazing Melodic Death / Thrash Metal, this is a sound that is sure to ignite the gunpowder and warrant a label signing. 'Regress In Progress' is the debut album by this monstrous machine and what comes with it is an onslaught of tight-ass riffs, face-punching vocals and ballistic drum sequences. Finely tuning a brutal slab of "Modern Hybrid Metal", Norikum have certainly set the bar for times ahead and with this effort are guaranteed to turn heads worldwide. Imagine if Machine Head and Soilwork had sex and gave birth, this would be the offspring. Make no mistake about this, you have no reason to not check them out, they will blow your tits off. Download This: "I, The System" For Fans of: Machine Head, Soilwork, The Haunted [8] RHYS STEVENSON EVILENCE 'Essence Of Life' It must be something in the water because this year Poland has been producing some sensational music and Evilence's debut album 'Essence Of Life' is no exception. Employing the Melodic Death / Thrash metal sound, the quintet quickly muster a decent enough release that deserves attention. The only downside is that pretty much after the first track, the album loses it's sense of built-up excitement and soon enough falls into a pretty standard release. That is until you hit halfway and the savage intent picks up again, so consider this album a 50/50 release i.e. some songs are for this type of fan and the other songs are for another type of fan, however casting that aside this is definitely a good starting point for the lads. Download This: "Edge Of Life" For Fans of: The Defiled, The Haunted, Sapiency [7] RHYS STEVENSON IN HUMAN 'Promo 2013' Last year Finland's In Human made their first step into the music world with their promo EP, wielding an apocalyptic style of Melodic Death Metal right at the core, this five-piece armada demonstrate here a sound that deserves a lot of attention. Now let's think about this, since the Melodic Death Metal scene is rather overun by bands who sound similar, there are very few bands that you could possibly liken In Human to, besides possibly Scar Symmetry. Three songs totaling 13 minutes is what is served up and on the sides comes a sumptuous and erotic mix of funk, groove, melodies and the nitty gritty of metal music in it's prime. This is a decent release that holds promise for the future, whether that promise is fulfilled or not remains to be seen. Download This: "Hysteresis" For Fans of: Scar Symmetry, Wintersun, Deals Death [8] RHYS STEVENSON SPIRITUS DIABOLI 'Spiritus Diaboli' Female Black Metal vocals may as well be considered a rarity, so when Spiritus Diaboli emerge on the Brazilian Metal scene, they drag with them a unique level of anticipation. Their debut self-titled album really captures the essence of true underground Black Metal, with a sound so raw it would make Varg Vikernes wet himself, leading the brigade is 17 year old L. Scarlet, alongside her are four other teenage metalheads of whom all weave their elements into this release very well. Make no mistake this is an album positioned towards the BM fans who love their music as black as death, grim as homicide and bitter as black coffee. It is early days for this group, but they are sure to make a name for themselves in the next few years. Download This: "Curse Of The Widow" For Fans of: Watain, Rotting Christ, Dissection [8] RHYS STEVENSON NONSERVIAM
'A Spectral Ascension' Following hot off the heels of their premier EP, uprising Melodic Death Metal outfit NonserviaM concoct another excellent slab of monstrosity, melody and total brutal carnage. Their debut album 'A Spectral Ascension' exhibits a tighter, grizzlier and irresistible sound that gently and harshly caresses the listeners senses simultaneously. It is clear that there has been progression since "Ordinance Of Reason", such as the vocals periodically having an echo effect built in to give that added level of dramatics and the vocal range expanding as well, as for the guitars and drums, well they simply have gotten heavier, more direct and more synchronized. This could be NonserviaM's time to exploded out of the Malaysian Metal scene Download This: "Amongst The Scorned" For Fans of: Deals Death, Preternatural, Sight Of Emptiness [8.5] RHYS STEVENSON
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