ITERATE 'Ephemerals' What is amazing about the Indian Metal scene, is that each and every band that debuts their first ever release ends up with a slight twist on the western style of that specific genre and so now Chennai pays homage to Progressive Groove mob Iterate as they have just released their debut EP entitled 'Ephemerals', what comes from this is a brutal onslaught of riff shrapnel, ground-breaking drumming sequences and a sound that correlates to the groove elements of Lamb of God and the hard vocal style of any Progressive Hardcore band, but the vocals at times sound a little weak and not sharp enough to make the EP a fully fledged success. However, fans of the djent movement will wet themselves over the guitar note synchronization that goes on and throughout the EP. Download This: "Light The Flares" [7] RHYS STEVENSON TIME'S FORGOTTEN 'The Book Of Lost Words' How many band's decide to release an album that is designed like a book? Not many, this results in the Progressive Metal outfit Time's Forgotten to do just that for their third full-length release 'The Book Of Lost Words'. What comes inside this intricate production is pacey drumming, Power Metal style vocals and slit-throat riffs, a concoction of sensational metal music that can only be designed and carefully crafted by the Costa Rican quintet. In fact what could be clearly seen here from the photos inside the booklet, is a merging of steampunk and metalhead fashion, this resonates in the philosophical lyrics that power each song forward and allows the band to become another great export from Costa Rica. Download This: "Days Like Eternity" For Fans of: Iron Maiden, Dream Theatre and Symphony X [8] RHYS STEVENSON WRECKING TANGANYIKA 'The Witchcraft Project' Thanks to the internet, Metal music is reaching all corners of the globe, but what is this? Zambian Deathcore? Correct. Hailing all the way from the capital city Lusaka, Wrecking Tanganyika have released their debut EP 'The Witchcraft Project' and needless to say it offers a unique style of Deathcore, well actually it's a cross mix of Hardcore, Melodic Metal and Death Metal, none the less it is unique in that it incorporates traditional African rhythm, a some what ethnic style of metal music. With the snarly grizzly vocals commanding the front line and the music following behind with a pitch perfect face-punching sound, Wrecking Tanganyika are truly flying the flag for Zambian Metal. Download This: "How Long Till There's Nothing Left' For fans of: The Black Dahlia Murder, Whitechapel and Imminence Download or donate here: [8] RHYS STEVENSON GEMINI ABYSS 'Claim Of The Planet' It seems apparent that the Polish Metal scene of late has spawned off a wave of female-fronted bands in the Power Metal, Gothic Metal and Melodic Metal musical vain. However, the second full-length album 'Claim Of The Planet' by Łódź-based Gemini Abyss features a host of heavy and deep male vocals alongside the majestic melodies flowing in the background behind the accompanying sensual female vocals. What makes 'Claim Of The Planet' a spellbinding example of powerful musicianship is the interaction between the softened smooth elements and the rough gritty masculine embodiment, the classical 'beauty and the beast' scenario with added drama and that in itself is inescapable in that it is there and cannot be ignored even if one tries to, if you want gothic literature in it's musical form, then Gemini Abyss is for you. Download This: "Land of Death" [8] RHYS STEVENSON MYOPIC EMPIRE 'Myopeia' At times Essex may as well be a rather doom-laden place, how fitting is it then that two musicians come together and form Myopic Empire, simply put a Doom Metal band. Situated in the coastal town of Southend, this outfit plunge into the deeper depths of hell and drag back up with them a sound that is thick as molasses and as gloomy as a thunderstruck atmosphere. Thus leading to the first demo being born, 'Myopeia' carries a bleak and cold feel to it whilst resonating from similarities with bands such as Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard and realistically any band circulating the Heavy / Doom Metal crossover point. The salient point behind Myopic Empire is that they are carrying on the true sound of the original variant of Doom Metal. Download This: "Biofuel" [7.5] RHYS STEVENSON LOYALIST 'Train Tracks' Take some burly Canadians, place them in a Melodic Metalcore band and you end up with Loyalist, the six-piece outfit come from out of the shadows with a fiery attitude, ballsy riffs, mind-screwing drumming and the vocals spitting acid, as they lock onto downtown Toronto to pound their latest EP 'Train Tracks' through, seriously the EP brings out an atmosphere that makes WWF look like children play-fighting, it is that brutal and yet on the other side the melodies are more imaginative than Devin Townsend in his heyday. Ingeniously the usage of auto-tune has been used perfectly here within reason and the breakdowns are of adequate quality. It's early days yet but the Canadian Metal scene will be seeing a lot more of Loyalist in the years ahead, better make that the global metal scene as the band lay fellow countryman Justin Bieber on the 'Train Tracks', and you know what happens then! Don't you? Download This: "Normandy" For Fans of: Tides of Virtue, Bury Tomorrow, As I Lay Dying [8] RHYS STEVENSON Our World In Ruins 'Meet Me In The Circle' (Single) Massachusetts in recent years has been a breeding ground for endless reckless and relenting Metalcore talent, there is no stopping the locals from having withdrawal symptoms from lack of breakdowns and the sheer face-smacking power of a good 'core' band. Cue Our Would In Ruins with their latest single 'Meet Me In The Circle, spewing out of the centre is a complex form of technical metalcore with deathcore influences here and there. Drawing similarities to that of Resist The Thought, Partway Drive and The Dead Lay Waiting, this American mob are certainly heading in the right direction and what makes the song catchier still, the auto-tune and insane riff breakdown at the very end, followed by some rather technical metalcore. Check it out here: For fans of: Resist The Thought, Parkway Drive, The Dead Lay Waiting [8] RHYS STEVENSON ORDER OF 315 'Near-Birth Experience' Order of 315 are a hard one to pin down and pigeon hole into one metal genre, they seem to drag in influences from a diverse background including Korn, Five Finger Death Punch and Slipknot, that's just the surface of things, in reality the music is more complicated as heard on the band's debut album 'Near-Birth Experience', it takes in the furious force shed by Slipknot but twists it with a sort of Alternative / Nu Metal emphasis, minus the turntables. The problem is at times it can sound a little too congested as if each musician was battling to get their music in, this is heard especially on the song 'Some Like It Shot' where there is too much going on and so as a result diminishes this band's true potential at creating something unique. Download This: "Nonpoint" [6] RHYS STEVENSON DEFACED 'On The Frontline' If they call this Death Metal, then Blood On The Dance Floor might as well be Thrash Metal, this is far from Death Metal and fails to even be considered as an authentic Death Metal album! 'On The Frontline' by Swiss quintet Defaced do it well on the drums and the guitar note sequences, however the vocals are left to be desired, metal lovers might need a voice decoder just to get what the lyrics are, because they are barely there, at times it sounds like the lyrical sheets were burned or something and the band decided to use improvisation as a backup plan. Take away the vocals and you got an epic instrumental, but the vocals let the album down terribly. Now where did I leave that Swiss army knife, ah.... Download This: "Gore House" [5] RHYS STEVENSON KEVIN M BUCK
'Musick For The New Aeon' OSIRIS Shredding is a form of art coming from intricate guitar playing, musicians like Kevin M Buck know all to well what is involved and what is expected of such a performance, thus the Illinois musical maestro comes back in 2012 to deliver number three, 'Musick For The New Aeon', a majestic and entrancing journey through the mind of the American to his sensational playing oriental style guitar compositions whilst channeling it down the Heavy Progressive Metal vein and creating music that fits the lyrical themes he has chosen, notably Egypt and it's associated mythology. Bands like Nile and Egypt's Scarab will be most impressed if they heard this and as 'Musick For The New Aeon' gleefully plays, you get the sense that Kevin M Buck is in the same league as Devin Townsend, a musical genius. Download This: "Musick For The New Aeon" [8] RHYS STEVENSON
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